Looking for a movie i dont remember the name of...

Looking for a movie i dont remember the name of. The scene i remember is an old man fighting a guy and theyre surrounded by people. Someone places a bet. The old man acts all feable ends up winning and smiles to his apprentince. Maybe somethung with vikings or knights im nkt sure? They were in a desert setting though
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That sounds fucking stupid

not a movie, but ser barristan does this in game of thrones

got your back bro

No its a movie. Theyre surroinded by a group, some on horse back some not set in the desert. The old man looks like gandalf/dumbledore

Thanks but thats not it. Its set in viking or knight time period

How does it feel to be fucking stupid and get it wrong?

Atleast theyre trying to help OP faggot


sounds like fight club

Nope an older movie

Damn surpriesd knowbody knows. Wish i could give more details. Only other thing i rememenr is when someones tossjng the oirse of money a prince or someone on a horse gives a smirky look

Was it in color or black and white?

Color. The fight scene was in a saharan like desert but it was by a ruined castle like building if i remember correctly

makes me think of The Odyssey by Homer, but I doubt that's it

Nope, but thats a great movie. I coild have sworn it either was about vikings or a knight. Taking place in either eupope, africa or both

What kind of fight was it? Swords or fists or martial arts or something else?

I think swords. The old man acts all feable bsrely blocking hits with his sheild then when the other guy is tired he either kills hom or knocks him out

You are thinking of the 13th warrior


Almlst positive this is it. Thanks guys. Coulda swon the guy was more like ganfalf but its been years since ive seen it