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Is that Steve buschemi?

hilary not looking good

The literal destruction of her skin after choosing to breed with a dark-skinned minority.


He's mutating. I want him in the Nemesis program.

This and the one with Zuckerberg that ends with that guy full of blood...what the fuck does it mean? Is it supposed to mean something?

No, they put her in an oven lmao. That's the joke. The whole place is an oven for women who want to mix genes or whatever. That's why he says "your wife is out of the oven" or something like that.

what the hell is this from?

I liked Charles' Frankenstein shoes.

Was that a Resident Evil movie reference?

Why are you so desperate to link every sketch to non-whites?

what movie


yeah, you got it right

it's a honeytrap for whores, that's why the guys are happy about it in the end


it's the horny galapagos turtle

Million Dollar Extreme presents World Peace
One of the most ground breaking shows to come out of the US market in a long while, clear evidence of Dadaist influences. I'm enthralled as to how this series will progress.

No it's not. It's a reference to niggers throwing acid in the face of whores.


Explain the Zuckerberg one now

She wanted to mix her genes with some random dude, and so they mixed her genes with some random dude in a genetic experiment like The Fly. She thought it meant artificial fertilization but instead the clini was literally talking about morphing her part way with another human being. The joke is a comedic misunderstanding and deliberate misleading of the audience, while also making a paly on cuckery and racemixing.

This. Very dynamic scene. Sam is talented

Anyone else getting Jam vibes from World Peace

>this is where we take slut females and nuke their genes when they try to cuck faithful men


>wife goes and gets cucked by a buck
>turns into a revolting monster in the eyes of her husband and others

although this did cross my mind while thinking about that scene later

>Steve's tranny wife Sam is a /thing/ who treats Steve like no(thing) and wants to procreate with BBC DNA but the splicing thing fails and she literally transforms into the thing from fantastic four

Really makes you thing

You guys missed the point of the skit. Charls literally says
>We're going to commingle your genes, splice 'em up. To see if they are compatible with the standards that you hold yourself to.
Sam was a fatass ugly girl in the skit who thinks her husbands genes weren't good enough for her. The joke is that she thinks she deserves a 10/10 jacked guy when in reality she is lucky just to be with her husband.
tl;dr: the skit isn't about racemixing it's about ugly girls with ridiculously high standards.

My name is jeefff

It's actually both, combined also with some comedy of expectations.

That's the hallmark of a good sketch, there are many punchlines and messages packed into it to be unwound. It's so dense.


>It's actually both

but it's really not though

>its not about racemixing or cuckoldry
>its about ugly girls with ridiculously high standards

why can't it be both?

Well unfortunately there is content in the sketch which validates both, so saying otherwise is meaningless.

>it is definitely not both

tell us more Samuel

I suppose that there is no reason it can't be both.

Wow very Lynchian, bravo sam

>I wanna be a graphic design major like my mom

What does he say after this?

>not realizing that their skits have multiple meanings and criticize every layer of modern society with a subtle but strong humor

Its a show that really makes you think

>civilized discussion and alteration of one's opinions based on the available facts

Wtf I hate Cred Forums now

>women with unrealistic expectations getting BTFO
>fuck this stupid kike for selling our info to the highest bidder


i wasn't experiencing some kind of post-blacked jerk off shame at the time unlike you so it's absolutely not what you wish it was lol

its funny that there's actually a handful of satire & surrealist comedies that have been on television in the past 10 years that have similar messages and also aired for a short amount of time (although 6 episodes really is unfair), yet somehow the television board knows of none of these lol

I'm scared to grow up

Name some of them then.



Jam took things further than MDE would dare / Adult Swim would allow.

boku no pico

i have to prgaise sam hyde and world peace for brining these messages to a new and younger generation (ie: the "pepe-posting" generation) that are too young to remember one of the biggest controversies in television history in terms of "political brainwashing" on a network for a younger demographic

>ignores the "lol" right above it because it doesn't point out their ignorance in something they probably claim to be "redpilled" about

its a shame that the fanbase of a show with deep message like WP has fans that are so ignorant

Not good ones.

world peace is cool to look at and very nice idea but ultimately it's just a glimpse of all their ideas and everything they filmed.... almost everything was cut down to the point of making no sense, like the pedo sketch, it was supposed to go on and not stop at one stupid joke. Same for the pua sketch

I love mde and will support them no matter what and I enjoyed world peace tremendously, but it you found the show intriguing you should check out their longer productions, where they have time to execute their ideas instead of stopping them abruptly

Please, continue.


>its a shame that the fanbase of a show with deep message like WP has fans that are so ignorant

there will hopefully be uncut episodes appearing online, for example the fact that they skipped contestant #2 on the wall show for asking which guy she picks clearly shows that there was a good amount cut even in the leaked episode that appeared on [as]'s website.

its a shame that while they're uncensored on youtube, they have no budget for creating the haunting sets that they provided on WP. and individual videos don't allow the same scattered feeling of hopping from one sketch to another, then back to the first sketch like it was executed so well on WP

lmao this is embarassing as fuck

can't even discuss the state of television on Cred Forums. shocking. even with a demographic that would probably claim to be smarter than the "average" person

this was the first tranny i've ever seen that could be mistaken for a real girl

link pls

>it's just a glimpse of all their ideas and everything they filmed.... almost everything was cut down to the point of making no sense
They have a ton of skits with choppy editing like that though. It's a trademark style of theirs. Some of their funniest skits like Murder Charls use it extensively.

>lmao this is embarassing as fuck
>can't even discuss the state of television on Cred Forums. shocking. even with a demographic that would probably claim to be smarter than the "average" person
lmao lol

>you dumb fucking bitch

Every time I mention Vernon Chatman on Cred Forums, no one replies. Are you honestly surprised that the new age of Adult Swim fans think MDE is breaking boundaries? Just stop replying to them while you're ahead.

I fucking love that skit.
>People don't fuck with me. People don't fuck with me. People don't fuck with me. People don't-

>there's a lot of chrome in here, just like the Ferrari that ol' Johnny Romero bought.

>a smoother scrolling more console-like experience. You were right there. You played those games, it wasn't my fucking dreams.

Progress? Hahaha

It's over. MDE cucks on suicide watch.


>t. high-schooler

>Detective Ray Bacotti knows about my murders too

>it doesn't matter how many people I murder, I've still got the old tent pole swinging around. You know?



>Vernon Chatman

my nigga. although i wouldn't have namedropped him because now you'll have Cred Forums cucks sucking his dick the same way they do for sam (although chatman actually deserves it for paving a new kind of televison & actually becoming successful with it)

>Welcome to Hy Purge NX

what did they mean by this

It's the fate of coalburners.

MDe twitter account posted "This is just the BEGINNING stay tuned" so they will probably be on tv again

wtf bro!? stop ruining this for us bro... every world peace skit is about blowing libcucks and lefties the FUCK OUT!!! okay!? GET IT NOW!?


>implying only liberals are okay with race mixing

arghhh! I just hate niggers!!! sam hyde is a hero

go back to bed Tim

you too Andre

that episode is one of the best finalies in television history

I want a world peace season 1 official soundtrack

it was a good reference bro

>le Eric Andre bogeyman
Why do Sam's most autistic fans think there's a connection between them besides one show airing in the time slot after the other?

Why are people pretending it's a coal burner thing? Chigger was a tanned freak with straight hair (was he blonde and blue eyed?)

ummm, cuz it is? it's well known that sam fuckin' hates niggers... and that's why we love him baby

I'm with this user.

It was about women thinking they deserve better than what they have.

>muh Cred Forums bogeyman

uh, because Andre is a fucking kike and Hyde shits on and trolls kikes? Andre and Tim both sperg out about this alt-right invention and demand World Peace be censored and cut up.

I never mentioned Cred Forums. But nice job outing yourself, retard.
>Andre and Tim both sperg out about this alt-right invention and demand World Peace be censored and cut up.
[citation needed]

>this is my friend chigger
>he's a bit darker
>jacked tattooed white dudebro Chad cuttout in blackface
>lol dudes its not a coal burner thing he was a tanned freak with straight hair
>implying niggers never conked their hair to be "more white"

the ideas of being a coal burner and an over-privileged woman wanting better than she deserves aren't mutually exclusive, it can be more than one thing you know right?

>implying "Sams most autistic fans" isn't supposed to be synonymous with "LEL BACK 2 Cred ForumsTARD"

you didn't have to say it it's implied

>nigger kike
>Hyde shits on niggers and kikes
>Andre tries to pander to Sams audience last night with a "DUDE JEWS LMAO" skit too

try harder next time

>you didn't have to say it it's implied
>that persecution complex
And you forgot to provide proof that Tim Heidecker and Eric Andre have demanded that "World Peace be censored and cut up."

Well if anyone would know anything about a persecution complex it would be dirty kikes like you and your unfunny no talent hack friend Tim Heideker. Shouldn't you be reading jokes off a clickboard while getting trolled by the likes of Alex Jones and random right wing radio hosts?

Best episodes were 1.09, 1.10, 2.09, and 2.10

Still no evidence, huh?

Is the episode on youtube?



What is a youhou




Has anyone figured out why nitro dubs had his face blurred out?

but jam was actually good

jam was art


What's Sam's deal with brown people anyway? Isn't Rhode Island mostly white?

>taking the b8

lol frogs :D

no theres a ton of chiggers and spicks

Is this from Suicide Squad directors cut?

According to the Census Bureau Rhode Island is 81.4% white.

question: Which episode and where can I watch it?

goddamn fucking racemixers... make my blood boil. good job on sam btfo'ing those fucking sons of bitches.


>Sam was a fatass ugly girl in the skit who thinks her husbands genes weren't good enough for her. The joke is that she thinks she deserves a 10/10 jacked guy when in reality she is lucky just to be with her husband.
>tl;dr: the skit isn't about racemixing it's about ugly girls with ridiculously high standards.
Also that her husband was a beta who let her walk all over him.

you're giving sam hyde too much credit



>i have to prgaise sam hyde and world peace for brining these messages to a new and younger generation (ie: the "pepe-posting" generation) that are too young to remember one of the biggest controversies in television history in terms of "political brainwashing" on a network for a younger demographic
Which is?

wonder showzen

Go get the ball bud

The last sketch with the young boys is incredibly bleak. Being put on pills, being told being a Man is wrong, owned by the state. Why is only a comedy show daring to say this on tv?

This is one of my favourite things put to film.

Also a true story.

Yes, but in the sense that I put up with MDE because it's the closest thing we have to surrealist dystopic terror.

Cause its comedy. Its just a joke. Probably easier to get away with.

Anyone catch the sound the husband makes off camera when Sam bodychecks him on the transition? I think he really felt that one :)

5.5/10 series overall.

Like a male version of Amy Schumer except it has some nice music and more artistic bits occasionally.

>only episode with no musical guest

what did they meme by this?

Really made me think.

Cop Killer sketch was wonderful, and truly resonated with an entire generation of boys and men who have wasted their lives.

But that was it for me, really.


Wonder Showzen didn'r have the same message as World Peace.

episode 6. It was up on youtube earlier. You can try adult swims site. If you have cartoon network with your satellite/cable provider, you can link your account to adult swims site and you can watch every episode. I don't have cartoon network so episode 6 is locked for me.

>too much of a pussy to type the words kill yourself on an anonymous image board
Whatsamatta, your mommy gonna take away your computer privileges? Fucking faggot.

This was by far the funniest thing to me from this episode.

This skit is so good. My ex girlfriend did that to me. "I love you but I can't be with you anymore, here's a picture of my tits, he's a video of me masturbating, sorry but I can't be with you anymore though, I'm going to go have sex with other people now. Here's one more picture of my breasts, you're going to miss this we both know it" literally almost word for fucking word.

I cannot even begin to comprehend what goes on in the minds of these emotionally abusive bitches

Holy shit


They were running out of time and wanted to fit it all in there

That's why these skits are so jam packed they can seem not fleshed out. They're trying to fit it all in. This might be their last chance

Maybe she was just stupid? Sounds like my ex.

Serious actors only

How do you have the perfect gif for this?

it's not a true story


>wears a wig
>10/10 scene

Woah we got a real whippersnapper here! Look out!

The guys name was Chigger...

By wasting my life away and saving quite a few gigs of reaction images, gifs, and webms

I think it is a girl, no?

I really relate to the skit at 5:16

Could barely understand a word of that one.

Can we get more insane Charls if they get renewed for a second season? Honestly some of the funniest shit they do is when he goes full tinfoil/insane.

Too close, man!

Not entirely. He gave her the option, she just didn't know the consequences. He very likely knew how it would end because he was yucking it up with the dude at the front desk.

It's a bunch of drunk guys in their mid to late 20s who haven't given up on their highschool/college partying habits, and act like fucking dicks to other people while idolizing guys like Joe Rogan. I have a lot of friends like that.
At one point they say something like
>I'm not going to let her change me man, doing cocaine is like, who I am


Overall, I'd say their goals are very different, but there's some undeniable Wonder Showzen vibes for having similar cynical politcal views presented through self-irony and satire.

Yeah, I have some friends that are like this. Still ride their bikes around the small town we grew up in, and hang out in kitchens trying to bum cigarettes while being content with their lives. The mixing for the skit could've been better. It didn't really fit as well as the gambling father, but I guess the scene is more important than the dialogue. Eh.

I love her she is so hot.

These skits gain a lot more meaning if you exhibit a bit of empathy, regardless of the intended meaning of MDE themselves

Clearly she cheated and left him or something and that's all he has left, the last remaining semblance of a "self" that he can hold on to while simultaneously holding on to the old value systems of back when he was in college, to let himself artificially live in a world where he is someone. He knows deep down inside he is nobody. He will die someday and this will still hold true.

We all do this, it's just that some of our life rafts are more socially and intellectually acceptable than those of others. "She left me, oh well, I still have my job and good looks, I can find someone else". "She left me, oh well, I still have my friends". "She left me, oh well, I still have my brains". "She left me, oh well, I still have my money". "These things are a part of who I am" except all he has is "I'm still that guy that does cocaine, I'm emulating a movie character I saw once who was portrayed in a positive life and it gives me meaning". It's sad

Sam said one time that Jam is a huge inspiration for MDE

Empathy's for limp-wristed lefty queers.


Rarely post an opinion on things like this but I really liked World Peace but only on a repeat viewing.

At first it seemed like just random shit that was too try hard but after giving it a second watch, some things clicked into place and I respect the guys who made it.

Chris Morris was brought up earlier in this thread and I feel the comparison is correct however these guys never had the freedom he had in my opinion.

If they did and if the shows were longer, I think they could have produced the best TV this decade.

The guys on camera also showed such a natural flair for performing that I haven't seen from a team since Kids In The Hall.

I would also fuck the Charls guy when dressed like a lady. Maybe even when dressed as a guy, very handsome dude.

Looks like toxic avenger. How has no one ITT seen that yet.

>You dumb fucking bitch... Haha... I was kidding


are you the girl from the sketch?

this, what were they thinking
mde = EPIC... CRINGE!!!!!

[forced chuckle]

Are you the faggot from /r/milliondollarextreme?
That's a rhetorical question btw.

haha what are you some sort of redditor?

rhetorical btw we all know you are

lol he fell for it

you show those misogynist gamergators who's boss

>le feminist conspiracy is why people think I'm a faggot
Get some help, pal: numalemedical.com/

>"I'm still that guy that does cocaine, I'm emulating a movie character I saw once who was portrayed in a positive life and it gives me meaning"
Sam talks about the kind of people who "treat life like a movie that they're the star of" here and there in several of his personal videos.

you dont like a comedy sketch because the mean men said bitch
now you're saying numale to try and blend in

I'm running a poll on MDE fans, chime in, fags.


I'm running a poll on MDE fans, chime in, fags.


When did I say I didn't like the sketch?


>Being neither a soda nor a milk drink, its actual ingredients have long been the topic of speculation.

it's a bunch of bullet hell games made by some jap

overpriced Indian street water

you already knew the results

I'm convinced people like you are SJWs who hate the show and are being deliberately obnoxious and stubborn to drive people away.

Everybody is SJWs, man. Stay woke my white brother.

>my mom told me Donald Trump is a waycisst

What did Samuel Hyde mean via this?

I loved this just for lady-Sam man handling his husband


it was a mistake

he meant fatter than the average person

you want me to get the ball bud

i'll get the ball bud

yeah he makes a face when sam rebuffs hayden before being wheeled in and then him and hayden are chatting it up like friends.

charls even says something about someone blowing their brains out. like a cautionary tale he's telling him.

World Peace is one of the dullest shows in the history of television shows. Each episode following the boy nazi and his pals from Cred Forums as they fight assorted leftists has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make racism unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Hyde vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for the book. The World Peace series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Jon Oliver series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the book is good though
The writing is dreadful; the book is terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a nu-male went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Hyde's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of the book by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading How to Bomb the US Government at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "How to Bomb the US Government" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

What is this an alteration of?

harold bloom's harry potter review

hang yourself you worthless faggot

That was the cherry on the shit sundae.

Never forget Kaplan.

Harry Potter copypasta

The actual line is "after she blows your fucking brains out"....

Implying that Erick's going to use his evil wife's disfigurement as an excuse to dump her and Charles is joking that the wife might kill Erick when he reveals that he is going to leave her now that she's a disfigured freak.

your fucking dumb lol

is uncensored episode 6 on youtube?

It's clearly not Dadaist

It wouldn't surprise me, Sam's a pretty big fan of more obscure British comedies or sketch-shows, I know he really likes Snuff Box and general Matt Berry stuff.

Kids in the Hall is also a big inspiration for him, not that it's British. Oh, and Are You Afraid of the Dark, he fucking loves that show, and the makeup effects remind me of that type of 90's horror anthology type shit.

How do you know this?

Random info I've picked up from various shit he's said and done, some of which has been removed from YouTube.

He said that he liked Snuff Box and Matt Berry in one of his KSTVs, for instance.

MDE is just like BVS


so? we know the itunes versions don't have the bleeps


I know but somebody asked for a webm of the scene yesterday and I made one ;-;

Yup, just setup for muh edgy oven reference.
Lots of wasted potential in this ep.
>Hyper Gen-X, not Hyper Gen-Y
>Sketch didn't make sense after they took her out of the oven
>skit about the kids at the end ended up being about sam going into graphic design, missed opportunity to bring home a big point about treatment of boys
>no point to the house party sketch aside from criticizing jocks for choosing sports tribalism instead of race tribalism
>no jokes or significant point in the baseball sketch

teehee racial politics heehee XDXDXD what an issue amirite guise!!

high def torrent or DL where?

nowhere yet

the first 5 are on pirate bay but not 6


she is CUTE!!!!!!~~~

>I've known Charls since 6th grade and nick since 7th.. So it's been a minute. As some of you know, Chaz and I fucked
what did he mean by this?


>no ending song
I thought there was something missing

god fucking damnit now I'm paranoid


This show makes me think how horrible it would be to be a kid in his prime who has so much hate and bile for the world. Literally for people who enjoy nothing in the world.

>it was coincidental that sam chose a nonwhite guy
>'she's out of the oven' was also coincidental
>p-pls no racism

mde could make a vid of them shitting on the floor and you would hypothesize what its deeper meaning is

you = in their pocket

this man is right this skit was about a ncie couplt that go for pregnancy and cciddentally burn mummy

It actually is about both. The racemixing party is just explicitly stated, and the compatibility part is hinted at. If you missed it, watch the part where the music is playing and the dialogue fades and Chigger starts calling Hayden a baby. Charls is literally saying "I mean, I'm obligated to tell you it's going to be a MIX for your son... but, you know... in the CURRENT YEAR..."

So it actually is about both and women treating men like shit in general. See: Hypergamy (Hyper Gen X is probably wordplay).

Charls also kind of pronounces it as "Hy-PURGE-GEN-X" which might be intentional.

>More than half said yes

Am I the only straight men left?

>"I mean, I'm obligated to tell you it's going to be a MIX for your son... but, you know... in the CURRENT YEAR..."
damn, nice catch