
I always thought he said "DON'T"

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He's like "Grant! Look out! You are in danger even though you already know that and are firing the shot gun still be carefull lol!"

How doesn't it make sense? He can hear that Grant, Saddler and the grandchildren (HIS grandchildren) have been found by the raptors and are about to be killed viciously by them, and that Grant has opened fire on them, but he doesn't know if he successfully warded them off or not. He's panicking because he know they're completely fucked if Grant runs out of ammo and hasn't killed the raptors.

>Don't kill that animal that is probably worth millions after already investing millions possibly billions to even create it in the first place
>doesn't make sense

he's screaming because the kids are with grant

He's screaming "DON'T" because he cares more about his raptors dying than the actual people. They were worth millions of dollars and were his life's work.

Nope. Grant.

hes screaming cause he is in a helpless situation and Dr. Grant is the only one who can do anything to save the kids.

He also ate chili and sea bass earlier and is suffering from a bowel obstruction.

Holy shit OP, you reminded me of a classic

>Sparing no expense

Incompetency from Spielberg. Like the time he left the worst version of "part time" in the new Indiana Jones.


I found a ring in 'ere last night.

that would make sense for the book version of his character. Spielberg completely reversed the archetypes of every character for the movie.

>He's a nigger

What did he mean by this?


My thoughts exactly seeing the OP. Fucking classic.

>filming scene
>actor falls down
>keeps it in the film


>filming scene
>actor falls down
>keeps it in the film

He cant keep getting away with this

>filming scene
>makes two characters talk over each other
>cant focus on both


All of these worked though.

This scene makes me want to vomit

This scene was about raptors being able to talk/vocalize. It's brought up several times in the movie.

Just before this happens, the mining guy says "apuesto mil pesos que se cae" ("I bet you a thousand pesos he will fall"). Next?

Yeah making a fucking hooting sound

He suddenly remembered he forgot to get a grant for the land the park was built on, and could be facing serious legal trouble later

Munching noises.

The hate for this scene makes no fucking sense. He survived a traumatic, life threatening experience with living dinosaurs, specifically the type he studied the most. It's totally within the realm of possibility that he would occasionally have really bizarre dreams about them from that point on. It's silly to the point of hilarity but I don't think it's out of place at all. It's the least of that movie's problems.

I thought he was concerned for the dinosaurs because he paid a lot of money for them.