
tldw Mace Dindu is snoke because he has a purple light saber and the lightning didn't kill him. Rey is Sheev's granddaughter, Finn is Dindu's son. Snoke wants to kill the Skywaler/Palpatine lines for making him an ugly mofo.

Snoke says he has seen the rise and fall of the empire, which Dindu has. Snoke dropped Finn off with the stormtroopers when he wasn't very force sensitive. Later Snoke says there has been an awakening, this is past tense, before Rey uses her force powers and after Finn chooses the light side.

Kylo could have killed Finn several times but always went for non-lethal moves. Kylo is personally upset that Finn betrayed them, he is very emotional over a former stormtrooper betraying the Order when he chops up the control room and when he calls Finn a traitor later. Kylo knows that Finn is Dindu's son.

Also Kylo uses Dindu's signature move several times.

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If true dat, WHAT A TWIST!

Oh also why would a sanitation worker be moved to Kylo Ren's unit, and go planetside on his first fucking shooting mission with Kylo?

You're giving Disney way, way, waaaay too much credit.

why would one theory fix 5 straight bad star wars movies and a marketing campaign that relies on nostalgia

Agents of Disney are monitoring this thread.

Doesn't Snoke have both his arms though?

I watched this last night and honestly, if it were true, I would be willing to overlook how bad TFA was.

>Perfectly ties the prequels, OT, and sequels together
>Based Samuel L. Jackson gets to return
>Instantly makes the prequels worth rewatching just for Mace
>"Prequels are not canon" shills get BTFO
>Snoke is instantly made even more badass and is somewhat of a tragic character instead of some generic big bad
>Is entirely possible because Disney loves that diversity and so many people liked Mace in the prequels

Too bad they'll most likely just make Snoke a new character and Rey will defeat him and Kylo with the power of feminism.

The guy has a bunch of videos on fan theories that would make each assumption in the Dindu Snoke video.

Right now I'm watching this and it's pretty convincing and it seems very likely that she is Sheev's granddaughter.


We only ever see him as a hologram, could be fake, or he could have had mechanical arms made and covered in flesh like Luke. Or he could have regrew it with dark force magic.

Watch the other videos. Each little fact makes perfect sense.

tldw They spoonfeed you that Rey is Luke's daughter so it can't be true. She uses the exact same moves as Palpatine, nobody else used those moves.She shows several pulls to the dark side, anger, she is happy when she's fucking with Kylo and in the official canon book released alongside a "voice tells her to kill him." She knows that will make her go dark side so stops.


Snoke is Darth Plagueis.

When the Emperor died, the dark side was null and void in the universe. The Force must have a dark side and a good side to be in harmony

Darth Plagueis (Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life) has reanimated to bring harmony to the Force.

Why wouldn't he just manifest as someone good looking then?

It depends whether we think Disney is good or not. If it's just a basic retelling then you're probably right. If Disney is really gonna make Star Trek great again this is probably right.

It's all very interesting, and I hope at least some of it is true. I especially like the theory that Mace thinks he's actually the chosen one and not Anakin, which would give him more reason to hate the Skywalker line (along with being betrayed by him and Sheev).

If Disney pulls this off it will be the most amazing event in movie history. This will be studied by psychologists for centuries on how to mindfuck half the world to death.

>Why wouldn't he just manifest as someone good looking then?
why bother to look good when looking bad does a better job for what he wants to do?
nigga aint up there trying to make friends clearly, so looking like a ghoul is a good trick

Sometimes though sex isn't just about rape, sometimes you wanna cuddle afterwards too. Ain't no bug eyed bitch on no desert plannet gon cuddle wit dat lmao.

Their face structure is also very similar. I can imagine Snoke being Mace after being hit with UNLIMITED POWAAAAH and being thrown out a window a few hundred stories.

>dat big black nose


>force lightning never killed anyone

What a garbage ability.

This retroactively explains away all the hurt and disappointment I experienced as a child when force lighting was the shittest fucking power ever in BFII. All I wanted to do was run around Mos Eisley spamming lightning, but the Heroes would be on you in seconds because lightning didn't fucking hinder them in any way except taking away 1/128th of their health away every ten seconds.

MACE DINDU hahahahahh

I feel like this guy is giving Disney too much credit. Also the way things are going having Finn be force sensitive and take the spotlight from Rey Sue would go against the feminist agenda.

I think Rey is going to cross to the dark side and kylo to the light side in 8, and I think Luke will die. With Han dead there are no more powerful force users except the evenly matched Kylo and Rey (because Kylo has had training but Rey has more midifuckrians).

In the end it will come down to Dindu choosing a side, which will obviously be the light side and killing his own father.

Holy fuck I just thought, what if Luke lets Dindu or Rey kill him while Kylo and Finn escape in 8, it'd be like pottery when Kenobi died.

9 would be about Kylo training Finn like Yoda, then either Finn kills them both because balance lol, or Finn goes light and helps Kylo beat Rey and Dindu, but Kylo dies of his wounds. Or Kylo could die of his wounds in 8 and they could have Finn trying to work out what to do., Leia could teach him some force stuff.

>Rey is Sheev's granddaughter

What do you mean?

>Finn is Dindu's son
No, Jedi aren't allowed to have kids and the timeframe doesn't work. Your post is full of retarded bullshit like that.

Remember how Anakin was conceived?

God that's so stupid. Make the universe smaller why don't you?

Dindu stopped being a Jedi when he was betrayed by Anakin. It's about 30 years later? So he got some booty 5 years after the fall.

What else do you think is retarded?

>Dindu stopped being a Jedi when he was betrayed by Anakin
You get dumber by the post, seriously, stop.

That doesn't make him the father, even if it did I think it was another Sith who could create life, not him. Even if she is, Leia would be like Rey's niece or something.

Can you explain why? Being a Jedi isn't like some life support machine, Dooku was a Jedi iirc, Anakin was a Jedi. People can choose to stop being Jedi if they want.

Dindu isn't concerned with light winning and never was, he was on the edge, he used the dark side to make him stronger in battle but controlled it. He wanted revenge on both Anakin and Sheev so he decided to use the dark side as it is stronger.

Are the lightsaber combat forms in the new canon? Cause a Vaapad user going through what Mace went through could easily be pushed over the line

>Leia would be like Rey's niece or something.
>People can choose to stop being Jedi if they want.
Why would Mace Dindu stop being a Jedi? Also I was mostly pointing out how dumb it would be for him to stop being a Jedi just because Anakin betrayed him.

He never cared much for the Jedi way, he was going to execute Sheev. Anakin betrayed him, Sheev engineered it. He wanted revenge and the best way to do that was with the dark side.

If Sheev creates anakin who has Leia, then Sheev fucks another woman who has a son/daughter who have Rey, they would be half cousins x times removed or some fuckery. I was too high to get in to cousin relations so I made a joke about her being her neice.

For how much TFA liked to pretend the prequels just didn't happen, I really don't think this has any chance of being true.
I think they'd either make Snoke completely hidden/unrecognizable if there was even a possibility of this. He just clearly does not resemble Mace Windu as is, even post-lightning-to-the-face.

You'd also have to think of a general audience reaction to such a revelation. It's either going to be "huh? mace who? the samuel l. jackson one? really?" just general confusion because they're 10 and this is their second Star Wars movie. To more dedicated fans, it might seem like a crazy and cool twist, but Disney isn't aiming for that demographic.

Snoke is just gonna be some new guy, I think. Maybe with a minor tie-in to the lore, but not someone from a prequels.

oh hai

i see the disney viral budget kick started again today.

cant wait for several months of star wars threads.

Putting snapshots of the prequels and originals in the movies as characters find out key information would bring back sales of every single PT and OT action figure out there. The EU fans would generate shitloads of action on books, comics, games, action figures, youtube hits, all of which Disney can milk forever.

It's a long con, but they can easily afford it.We're now almost 45 years after the first film and we're still talking about it. Name 5 movies from the 70s. You'll struggle. Name 1 movie from the 70s still making hella money today. Outside of Star Wars, you can't.

If they make this as interesting to the hardcore nerds with no gf and lots of money as they can, they could be making money for the next 60 years on this.

How the true story unfolds closest to the various fan theories is simple. Pick the theory which is the most disappointing and simplest thus appealing and understandable to the widest audience, especially children so they want the toys and video games...there is the story that Disney will eventually produce.


>Mace believes he is the Chosen One
>Spends decades learning a fighting style that perfectly balances using the light and the dark side
>Is so devoted that his lightsaber represents the melding of the light and the dark (red + blue = purple)
>Finally becomes the head of the Jedi Council after all these years through decades of training and learning
>Is fully into the idea that he is the one who will bring balance to the force

>Suddenly Anakin comes in
>Mace is shocked to hear that he may be the real CO
>Despite him passing the tests, Mace refuses to let him be trained
>Anakin proves the council wrong by saving the Naboo
>The council reluctantly agrees to let him be trained
>10 years later. and Anakin is believed to be the CO
>Mace dislikes Anakin, but he can't say so openly because it would show weakness
>Does everything he can to deny Anakin a spot on the council, and even when he does give in he refuses to make him a master
>Not too long after this Anakin tells Mace that Sheev is a sith lord
>Mace uses this as a chance to defeat Sheev and prove that HE is the CO
>Right as he's about to finish him off and bring balance, Anakin intervenes
>Mace is too obsessed with fulfilling his destiny that he refuses to listen
>Suddenly Anakin betrays him and Sheev sends him flying
>Mace wakes up not too long afterwards, horribly disfigured by the fight and falling a few hundred stories to his supposed doom
>Order 66 happens, seemingly killing all the Jedi
>Mace snaps, blaming Anakin and Sheev, vowing to put an end to them
>However, he chooses to bide his time, knowing he can't take on an entire empire

>30 years later, a much older yet still powerful Mace takes on the persona of "Supreme Leader Snoke", intent on destroying the Skywalker and Palpatine bloodlines once and for all

If done right, it could be a hell of a story.

Don't forget, the canon novels are making Jakku out to be a planet that Sheev has great interest in, and is the last battle of the Civil War because of some Imperial secret.

In the EU the purple light sabers were used by the predecessors to the Jedi who believed in balance.

Oh man, this is pretty great. But it's too good to be true. Reminds me exactly of the theory that surfaced at Ep 1 came out that Obi Wan was the one who became Vader and Anakin became Old Ben assuming his name and going into hiding, and moreover that Obi Wan was actually Luke's father because at the end of Ep 1 he was the one sweetening up to Padmé no Anakin. We thought the prequels were going to reveal that Obi Wan cockblocked Anakin and raped Padmé over and over just like in her deepest fantasies before finally casting Anakin away and becoming Vader, but that would have been too cool. So it didn't happen. Boring prequels played it safe. So will these movies. Count on it.

Disney knows what it's doing, if it wants to take a risk we will get a good story, Lucas chickened out of giving us Darth Jar Jar.

Mace Dindu only has a purple lightsaber bc Sam Jackson walked up to Lucas and said "I want my character to have a purple lightsaber" and Lucas basically just said "ok"

Maybe it was never planned. It's just a convenient accident. All of this would be out of the blue, there were no clues left in the PT for this to be the case, but there are clues in 7.

That's the stupidest fanfic-tier spin I've ever heard concerning these movies.

Get a grip, man.

Why do you think so?

>He never cared much for the Jedi way, he was going to execute Sheev.
So you're just making this up as you go along, good to know. He was a Jedi master and executing is well within the "jedi way" when there's no other alternative. Stop posting your fanfiction in here, nobody cares.

If you're not good enough to disarm your captive you're allowed to kill them. Execution is not okay. Anakin states twice in the PT that execution after surrender is not okay. First when he murdered the sand people he said "they were surrendering, I shouldn't have killed them, it's not the jedi way" and when Dindu says he's going to kill Sheev, Anakin again states that execution is not the jedi way and that there must be a trial.

>If you're not good enough to disarm your captive you're allowed to kill them.
More fanfiction from the hugless faggot, this thread is awesome.

Well the only alternative to killing someone you can't disarm is letting them kill you. As Yoda said, the force must be used for knowledge and defence, never attack.

The reason Dindu was swayed to making a dark side decision is that his fighting style and crystal come from the planet home to the predecessors of the Jedi. They believed in using both light and dark, their fighting style harnessed the dark side for power. It made them more susceptible to the dark side when fighting.