So I'm going to this today with a few friends. Never been to a game before

So I'm going to this today with a few friends. Never been to a game before.

What am I in for lads?

Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016.

>Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016
>paying the gookmoot to DATAMINE you

Holy shit dude delete yourself

>What am I in for lads?

two shit teams in a shit country

>Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016

holy shit, thought that people couldn't get any worse in this place.

Pretty much chess played using 300-pound muscular men as the pieces. Also a lot of breaks between the action while people figure out their next move..

id expect a keystone cops level of play from two teams that wont make the playoffs while surrounded by people i wouldnt want to be around.

>Cred Forums pass user

might as well have the word cuck tattooed on your forehead

You'll have more fun watching your beard grow

my time is valuable, I'm not going to waste it on captcha

Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016.

>Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016.

Is gookmoot seriously going to put this on every post now?

>Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016.


literally all you have to do now is click a box

It's a cuck tag.

>giving money to Cred Forums

Finally outing all the cucks

>being a poorfag

I'm sorry that I can actually afford the luxurious things in life

Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016.

>Cred Forums pass

sorry I can't hear you over my reduced cool down times

samefag trying to be cool

NFL is desperate lmao

ਃਃ Cred Forums Pass user since September 2001.

pay debts

desperate? perhaps you need to kill yourself poortugeez orange picker

>September 2001

>people paying for this shit

Ooooo, nice comeback, really good 10/10 would LOL again

ਃਃ Cred Forums Pass user since September 2001.

he did some shady stuff on 2ch so this is no surprise

I don't read moon runes.

There is a translation literally right next to it


>Paying for Cred Forums
I hope the sharia police kills you

he IS gookmoot masquerading as a site visitor so he can shill for passes

>Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016.

lol fucking dickhead

This is interminably dull
How the fuck do you endure this

>Cuck tags are now a thing
What a time to be alive.

is this real

both teams are terrible

>try to get other countries into the NFL
>send them the fucking jags every year
good plan goodell

fucking kys nobody cares

>my time is valuable
>posts on Cred Forums
>has 9 hours to kill today at a spandexcuddle game

>Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016

Kek, googling colts, one of the first results was a recent tweet "what a terrible game, I bet the Brits are saying "take this garbage back across the pond""

Glad I slept in instead of watching this game

They're trying to force these shit teams onto us. It's god damn annoying. I'd don't want to watch the fucking jags or Texans or buccs play, each other no less.

I would imagine a very sterilized and highly contrived environment in the stadium

If the NFL wants to meme themselves into a franchise in London they're doing them a disservice by sending two literallywhos in the jags and colts