What was the moral of this kino?

What was the moral of this kino?

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scorpion can be real human being

theres a real human being inside all of us

Autism can be cool.

cuckoldism is srs bsns

You cannot escape your true nature

>Drive will never be topped

feels bad tbqh

that some men just drive

>tfw I have not seen drive

Listen to 80's music while driving make you feel like a bad ass in your shitty car.

> youtu.be/0bwC1zJE49U

Who was the cuck though? Drive for raising another man's child, or Poe for having another man come into his home around his wife while he's in jail?

Shake my head

they complete eachother, that's why this movie is so deep.

Cucks cucking cucks

all you need is a cool jacket and little short answer responses and you get the grill

both were the cucks

It didn't have a moral.

Sometimes you just have to stomp someone's head into spaghetti.

this is a cucknundrum, or cuckception, if you will. Perhaps Nolan secretly shared some ideas with Refn. deep.

It's probably best not to argue with autistic people that wear cool jackets.

it was a homoerotic fantasy, nothing more

This question is the deepest question I've seen on Cred Forums in a long time.


Literally how?

It's not really deep. The driver was the cuck because he took the role of the protector of the girl and her son, in the end he didn't even fuck her. Poe got "cucked" in the meme sense of the word, in reality he was (barely) cheated while the driver was the cuck

did you watch the movie? Refn said something along these lines too

just borrowed this from the library, what am i in for?

That if you don't let your dreams be dreams and you just do it you too can be a real human bean.

A drive.

A nightcall


real heroes and human beings