Did you enjoy it when you saw it in the theater?

Did you enjoy it when you saw it in the theater?

I expected more lightsaber duels but yes I enjoyed it.

Yes. It had the best pod-racing sequence I had ever seen.

I was 10 years old, so yes. I was more focused on the cheese and nachos i had in my lap though.

I was 11, and thought it was good. I don't like any of the SW movies much today.

Too much sand

was 10 also and I don't remember about it, I just know I went to see it with my best friend and his brother

I loved it back then and I haven't seen it since. Jar Jar was funny, podracing was cool and so was the lightsaber battle at the end. Portman, Darth Maul, lots of cool shit in it. I still look back on it fondly.

The Phantom Kino

Still my favorite Star Wars movie to this day. The political intrigue was really fascinating and it went beyond a trite conflict of good versus evil.

No. It literally ruined my childhood fandom for star wars. I even peed in my pants during the film because I didn't want to go to bathroom during it. Imagine sitting there in your own pee, slowly realising that this movie is not getting any better and the most precious childhood passion moves away from your soul.

Why? Every OT movie had a grand total of one light saber dues each menace had TWO

I was 9 and thought it was shit and I love the originals today

>The political intrigue was really fascinating

Please tell me what's fascinating about it. It seems pretty simplistic, just dressed up in a lot of needlessly convoluted plotting

considering i was 5, yes. i watched it recently and still liked it. i cant tell if its just the member berries or me actually enjoying it.

The dynamic between the Senate and jedi council was cool. How the council had no power but held a lot of prestige and the eventual mistrust of the shady jedi order

I was 9 and I enjoyed it.

I watched all episodes this winter for the first time and I liked the prequels although I recognise their flaws and I like the originals a lot more.

Yes, probably because I was 11 years old. I actually liked Jar Jar for gods sake. I think I had a little plushie of him at one point. I also had the soundtrack and I would listen to the epic duel song over and over

saw it when I was 10. nobody's going to believe me but I really didn't enjoy it as much as IV and VI. i think I did like it more than V, which I was a bit too young to fully appreciate.

my favorite part was on tatooine with the podracing. that felt more like a real adventure story than all the nonsense about trade agreements. also, no, nothing about this was fascinating. the socieities and political systems weren't fleshed out enough for it to be fascinating, it's just a bunch of cliched and turgid political-sounding dialogue that's barely actually about anything. the EU then spent the next decade trying to flesh it all out and sort of succeeded, but in 1999 it was just dull

I was 7 and there was a war on so I did not see it for many years.

its still something you would not seen in other movies of its type.