Tom Osborne Edition
>Nebraska will never be as good as they were in the mid-'90s
maybe but that doesnt mean they cant win a title
>oregon o-line coach named tom osborne
maybe we can hire him if riley doesn't work out
I wish Nebraska would accept this fact.
Any streams? I'm stuck just listening to radio. Oregon won the toss, it seems.
my stream is still showing the fsu blowout
I live in Omaha, and they're making us watch the fucking FSU-Louisville postgame. What the fuck ESPN.
It's started on WatchESPN!
so its not just me
god damn white men used to dress so splendidly
I'll use this then
Unless you pay for satellite or cable and have espn you won't.
well I pay for dish but I didn't have to type in any info to use it
I also only have the spanish espn with my package
I found this just in case people can't use the espn link that was posted
Riley on suicide watch
they're using meme plays early too
Finally. A simple player that doesn't hijack my browser with ads
Ducks will gopher too until they're it stops working
need to open up the passing game a little
>2 three and outs
Fucking kill me
We are going to lose by 50 at the rate
he's the tight ends/special teams coach
my mistake
Stanley Morgan is a fucking stud
keep it moving
Fucking jews. I have it on the TV, but they won't let me stream.
so the espn stream is a few seconds behind
that bites
Yeah. I'll just have to watch it there and shit post from my phone.
Not with that attitude they won't faggot
the defense is looking great right now
oh my
surprised they went for it this early
>Going for it on 4th and 8
>mid Field
Riley coaching scared....I don't like this huskerbros...i don't like this at all.
I think he wants to force his will on oregon
Big loss for Oregon with Freeman going out
We have no will to force right now...
Ballsy coaching on both sides, these coaches know each other and the staff too.
need to get the stop, huskers
>dat center literally tackling our safety
>dat no holding call
no 2 for you
hold onto the ball
kill me
stop fumbling
get it together nerdbraska
>its a neb fucking chokes episode
your kidding me
Why don't Big 12 schools have any really fast nigs like the SEC and Pac 12 do?
Stop going for 2 Oregon ffs
there aren't a lot of blacks
only big corn fed boys
It keeps going like this im glad im not in lincoln
are they gonna fuck it up or choke?
they will get it in
not the butt?
Who /oregon/ here?
>have only two feet to go
>can out-physical Oregon's run defense
>keep passing with your quarterback that has a 50% accuracy rate
touchdown but jesus, Reilly, get your shit together.
not bad, late rally
I think there are only 2 total today for some odd reason. I was expecting more of you guys
I don't know about the rest of them but I'm pretty hungover so I almost slept through this game.
im here
Who /listening to the game at work/ here?
I get to watch it
Fuck you too man
chugga chugga choo choo
Now that's a solid drive.
If we keep this up and play clean, we win.
If we don't, we lose...simple.
Its tied. lets see how we can fuck this up
>It's an Oregon has shit defense episode
Every damn year.
every year the ducks linebackers are terrible
just keep it moving
2 score lead
huskers got away with that
It feels like if we don't have a 15 point lead going into the half we're fucked.
Also why did we run every single 2 point?
Auburn fan here. Who should I go for?
pls be okay armstrong
you guys are bold apperently
Tommy probably not returning for a while. Bring in the fighting Ginger, the lighter of Lincoln, the day walking destructor, Ryker Fyfe. Lend him your meme magic boys
No clue.
And yes offense has to score 40+ a game to win. Been this way for fucking ever and they keep that shitter around coaching the linebackers.
Then this year hire a meme in Hoke.
damn husker d isnt looking bad
You should always go for Nebraska. Oregon is a meme team and like all good Cred Forums brothers, you should hate meme teams
big stop
and its neutralized
eh, i retract my post
come on guys
Buckeye fan here, go Big Red!
Cuck the ducks.
good point. Go Huskers
Anyone have the remove kebab image, cornhusker edition?
afraid not
Tommy is kill. Pucker your buttholes boys, things about to get hairy
this is bad
How badly would Pelini be getting rekt right now if he was still HC? Oregon is like his nightmare
down by 1 down and a field goal
Go Ducks!
just great
>Tommy is obviously not 100%. So let's call a designed qb run.
Genius coaching
need the blackshirts to step up
my high school did this meme
its been well established tradition at nebraska
needed that
I love them good german folks
> lets put a helmet on this SS skull
I'm not sure if it is helping one team or the other, but this group of referees has been shit for this entire game
>the city of eugene
jesus this game is going to give me a heart attack.
>the city of 2 point conversions
As a Nebraska fan, I can say the refs have been fucking over Oregon.
It's been shit for both teams, but admittedly Oregon has been fucked a little more than big red. This coming from a husker fan.
put this away huskers
All you had to do was kick the damn ball
Heart attack incoming
What the fuck was that playcall
What fucking playcall was that?
Good game ducks! Best of luck in Pac play. Classy move with the flowers. Even though you're /meme/ dream, much respect
>pac 12 refs
It's their own fault if they can't figure out how to properly rig the officiating crew
>meme for two
Its a pac12 crew were used to getting randomly boned.
It's not even like they intentionally favored nebraska they're just retarded
Was at the game, it was ear-splitting loud at the very end. I go to a lot of games and must say the Duck fans are some of the nicest visiting fans I've ever been around out if the probably 50 plus Nebraska home games I've been too. Several of them high fived me before the game, one saw me hitting a joint and ran up and took a couple drags, lol.
Refs seemed kinda bad both ways. Oregon had several stupid penalties and apparently couldn't figure out that if you hit the receiver a second before the ball gets there they are gonna flag you every time.
Had fun, wish the Ducks the best this year.