Data, check these digits

Data, check these digits.


But Captain..

I regret to inform you, sir, that you have not successfully attained dual identical digits at the end of your post number.

However, if we modify the tachyon inverter to emit a verteron pulse harmonic we could, in theory, generate a phased spatial singularity that would allow us to check these dubs.


Computer, generate a string of integers ending in duplicate values.


>tfw just found out one of my professors wrote an episode of TNG

Computer, disengage single protocols.

Captain, I had the boys in engineering run up the numbers. If we invert the plasma phase inductors to emit a low energy neuridium pulse we should be able to get duplicate numbers at the end of our posts.

Trekfags gettin rekt

check dese

Make it so.

There can be only one

One of the questions I've been asked time and time again is - "where the heck are the dubs on the Enterprise?"

Well, there's only one and if you look closely you can see it's located.. right here.

Alright sir, but most of this is based on unproven theorems by a certain professor Bateman from starbase 415.

If something goes wrong... we might never get doubles again.


so close to trips


computers - stop auto destruct sequence - does the first officer conquer ?

Please enter repeating digits.


Then that's a chance we'll have to take, Geordi. Dismissed.


Captain, this thread dishonors me! A Klingon without dubs is no Klingon!

Repeating digits hyperdrive, engage

the enterprise was in danger duh

Then what is a Klingon

fuck you nerds

Haha someone examine my repeating integers haha

posts voy then calls us nerds

Understood. Barkley we are going to have to work on those inductors overtime.

if you were any other man, I would ban you where you stand.


Computer, examine those repeating digits using the repeater drive


warp factor dubs

It is said that Kahless got the first dubs. To receive dubs by posting is considered a true honor.

