Why did The Simpsons rag on Nixon so much?

Why did The Simpsons rag on Nixon so much?

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Nixon was a good sport :^)

groening grew up despising nixon, one of his aspirations in tv was ripping on him. source futurama dvd commentary, episode one i think

futurama did it a lot more

It's actually funny in the context of that segment

Both men say the same thing, but Nixon is despised because he isn't as charming as Kennedy

Was Nixon a good president or something? Lots of films include him, from Watchmen to Days of Future Past.

Old Simpsons was cool because it was conservative. New Simpsons sucks because its liberal.

Because he was an easy target to make fun of.
Compared to Trump at least Nixon actually could have a civil debate against the opposing party and seemed like a decent politician.
Also Nixon grew up poor compared to Trump and he's a much more interesting person in general. He really just suffered from paranoia.
Also, he said very sexist things yet he also appointed quite a lot of woman to high council positions. So it really makes you think. Maybe he knew deep down it was the right thing to do even if he personally was against it.
Nixon was just a really intresting character in general.
>TFW Democrats and Republicans don't work towards the same goals and rather the difference between them is how they want to do things to achieve those goals


Excellent president, brought down by his own hubris.

He was immensely popular and won what was (if i remember right) the biggest landslide in history after losing to Kennedy. He did some pretty great stuff including normalizing relations with the Chicoms but got caught spying on political enemies back when people had enough integrity to care about that.
Compared to every president in the lasts 2 decades he's practically a saint.

He's famous for opening relations with China, ending the Vietnam war, and ordering an illegal wiretap on his opponent during an election, getting caught and then resigning before being impeached.

He was best known for his foreign diplomatic abilities.
He didn't want to be known as the first president who lost a war and I think that might of been one reason why we were in Vietnam for so long.

>Can't stop talking about Trump when nobody else has brought him up.

Just admit it, you're in love with daddy.

There was an episode of classic Simpsons where Count Dracula was among a secret cabal of conservative politicians.

Your not wrong. He definitely leaves an imprint in my mind. Goddamn his slogans and his brand is too addicting. But I want to remain loyal to Bernie.

>removes 18 minutes of audio from an audio-tape
>the crime they relate to is eaves-dropping on his opponents
>threatened with impeachment, forced to resign, his name is mud for the rest of history, constantly the but of jokes in media

>deletes 30,000+ pieces of e-mail
>the crime they relate to is the murder of several Americans

>Neither of them go to prison for crimes any citizen would be in jail for life for


Also, he was spying on a presidential campaign that didn't even get 38% of the popular vote.

>Nixon's plumbers were paid through C.R.E.P., Committee to Re-Ellect the President

>Was Nixon a good president or something?

He was an excellent president in terms of foreign policy, diplomacy and economics.

However, Nixon didn't tow the line of Liberal beliefs, so he became an enemy of the Left.

When he stepped out of bounds by eavesdropping on his enemies, the Left made sure it was all he'd ever be remembered for.

One thing is for sure. he is not a crook.

When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal.

Bernie may as well have been working for Hilary from the beginning. It's not unheard of.

Just watch, if she wins he'll get a convenient little position same as she did from Barry.

This shit's fucked up I swear. Somebody needs to pull out the rifles and start making these suits dance, otherwise they'll just keep getting away with it.

Liberals hated Nixon. They couldn't let it go for decades.
The truth is he was a really mellow guy who tried so damn hard to get through to them.

>for crimes any citizen would be in jail for life for

I seriously doubt eavesdropping in a conference-hall would ever get you life in prison.

Post president documentaries.
Recently found this series and its pretty fair in how they portray the presidents.
Just watched the one on Bill Clinton.
>If only Clinton had killed Osama Bin Laden back in that attack
>Republicans were talking shit about how Osama was a nobody and just a ragsandman cable of nothing and that Clinton was wasting valuable resources trying to kill this guy
>Next thing you know a plane hits some towers
>Republicans start giving shit to Bill Clinton about why he didn't try harder to kill him

Nixon is hated for his corruption, e.g Watergate. Literally nothing to do with the left.

Go back to Cred Forums.

>for crimes any citizen would be in jail for life for

I seriously doubt eavesdropping in a conference-hall would ever get you life in prison.

>nixon on all in the family


Whoops, forgot to post the link to the documentaries.

>Literally nothing to do with the left.

Yeah, it's not like the Left openly hated him for his victories and have been circle-jerking over Watergate for 40 fucking years.

Totally coincidental.

low hanging fruit,

nixon became the face of republican corruption after the watergate scandal.

>Was Nixon a good president or something?
he was okay

>the "Left hating him" excuses his corruption and illegal activities
He was just as bad as Hilary is today. As POTUS, there's no tolerance for that kind of behavior and blaming his opponents for his own misdeeds is completely inane.

>Old Simpsons was cool because it was conservative
no they weren't, they occasionally took a potshot a liberal politician but nothing big.

but Obama does the same thing with the IRS, DoJ, and FBI

and hillary destroyed a bunch of evidence after being subpoenaed by the congress and then lied repeatedly about it

>the "Left hating him" excuses his corruption and illegal activities

Nobody said that.

What was said was that the Left hated him, and that the Left has done its best to erase everything about his memory EXCEPT the Watergate Scandal.

Stop getting mad over facts.
Or are you going to tell me the media doesn't have blatant, transparent biases?



They sentenced the actual largely blue collar, ex military wiretapping team to more time in prison than the suited freaks, Nixon included, that ordered it.

Why the fuck do you think "Deepthroat" hid his identity until his deathbed? They'd have his head for uncovering the puppet masters at work.

They all deserved to be hanged. Britain had it right, executing people for all those years.

And am I defending either of them? I just stated how bad Hilary was. This thread isn't about Obama or Hilary, which is why I focused on Nixon.

Nixon was shit

>CIA or the NSA still hasn't killed Trump yet
I'm surprised honestly.


That explains why they love Shillary so much. Literally the paragon of non-corruption.

>opec embargo
what wnt wrong

Nixon was an okay president sans Watergate. You can't blame the media either, when's the last time you heard them talk about him? It's old news, and you can learn much by reading a book or credible articles. Nixon was mediocre with a very bad scandal which is why he is thought to be one of the worst presidents. That's the facts.

If he didn't get caught with the watergate wiretapping he'd be one of the top 5 presidents.

How does it feel to get tricked by a socialist kike who was just in it for the money

>He was just as bad as Hilary is today.

How many Americans did Nixon get killed through willful incompetence, and then try to cover-up by destroying 30,000 pieces of evidence?

What do Presidents do?

Why do you intentionally misquote me? I never implied that.

That one Britlard at least tried. Hilarious that he used a gun to try it, too.

You forgot war on drugs.

you're on the wrong board ctr

He did a lot of good, and he did a lot of bad.

ok well I'd love to see some cartoons shit on Hillary but I doubt they'd do that

Nixon has nothing to do with Hilary. I don't even like her. I support Trump. But Nixon wasn't a good president.

He had a good first term but his second was abysmal and weakened the country.


Kill yourself
-t. Vermont

meh, the saudis were patsies on that job anyway...

and clinton and bush are practically frat brothers

>How many Americans did Nixon get killed through willful incompetence?

19,000. Give or take.

Watch South Park.

That's too oddly specific to answer but Nixon did escalate the war in Vietnam so you could attribute the death of thousands to him at minimum,

But that's moot, because he isn't considered a bad president because of Vietnam by most people.

I'd say that Hillary is marginally worse than Nixon, although nowhere near as comical or interesting.


It was reagan who's declaration on the war on drugs that imprisoned millions of people and him allowing a lot of privatization on everything such as private prisons and shit.

Nixon declared it, but Reagan followed through on it.

>the crime they relate to is the murder of several Americans

the tinfoil is strong with this one


Nixon was the most interesting president that we have televised footage of. Easy fodder because of his stiff nature and hatred of hippies and gays, yet sympathetic in so many ways because of his paranoia. An incredibly complex and smart man simplified to "harumph" and "I am not a crook"
Truly a man worth studying and learning about and learning from. The PBS American Experience documentary is great but also watch the Frost/Nixon tapes etc.
Here's one of my favorite clips of Nixon talking about life:youtube.com/watch?v=Pc3IfB23W4c

Groening and most of the writers grew up in the 70s when Nixon jokes were popular.

because liberals are self righteous faggots that would never admit hillary is a corrupt criminal cunt we have known for too long...

Lots of people who grew up in that era didn't like him. My parents voted for him and felt cheated.

He ran on a platform of pulling America out of Vietnam, a single issue that brought a lot of voters, but instead he sent more soldiers in and never even attempted to end America's involvement.

>Dude I've never read a book LMAO
>Dude this is the first year I can vote LMAO
>Dude political sciene LMAO

Just fuck off if you've got nothing to discuss.

I guess everyone at the Embassy in Benghazi was just showered with flowers and kisses when Al-Qaeda blew down the gate with explosives, right?

>Nixon had the self awareness to resign because he knew he went to far with watergate and he did have a sense of honor to himself
>Still talks about to live for the future though
Sounds like kennedy might of left an impression on him.

Because Nixon's voice is funny.

>The face of evil

Damn if he isn't an enigma.

lefty faggot liberals will never admit hillary makes nixon look like kennedy

nixon was a cuck

Not watching actual footage of Nixon.

One other thing no one else has mentioned and should be mentioned more often is that he gave the executive order to shut down the United States's Offensive Biological Weapons Program, which in turn led to the Biological Weapons Convention which further led to de-armament of biological weapons worldwide.

Bush and the Republicans "loses" 22million emails. Not put in jail. Corruption.

Wasn't it more that Nixon was copying JFK?

Old Simpsons were far from conservative. I'd argue they were libertarian, like Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

is this another edgy Cred Forums thread?

Why does everybody have a hateboner for biochem weapons?

That's the Swartzwelder influence. Otherwise it's Harvard potheads who didn't want to wear suits, Matt Growning (who was basically a communist) and Jews.

>e-mails that dealt with the dismissal of some attornies

Wow, totally stacks up with criminal negligence that got four people murdered by a fucking angry mob of terrorists.

The story honestly sounds like a typical loss of electronic information and not the dumbass conspiracy you're trying to make it into anyway.

Nice try correcting the record (TM) though.

Because they're indiscriminate and permanently damaging and that's a best case scenario.

WW1 and mustard gas.

Yeah but that's a private server, the Illuminati does the same shit.

Mrs. Clinton was using gmail and claimed that she didn't know mail labeled [C] meant "Classified"

You're not wrong, anyhow. They should all be put to death and forgotten

Nixon never drank a Duff in his life

They're probably split and are working against themselves to undermine/support him, except the CIA, they're mostly with the Clintons/Bushs since both families feed into their drug ring.

So are bombs and nukes though.

Being sexist/racist or whatever is usually applied to the group as a whole and not to individuals.

People aren't wrong to be sexist since on average women are generally inferior to men in many critical areas, but you'd still be stupid to not recognize the ones that can outperform men in whatever fields they excel in.

The Wikileaks kinda disprove that

She didn't use gmail, she used something less secure than even gmail.

>Implying Wikileaks isn't working for the Clintons

the entire democratic party is corrupt

Generally speaking a lot of historians agree that he did a lot of good, namely with relations with China, the Soviet Union, and the Native American tribes, ending the Vietnam War, and policies related to the environment, but his fatal flaw was that he was a paranoid wreck

Ironically, if he didn't order that wiretap he probably would've won his reelection.

Feminists will still vote her in because she's woman.

I preferred the Laugh-In seg.

>Sock it to *me*?


I love how he uses a different a derogatory term for gays to describe the son-in-law each time

What the hell? am i having a stroke? i thought this was Cred Forums but i seem to have stumbled into Cred Forums

Thanks god for this thread, i thought i was in Cred Forums for a second

Well I got some news for you...

Groening went to Evergreen State which was in one of the most anti-Nixon areas of the country

Stop lying. If the same thing had happened to a leftie president it would have never blown up as big as it did.

>If the same thing had happened to a leftie president it would have never blown up as big as it did.

Well Clinton resigned because he got his dick sucked, while Bush still 2 termed when he lied about the WMD in Iraq. i dunno, man

The left almost immediately forgave Clinton. Some didn't even consider it a problem in the first place.

Bush didn't lie about WMDs. It was an objective fact that Saddam was actively developing WMDs. Look up Mahdi Obeidi. You seriously picked a lazy example; there's much more heinous, REAL examples of right-wing crimes you could have chosen.

The point is lefties are treated with kid gloves by the media. Meanwhile we're constantly reminded of the crimes of rightists who lived 30-150 years ago.

I think it was NIxon who first declared war on cancer, which was pretty noble

He was great, so of course leftists despise him bc lefties only worship shit tier presidents like Carter and Wilson.

Basically, yeah. He just happened to rig an election he was going to win anyway because he was hugely popular. People always forget he did more for the common man and the environment and peace than most world leaders of the 20th century and beyond.

Nobody has used nukes on people in 70 years.

Harry Shearer was in a short series playing Nixon based on actual tape excerpts.


>Why did The Simpsons rag on Nixon so much?

He was an easy target.

Nixon and Kennedy in 1960 were insanely similar in both platforms, it's also notable that Kennedy won by a very slim margin.

They were also good friends at one point before the election divided them.

Really it's a shame Nixon didn't win, we could have had Kennedy win in the 1970s and hopefully not be so scandalous.

>The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time—it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco. Decorators. They got to do something. But we don't have to glorify it. You know one of the reasons fashions have made women look so terrible is because the goddamned designers hate women. Designers taking it out on the women. Now they're trying to get some more sexy things coming on again.

What did this bigot mean by this?

I remember reading that during the elections, people who listened to the debates over the radio preferred Nixon, and those that watched the debates on tv preferred JFK

Our country used to be a lot more honest

Truly it's harder and harder to vilify Nixon. Even good ol liberal critic Hunter S Thompson wished we had Nixon back after getting a glimpse of Bush.

Nixon will never be seen as a great president by any means, any president dumped negatively keeps that bad wrap. But he'll probably be more of a footnote like how we think of Herbert Hoover. The monster presented in fiction like Futurama will be seen as just straight up bizarre.

Dude won in a fucking huge landslide in 72, people liked him. If Watergate never broke he'd be remembered very well.

>Liberals hated Nixon

Which is ironic when you consider that he created the EPA, cut deals with commies, and supported a basic minimum income.

Dropping bombs on Laotians and murdering innocent Pakistanis in their homes would definitely get you life in prison tbf.

Nixon's greatest crime was not being good-looking or charismatic. Look at Reagan and Clinton, who both committed worse crimes and were let off the hook because they were so gosh darn likable.

Getting hold of biological weapons is alot easier than nuclear weapons for terrorists

Bioweapons are much easier to build and use than nukes. A bunch of Japanese basement dwellers somehow got their hands on some sarin gas and killed a few dozen people in Tokyo. Imagine what an actual terrorist organization could do.

>it's all good if you don't get caught
You can't hide from God, dumb-dumb.

chemweapons are mostly untraceable

He's easy to caricature.
Don't forget they also made the mayor a walking Kennedy joke.

He was incredible crook
absolutely dishonest, corrupt to the core
if anyone dislike hilary for representing special interests and not the people then Nixon was so much beyond that that it like comparing you and usain bolt in sprint for 100m

jesus fuck... educate yourself a little you dumb edgy kids


>hopefully not be so scandalous.
He'd been older, wiser, and more likely to keep it in his pants.

>be Nixon
>Drive a wedge between USSR and China that will ultimately end the Cold War
>create the EPA so kids don't get poisoned by breathing
>create OSHA so businesses can't fuck you over when they injure you
>end US involvement in Vietnam
>reduce nuclear proliferation by signing SALT
>support HMOs
>put a fucking man on the MOON
>increase funding for cancer and sickle-cell research
>desegregate public schools
>be (perhaps justifiably) paranoid that you're going to get fucked over
>your cronies act like yards and get caught, immediately finger you
>humbly resign to spare the country the embarrassment of a lengthy impeachment process
>40 years later every public school textbook just lists you as the big meanie who was a super criminal mastermind
>plebbit it's only know you from their cartoons as a robot villain

Being Nixon is truly suffering. At least he's gone to his rest so he doesn't have to worry about this shit anymore.

Kennedy was suffering from a ridiculous number of illnesses when he took office, it's possible that by the 1970s it would have been too serious for him to even be President.

>end US involvement in Vietnam
stopped reading there are you like completely retarded?

and clean water act and OSHA, he signed them, they were not his projects, he was just president serving when they got implemented

goddamn, theyre both so civil and courteous towards each other, acknowledging their differences, no fucking name calling, or stabbing empty tweets, hell even the newspeople are in line. why can't it be like this now? Have we become too cynical to see others viewpoints?

>unironically saying leftists and rightists
Is it just me or does this shit really get on anyone elses nerves?

>Learning that one day in 72, he actually left the White House unguarded to talk to protestors.
Pretty brave and unorthodox thing for him to do.

Tell that to Snowden

>I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco

>You know, it's a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana are Jewish. What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob? What is the matter with them? I suppose it is because most of them are psychiatrists.

>The Jewish cabal is out to get me.

What did he mean by these kino statements???

He also saved Israel from being annihilate in the 1973 Yom Kippur War yet Jews still shit on him because he said a few mean things on a tape recorder

guys, Nixon isnt hated because of the wire taping and ordering the break in at Watergate

he is hated for what he did to try and cover it up, and how he alienated everyone as he became more paranoid and obsessed with the one being in control of everything

matt groening fucking hated nixon

pretty much the entire reason they came up with the head museum in futurama was so they could keep making fun of him 1000 years in the future

all good

it's like the spiro agnew joke

WTF, Kennedy sounds exactly like Mayor Quimby

His Kung Fu was on point,
but maybe he should have chilled out, and rolled a joint.
It's all well and good to go out with a fight,
but you better make sure it ain't one with Black Dynamite.


Liberal faggots just being butthurt.

Old Simpsons wasn't conservative. They were a lot of liberals and conservatives who tried to be neutral.

>Nixon breaks the law, deletes and covers up info, literal ties with the mafia
>president is a literal criminal
>"lol, you are a butthurt liberal for ragging on him har har"
Your bait is sub par mate

>rewritting history this hard because my dad rides Nixon's hard cock

Wew, lad

The media has

>the Carter was a shit tier president meme

Lol okay, son.

Hillary isnt even really liberal. Hillary supporters arent even that far left. Jillary parrots a LOT of Bush policy and rhetoric. She only pulled more left recently to get the actual progressives...the bernie supporters. You know, the only actual liberal grouping left in the DNC?

But for some reason, we werent allowed an actual progressive candidate...

This is a parody of an actual televised debate between Kennedy and Nixon where Nixon polled better on radio while Kennedy polled better on television because he was better looking, wore makeup, wasn't sweating, etc...

>But for some reason
The reason was performance in the primaries. Were you not paying attention?

>leaked DNC emails showing actual intent to shit Bernie diwn and voter machines "magically" losing a few thousand registered dems in key locations, a media blackout and WP literally steamrolling over Bernie on the daily
>"oh, he lost because of weak voter turnout during the primaries"
>ignoring how Hillary barely took her own fucking state of NY


*shut bernie down

I hate mobile

Vietnamisation was his position. America couldn't simply drop everything the moment they decided they disliked the war after becoming involved. What had to be done was to get South Vietnam to the point where it was capable of fighting the war successfully on its own by holding the line, training and equipping their army and building infrastructure.

Didn't work but it was a decent idea.

so you say that al qaeda are the murderers? and that somehow means that hillary is charged with murder?
how the fuck do you function in real life?

Richard Milhous Nixon

I can tell you've never actually been involved in the primary process. I have, and a number of friends were Bernie delegates. Bernie didn't lose because of any sort of conspiracy, he lost because he was only successful among a very narrow demographic.

as a fellow trump supporter, please kill yourself on november 9th


Keep telling yourself that in light of actual facts, kiddo.

I like how the only state who didn't vote for him was mass. And I bet it's because they're all Irish Catholic and want another kennedy

You fucking idiot, Nixon was responsible for Vietnamization, and it would have worked if not for backstabbing leftists refusing to give money to the South Vietnamese once he was out of office.

>american politics are corrupt

Fixed that for you.

He was pretty much the last GOOD president. All the other "good" presidents since have only been "good" because they don't do anything at all and just leave everything the fuck alone.

His only fault was when he told his Jew friend that he believed a cabal of Jews were after him and then of course to remedy this fear his friend was feeling the kike decided to backstab him.

I'm meeting you half way, you stupid hippies

Groening had nothing to do with writing or producing of The Simpsons, post pilot. He was essentially just the media mascot. The writers were just Havard nerds who were obsessed with US presidents.