
Seriously. Is this the best Dinsey animated movie of all time? I grew up with the Little Mermaid as my first movie in the theater and this is the one that sticks out as the best to me. Even better than Aladin, Lion Kind and Beauty and the Beast.

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Fantasia still has it beat.

Fantasia beats all of the narrative-driven Disney movies.

Tangled is very pro-white

I saw it several years after it was out, after Frozen
and it was exceptionally well done
Maximus horse was amazing, best Disney companion since I can remember

also rule 34 on her is pretty good
god, imagining how the tavern boys would rape her 18 years birthday body for hours...

>not frozen

but yeah this movie was based.

The graphics in this movie were way more refined than in frozen. You can really tell that they spent more money on this.

Yes it is. So much better than the piece of teen pandering shit that followed it up (then one with the two tumblr princess), it's unreal.

>teen pandering shit
This. How can you go from the pure art and lovely craft of Tangled to the disgusting sell out vomited by a marketing committee that is Frozen?

>best Dinsey animated movie of all time

But best Disney animated movie of the last 10, maybe 15 years, yes it is

It's a good movie

Nice thread. Great to see I'm not insane by thinking Frozen was a large step down in quality from Tangled.

Had a large composite image of all the low resolution textures used in Frozen. But looks like it didn't survive my hd death.
Does anyone have it?


Shoosh now.

Found some stuff in the archives. Maybe I'll screencap some stuff later.
Looks really shitty from an technical animation view.
I also personally thought Frozen had a lot of scenes that looked like a theater production. You could really see the "stage space". That's poor usage of the medium.

And ofc, Olaf is insufferable. I know I'm not the target audience, but I appreciate good craftsmanship. Unfortunately Frozen fell short there as well.


It's up there with Frozen

Why do you think Frozen is technically inferior?


I never noticed this but I can't imagine why they would do that since they have super computers to render this stuff.

It's not as polished as it should be. Glen Keane left Walt Disney Animation Studios in 2012, and that's maybe why.
There is texture and clipping problems and it looks mo-capped. They had a tight production window, and it shows. I think.

Beauty and the Beast live action out did the newest starwars trailer and one of the few disney properties that outcompete'd starwars at something. So until we see the numbers, I'd say beauty and beast. if it fails to rack up numbers after release, I wont be sure of anything else yet.

Frozen suffered brutally from last minute rewrites and subsequent rushjob animation.

All because an exec liked Let It Go too much for Elsa to be the villain.
Can't fault them for it on a business level though.

They say it in behind-the-scenes videos it made more sense for them to have the villains be Elsa's fear. Both might be true though. I guess they felt breaking the traditional antagonist/protagonist structure would be "modern".

True. Just hope they deliver something better on their next release.

>that rock
holy shit

Those are nice circa-2000 GameCube tech demos, but we're trying to discuss Tangled here bro

Tangled is pretty great; I'd take a sincere and fun story like this any day before the pointedly "ground breaking" stuff they're so bent in going for these days storywise.

Also it's sad the tweest-villain trend is somehow considered the sophisticated story choice now; Mother Gothel was a pretty good twist on classic villain types without forcing the writers to manouver around the reveal for 3/4 of the movie, with the reduced character depth it entails

>Mother Gothel doesn't think to change Rapunzel's birthday to any of the other 364 days of the year, and seeing the lantern tribute on her birthday every year is what triggers her interest in going outside

No OP. Even The Princess and the Frog had better writing than this shit.

It's truly amazing. Looks like a game in that second before the textures fully load.

On the pixar side, we are getting Cars 3 next year! Get on the hype train!

Yeah, miss the "classic" villain a bit. But guess it can be hard to write into a modern movie.

She's still a prisoner without the birthday lanterns. Maybe it was to late to change the date by the time the lantern lights became a thing for Rapunzel. Or not.
You are right. Most animation have slight plot holes.

Maximus truly set a gold standard for companions. Just sad they went to the polar opposite for Frozen.

>Elsa could've become a cruel shut-in ice witch who repaid all the scorn the peasants from her kingdom reaped on her in kind and she still wouldn't be the villain
>Instead they went with whatever the fuck happened in Frozen


>the annoying despicable guy is a manlet

I wonder how Disney came up with that :^)

Because Jews

I've a sudden urge to play a PS2 game.