What a piece of shit

Does anybody want to have a /hate/ thread about this piece of garbage?

>that completely forced fag propaganda
>that gay "unity is strength" propaganda
>that forced character interaction and bad jokes by Doc and rest of the cast

Agitprop hate thread

>its another "superweapon" is going to destroy "stuff" episode

>that scene where Zulu backs into Anton Yelchin with the Enterprise

That scene was a tad too soon to be quite honest with you

Or you could dislike it because its a bland, numbing, head ache inducing explosion fest with the skin of star trek but none of the content.

Forced propaganda is what Star Trek has always been about OP. It's a trash franchise.

Yeah, I was going to mention its boring, but needed to get the POZ out of the way

I didn't hate it, but it was utterly forgettable, at least outside of the silly Sabotage scene. I don't know much about Star Trek, and it seemed to have a lot of nods to the other series that more dedicated fans apparently appreciated, but for me there wasn't much for the movie to stand on. The only scenes that had somewhat entertaining character interactions were the ones with McCoy and Spock, the villain was incredibly weak, and the plot was silly at best. At least the nods to Nimoy and the original cast were somewhat tastefully done though.

Star Trek is literally nothing but forced propaganda about multiculturalism. Just don't watch this shit if you don't want to be forcefed that ideology. On the other hand, the shows are pretty good as well.

OP here, I pretty much agree with you on all this. It was pretty forgettable.

Haven't seen any of the original series, but my cousin who is a big fan likes it

Can't believe the critical reception, it was just so boring.

>Haven't seen any of the original series,
Fix this.

So I'm not nearly as into the Star Trek fandom as humanly possible, so it might be that, but can you tell me why "The Cage"'s importance is "Major"?

I was under the impression that the Importance column showed how necessary the episode is to get a full understanding of the overall plot and characters, yet as far as I remember, The Cage is entirely non-canon, with zero bearing on those thing outside of itself.

>Only good and/or bad
C'mon. It might be not good for the same things Shakespear is like Khan, or Cole Porter is, for Voyage Home, but it is great for what old school Science Fiction novels are. It's basically the closest we'll ever get to an adaptation of "His Master's Voice" (and no, Contact doesn't fucking count)

it was GOOD

best of the three easily

beautifully shot action, campy classic feel

I really liked the first two.

The Cage is one of the very few episodes of TOS that actually have consequences.

To find out what they are, go watch The Cage and then go watch The Menagerie.

This is my opinion. It actually heightened my appreciation for the first in the trilogy. It was a fun mishmash of Trek episodes.

But holy shit everything after the "rewind enhance rewind rewind enhance rewind" reveal was literally useless. Idris should have just died in the ship after being mortally wounded and trying to kill Kirk, there was no need for MORE action and tension.

it was much better than into darkness

That sabotage part was the shittiest. Litterally You Grove, You Lose.

>that gay "unity is strength" propaganda

I guess you missed the part where Pegg was literally comparing the Federation as a Fascist forced multi-kulti police state using deliberate symbolism and it flew over your head. He explicitly states the federation FORCES people to work together to.

Or the part where Spock decides to leave Uhura because being with her made him a race traitor.

This movie was about as promulti-culturalism as Starship troops was pro-fascism.

There are a lot of things to complain about with this movie and these are yours? I mean shit the gay Sulu thing was like 5 seconds tops get a fucking grip man

it was paced like a Star Trek story, which is plodding to give you time to think about it. Obviously many of you missed it.

>reveal was literally useless. Idris should have just died in the ship after being mortally wounded and trying to kill Kirk, there was no need for MORE action and tension.

The reveal was just so stupid to me. I forget the phrase he said in the video but it's like "oh this guy used the same phrase as the villain this is CONCLUSIVE PROOF that they are the same person there is no other answer"

Star Trek has had fags on screen since the mid 90's no one gives a shit.

Or they could have skilled the whole turning him into an alien that was pointless and just had him have more conversations with main characters.

the obnoxious trailer music everyone hated turned out to be a key plot point if the movie. fucking awful. really a disgrace to the franchise putting reddit shit like this in.