What are some comfy autumn movies?

What are some comfy autumn movies?


Or to be frank every Tim Burton movie. Corpse Bride, Sleepy Hollow, Sweeney Todd

TNbC also goes into the category "whether-to-watch-it-on-christmas-or-on-halloween"

Donnie Darko has some comfy autumn feels

the faculty

Does anyone have the webm of this scene from Il Conformista?

you watch it on both duh

The Brotherhood of the Wolf was a really nice and unique, cool film. Too bad it sucked ass, had potential for something great

I used "Comfy" to describe a film I was talking about with my friends IRL and they all looked at me weird.
Like they had no idea what comfy meant.

Are they retarded or am I?

You, it's not used irl. It's not really used on the Internet either, just on some sites and even there people complain about using that word.

Them. It's a common word and if they can't discern it's meaning in that context they might have brain damage.

Van Helsing exists.

You are, retard.


It's not a common term but its meaning is obvious in context.

Halloween desu. It's mostly the atmosphere of the small town.

It's a term exclusively used by retards so that narrows this down.

>I was literally spouting shitposts in real life and people looked at me weird
You don't say?

>Van Helsing
Is that good? Seems like bad but the theme is nice

I can guarantee there are people on this board who have called it "comfy".

People are going to call me a pleb, but The Village is one of my favorite movies, and I've watched it multiple times. Everything about it is so perfect: the milieu, the music, the atmosphere, the colors... For some reason I've had for years this sort of a fantasy, that I want to watch this movie with girl on a autumn evening, don't know why. Hope I get to do so one day.

Fellowship of the ring of course

Know that feel. It's a great movie with a nice twist. I don't get people who complained about the twist, like it somehow broke their image of the fantasy world

It's good if you're expecting max camp. The plot has him team up with Frankenstein and a werewolf to fight dracula. So anyone expecting grimdark will be disappointed

Totally forgot about this

why did she have to get fat ;_;

There's nothing wrong in being thicc

you're probably Amerifat

No, European. Fat is disgusting, chubby and curvy is perfect, anorexic is disgusting.

I prefer fit

Good photography and music raise it above its Shamy twister plot

Not just because it's spooky, it's just autumny.

>tfw I'm OP and I got all of you to bump my thread

>being too underage and new to know what sage is

thanks for the (you) :)

>I'm OP
No you're not, but thanks I guess?
regards real OP

I like it too, user. I don't even give a shit about the "twist" that it took place in modern times, it wasn't more than an "oh, huh" moment for me, but plebs think it should have been like a crazy twist.

The real twist was that the monsters weren't real. I think they he should have played up the fact that mayyybe the monsters really were real, so it's less of an assgrab when the girl sees one (having to do a voiceover of a guy saying the monsters were based on myths). Also the dead animals should have either not been in the movie, or there should have been more of a reason than "one of the elders is batshit insane."

Also this part annoys me: when the blind girl is shown the costumes and she touches the hand, why does she scream? Like how can she even tell what it is just from touching part of it?




The most autumn movie I've seen