Whats your favorite documentary, Cred Forums?

Whats your favorite documentary, Cred Forums?

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Right now? That one.

Nothing quite like watching a chinaman bitch at niggers about how they neglected/destroyed infrastructure that existed only to fuck them, because the niggers are making it difficult for the chinese to fuck them.

I suppose it's this.

t. Dikembe

whats the name of the documentary? Looks good

Empire of Dust


Well, the last bit at least is not wrong.

The reason the Chinese guy is pissed is that his country is trying to exploit natural resources common in Africa, and the total corruption and shittiness of the infrastructure there is making it hard for them to do so efficiently.

Inside Deep Throat

thx familia

Yes, colonial rule taught africa in order to rule effectively, they need to be backed up by more resources than exist in their countries and sufficient military power so no foreign powers fuck with them.

So once the colonial empires pulled out, and the african's tried to conduct themselves the same way as their ruling masters did, they found out, the hard way, they had worse than zero power.

How is the first part wrong? Colonialism wasn't about building stable societies, it was about exploiting "unclaimed" natural resources.

kinda depressing though

happy people


Right now it's Antarctica: A Year on Ice and The Barkley Marathons:The Race That Eats It's Young.

The Antarctica doc is a visual masterpiece. It 10 years worth of motion photography and video and the focus is on what it's like to live there for a year.

Jesus camp

But I like watching kids cry because they can't hear god like they're sure everyone else is.

>Antarctica: A Year on Ice and The Barkley Marathons:The Race That Eats It's Young

Long title: A Title Can Be Made Longer By Including: An Unnecessary Sub-title


maybe the act of killing

No, the natives were never sufficiently involved in the bureaucracies and day to day running of a country, so when that disappeared, everything collapsed, but probably more importantly the simmering ethnic/tribal tensions that had been held down under the boot of the colonial governments sprang back up, and led to wholesale butchery.

Watched the Blackfish last night. Sort of left me wanting more. Didn't get enough of Tilikum or enough of Seashitstains misconducts, like slice of both worlds.

well that's part of the thing about documentaries, you can't just pull material out of your ass

if anything I found it repetitive, and avoided bringing the governments policy into it

It was pretty horrible when they described how the mother orca behaved when her child was taken away from her

Gates of Heaven
Man on Wire
The Atomic Cafe

Not to even mention the native revolts conducted under the assumption that once they got rid of the white people and replaced them, the mother empire would give them the time of day.

Youre so fucking stupid you dumb cuckinstein.

It was about white men trying to pull nigs out of the darkness

Turns out they were the darkness

it was so depressing watching those people stuck in that shithole

almost made me feel good about my job

it's always a hard line I think for documentary makers to make, how emotionally confronting to make the film

because they need a target audience
if they make it too partisan, the might offend people within that target
if they make it too emotive, people with a marginal interests will find it unwatchable properganda
make it not emotive enough, and it's boring

I mean how confidently can you speak on the emotions of an animal before people start to laugh at you


>stop liking what I don't like

Fucking idiot. Maybe let people post what they like without being an insufferable rude cunt about it

Searching for Sugar Man.

That is the point of the documentary, rather than "lol dumb niggers".

China has been showing a lot of interest in Africa in the past 20 years, simply because they don't share the same pseudo-guilt Europeans do over previous colonization. If France or UK were doing what China is doing in Africa, then it would be "oy vey white devils exploiting the black man again".

>infrastructure that exists only to fuck them
those fucking evil white people building those roads and railways and hospitals to keep the black man down

New York: A Documentary Film by Richard Burns

So much pre 9-11 optimism and genuinely interesting history. It is like 15 hours long though.

Why is it Plato in that picture? Shouldn't it be a Byzantine emperor or the Pope?

The World at War
The Civil War
Triumph of the nerds
The fog of War
Going Clear - Scientology and the prison of belief
Also anything with the word War

The hillarious thing is that afrocentricucks actually believe this

Someone post the cartoon video from yt about Rhodesia where Rhodes is wearing devil horns and shit

Just watched Jedi Junkies. I liked it.

japanese devils

The infrastructure only existed to funnel resources to the port. The hospitals, once all the white people left, were just large buildings.

Its supposed to represent a roman talking to a gaul.

The guy who made it will try to pass it off as intentionally wrong for laughs. Because he was only pretending to be retarded.

And how does that correlate to "fucking them over" exactly?
Is having large buildings and railways that leads from the ressources extraction centres to the ports (built by white men) a bad thing?

>Colonialism wasn't about building stable societies
It actually more or less was, bringing all these wonderful new liberal, enlightened democratic ideas to the savages.

In some ways it did work, as it did "increase the standards of living" and grow their economies.


The whole thing is a mixed bag:
1. Imperialism and collonialism existed
2. Countries where annexed by European governments for their own benefit
3. People and resources were exploited
4. In that process the indigenous peoples came into contact with western technology and culture. That would benefit them in the long run
5. The noble savage is a myth. They had stable but often brutal societies of their own.

If we wanted to keep Plato in the picture, he should be berating a roman if anything.

this looks great, gonna watch it tonight

Holy Hell. I've watched it 3 times.

Niggers are not smart, why do the liberals keep trying to integrate them into actual society

Empire of Dust
Grizzly Man
Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmakers Apocalypse
Encounters at the End of the World
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
The Endurance: Shackleton's Expedition
Tim's Vermeer

>6. Global communication shed light on the atrocities the old empires committed to maintain order with minimal resources
>7. Two world wars dismantled the old empires or servery depleted there resources
>8. Empires were forced to pull out rapidly due to diplomatic and financial pressure with minimal longterm planning
Countries which experienced a long period of occupation and were able to adjust slowly to lack of help from foreign powers survived better on average.


Considering once the colonial empire pulled out, they took all their boats and the ports weren't used at all, for any reason, what so ever, as there was no means by which to locally build vessels capable of transporting extracted resources, also no where to ship the resources, and no one interested in buying the resources, as the only reason for colonialism was to get shit for as close to free as possible.

While I got tired of it by the end, the highs of the document are amazing

They integrated the irish, scotish, and slavic. its only fair they integrate the niggers as well.

I mean shit, they're capable of being useful.

Alone in the Wilderness, because I want to go to the middle of nowhere, build a cabin, and stay there for three decades.

Not only is this wrong, it also does not explain how having railways, ports and huge buildings 'fucks them over'

"Requiem for an American Dream" is pretty based


Some niggers are smart. We're trying to find the smart ones, get them to fuck other smart ones or smart white people, and breed superniggers.

It's about time the world had some superniggers.

Nothing leaves a bad taste in the mouth like seeing alt right blobs demonstrate that their interest in anything from science to art is guided exclusively by the shallow blandness of identity politics.

>t. nigger

Good additional points. Rounds out the idea neatly.
So yes the colonialists did do bad things. Later technological innovation and globalized communication changed the way those same colonialists viewed their actions which brought about new ways of moral thinking and inevitable change.
There are things which I object to today:
1. Trying to deny that colonialism on the whole was a destructive force for exploitation.
2. Imagining that indigenous cultures were technologically competent and that they lived in a magnificent version of the Lion King.
Both points of view are horse manure but luckily generally only held by the radical left and right respectively.

what did he mean by this

Nothing amuses me more than seeing whiny liberal babies decry "identity politics" in the same sentence as projecting a group identity onto everyone they disagree with.

Grizzly man, but i haven't seen many

virgin memer

This was a great doc. Heard about it on CNN then watched on Netflix.

>Trying to deny that colonialism on the whole was a destructive force for exploitation.
That seems like an incrediblly simplistic way of putting things, like saying christianism as a whole is an oppressive force of exploitation

Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Fog of War

Because they existed only to facilitate the funneling of free/cheap resources out of the country, and once that ended, could serve no other purpose.

Also your tactic of asking an easily answered question in hopes of just getting away with implying there were shipyards, factories, and people qualified to run those things just sitting around after colonialism ended did not go unnoticed.

I qualified the statement with "on the whole" because if everything is weighed up, it is a still blight on western culture.
Obvious things like indentured servitude and environmental exploitation outweighs what positives came out of it.
Wars were fought for things that today we find totally repugnant, for example the Opium Wars and so on.


We still have trade-motivated wars, we just don't say that's the reason.

I'll take "War in Iraq" for 300, Alex.

Colonialism was destructive, but I've always pictured it as a necessary step to prevent stagnation, the expansion of the old empires forced a new spreading of genes and mixing of racial groups. It also forced rapid changes in technology and while forcing massive cultural change on both sides.

To declare colonialism as only destructive is as dangerous as glorifying it.

>We still have [...] wars

To be fair, its kinda insane to call what "war" is now and what war was before the wall fell by the same name.

Considering its going to take the colonies hundreds of years of non-involvement in order for them to get to a point where they can even be qualified as "developing," and those countries will still have deep cultural wounds driving their societies, any benefit of colonialism can only be short term, and short term gains at the cost of long term losses cannot be considered anything but destructive on the whole.

But destructive implies destruction, are you implying the colonies were better off before being colonized?

The example I used, The Opium Wars: England's right to sell Opium to China with the absolute objection of the Chinese dynastic order. When China would not accept the destruction of their population through substance abuse, England went to war.

>Colonialism was destructive, but I've always pictured it as a necessary step to prevent stagnation
Human beings learn slowly, Europe and America only underwent the age of enlightenment by the early 18th century. Feudalism was the order of the day just three centuries before. So cultural ideas of the West still had a lot of 'Might makes right' in it.

Those ideas die slowly.
Example: Vietnam was started by the French, basically because they didn't want to leave and clung to the imperialist ideal.

>Considering its going to take the colonies hundreds of years of non-involvement in order for them to get to a point where they can even be qualified as "developing,"

It's terribly obvious you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Why do you think you're qualified to talk about something you've never read about?

Your (or another user's) claim was that those things existed to "fuck them over"
So far you have not provided a single argument pointing that way

Yes, for they went from nothing to having less than nothing.


Possibly because I assumed it did not need to be explicitly stated that literally stealing resources from a region is fucking over the indigenous people.

But hey.

Going Clear - Scientology and Prison of Belief

Also Jodorowsky's Dune, and junkie related documentaries such as High on Crack Street, Black Tar Heroin and Blood Smack and Tears Afghanistan's Heroin Hell. For some reason I enjoy watching hopeless junkies spiraling down to their lowest.

Except India, China, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Isn't it funny that the overwhelming majority of oil contracts went to France, Russia and China who didn't participate in Iraq?

Ressources whose existence they were not even aware of
Besides, what ressources were taken from them that are now unaccessible to them?

You seem to think "colonization" means sub-saharan Africa, when there are NUMEROUS examples of ex-colonies doing fairly well.

Considering their natural resources were siphoned for pretty much naught in return, yes. It's really weird to think that colonialism was a favour to the subjects when you consider their current state. The system was not implemented in a way that would function once the sovereign state pulled away. Dumb natives were exploited and left dumb during the process.

Don't get me wrong, stuff like colonialism and slavery were absolutely beneficial and necessary for the western world to get to the point it has gotten. I'm not saying it shouldn't have happened, I'm saying people were fucked over because that's how you make progress, even now.

Pure Kino


Sort of true.
If you don't know your sitting on some resource that can make you a lot of money, the only thing being exploited is your own ignorance.
... that's also deceptive and unfair.
Its like trading "beads and mirrors" for land.
Hell if it happened to you, and you discovered the relative value of that mirror later on, you'd be pissed and you'd want to take back your land because you felt cheated.
And then hilarity ensues.

Anything by Adam Curtis is usually very good.

Oh right, hong kong exists and because hong kong exists colonialism wasn't bad.

The Philippines, Chile, Argentina, Jamaica, Vietnam, South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, etc... etc...

>everyone they disagree with

>making shit up and using it in an "argument"

Kill yourself

It documents the day to day of the people that live and work there on the bases for a year. Scenery is gorgeous. It made we want to go there.

Researched jobs available and IMO, pay is too low for the jobs. But I guess it's more about the experience than the money.

>stuff like colonialism and slavery were absolutely beneficial and necessary for the western world to get to the point it has gotten.

... so you're basically, unintentionally saying any society needs a ton of free shit in order to develop and profit seeking actively works against the process of development.

Also I was hoping to never see this comic again, much less be the guy to post it.

You probably shouldn't have stopped, as all you've listed are a bunch of beyond fucked shitholes that are even more third world now than they were before colonialism.

lol. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>t. A guy who took a vacay to jamica and it was great!

This is what the US gets for directly bringing their slaves to their country and letting them stay there, rather than keeping them working in their own lands.

Well, it does beat shariah law.

By every metric those countries are doing far better than they ever were before colonialism. HDI, GDP, Infant morality, life expectancy etc... But I'm speaking to someone who hasn't left his own country and sees the world through memes.

You should watch Black Metal Veins

Regarding this cartoon:
Case and point: When the west talks about clean energy and the environment, the countries that should be first in line to implement these changes in a radical and profound way should be: The USA and Europe.
The third world should be able to belch CO2 and other green house gasses unrestricted into the atmosphere for at least another half century so they can play catch up.
So yeah if the west was playing fair they would eat it and let their former colonies prosper at their expense. BUT that will NEVER happen.
Instead today organizations like Greenpeace push solar on the third world where for example a clinic can choose between running the fridge or the lamp. But in the USA you get a tax break if your car is classified as a truck and also consumes as much energy as a truck.

Thanks, I will.

If you're into these I can also recommend 'Dope Sick Love - New York Junkies'

I like documentaries that exploit the mentally ill, like Grey Gardens and Crumb.

The Gothic king cobra documentary

Pirates of Silicon Valley

Not a documentary but a good film nonetheless, with some great insights into Jobs, Woz, Balmer and Gates.

Once you leave the tourist trap areas, you see what the countries really look like.

They're literally beggar nations.

Any one seen Marwencol?

looks great
will check it out
thanks user

I'm surprised that the Cred Forumsacks haven't jumped down your throat yet. Bashing everything that Chomsky has done or said is a fetish of theirs.

History of bodybuilding in Finland.

the chinaman is unfair ... they didn't maintain the colonial infrastructure because they were not educated to do so: all that was done by foreign engineers, right? they should have had the foresight at year zero to invest in domestic brain power... i wonder what happened at that level, i presume the top 1% sent their kids to prestigious universities and they got mediocre results, instead of going the meritocracy way and finance the kid's education socially for the greater good.

chinaman is unfair: all the infrastructure from the colonial years were done by foreign engineers, right? at year 1 of their liberation they should have massively invest in domestic brain power ... wonder what happened. they should have gone the meritocracy route and pay for the education of the best students, for the common good. i presume the people who weasel their ways into being the new 1% just sent their own kids to top western universities and they got mediocre results.

watch me be a diplomat in Africa

The problem with paying for education is A, no money and B, no educated natives, C, no way to get foreign educated people in

Every theory people have on how africa can unfuck itself always hinges upon one more more facets of first world society that first world society takes for granted.

that would imply Cred Forumsacks are politically literate, rather than simply reactionary.

Just watched this - such a brilliant document of the appeal of cults and of narcissism being taken to absolutely fucking stratospheric heights. God damn that was great, if a little schmaltzy at times.