
>actually win more often than lose

Other urls found in this thread:

>supposed to be the greatest football nation on earth
>lose 7-1 to a bunch of part time aryans

you forgot the picture so i'll fix that for you

Saved, thank you based Croatia

So yeah I was reverse searching the image and found the video you posted, what the fuck did I just watch?

share my man


>haha are you ready?
>haha probably not lol xD
>hehe *giggle* weee

>The Los Angeles Angels
>of Anaheim


at least explain it

was expecting porn

Me too family

The girl is probably Toulouse as well

Why are women such spazzes


being weak is shameful

>that over the top reaction and screaming,

Annoying but I can see this being a new fetish for me.

that's pretty hot, especially the part where she's actually suffering

society must become all male or die

all male utopia

>2.2 million scoville units

for reference, a jalapeno is 2,500-8,000. a cayenne is 30,000-50,000. and a habanero is anywhere from 100,000 to 300,000.


it's like eating pepper spray. fuck that shit.

OP is a wizard

this was an entertaining thread, thank you buraz

more of this

Let's just get to the point.

That bitch is a discount Sydney Cole anyways.

I don't know how you call this (rundown makeup maybe?) but it's so fucking hot

I just fapped to the brunette Tbh


Cred Forums at its best

I just want to unzip the brunette's top and cum on her face

i grow habs

but yeah superhots are a meme