Did anyone else find Jimmy kimmels joke about Johnnie Cochran really tasteless?

Did anyone else find Jimmy kimmels joke about Johnnie Cochran really tasteless?

The guy who played Cochran in "the people vs. OJ Simpson" won an Emmy, to which Kimmel quipped "I have to believe Johnnie Cochran is smiling up at us tonight." Implying he's burning in hell for defending OJ.

It's a bit fucked up to announce that you think a real dead person with a family is currently burning in hell, because he defended OJ, and to base this entire assumption on a dramatised television series is a bit sick, to me at least.


Fuck off, it was funny

OJ Simpson murdered two people. Cochran and OJ's lawyers played off the biases of a garbage jury and played the race card to get a murderer off the hook.

Yes if there's a hell Cochran most certainly deserves a place there.

i'd make a shitpost or something to bait people but actually I don't think anyone cares dude

your bait is solid, if overreaching

No niggers in white heaven.

'lawyer' must be the only title where people hate you more the better you are at your job

kimmel was p funny for him

>believing in hell

I hate what religion does to the mind. Tell me to tip my fedora and feel euphoric on le reddit, idgaf. It's so retarded.

No Cochran was racist piece of shit that deserved to die

He's a good lawyer but not a good person.

A good person who also happens to be a good lawyer would have told OJ to plea guilty.

No it was funny. Glad Jimmy had some balls.

He was literally doing his job

>lawyers are evil
You usually only hear this by moronic 18year olds.

I didn't find that joke tasteless, the one he made after the dead actors memorial, where he said it'll be hard to top that next year. In reference to how many actors died this year, was a bit fucked up, desu.

Then he would have been a bad lawyer, giving someone counsel that leads to a bad outcome based on what he personally thinks. Lawyers are not supposed to be playing jury.


no, the police completely disregarded nearly every standard rule of evidence, showed themselves to employ violent racists, and ruined any chance of a conviction even if he did do it.

you can say what you want but if there's anyone to blame it's the police and DA for fucking up, not some defense lawyer doing his job well

>A good person who also happens to be a good lawyer would have told OJ to plea guilty.
A good person would undermine the entire adversarial system of justice based on their own assumptions?

it was great and most people who believe in some version of hell already hate lawyers. Take your shill thread and get fucked.

What are you talking about? I've only ever heard it from old men.

No one cared when The Book of Mormon did it.

You type like a nigger, so...

go and watch the ESPN OJ Simpson documentary, one of the jurors admits that she, and many others only voted not guilty because of the Rodney king beating

I quoted the wrong person. I don't even know who I ment to quote

I couldn't give less of a shit

Fuck off nigger. Nobody on here gives a shit if a joke was tasteless or not.

how do I type like a nigger?

>"Fuck off cunt, do you even know where you are? This is Cred Forums, bitch, the coldest place on the Internet, where only the toughest 16 year olds like me are edgy enough to survive. I know you probably came from your le Reddit shithole, but if you want to be one of us, you Gotta wise up, kid, if you want to join the ranks of true 4channers like me, nothing can be too edgy for you. Listen up kid, that might save your life someday. This is a cold place, and if you don't harden up quickly, you'll get thrown to the fucking dogs. Make no mistake, if you feel something is tasteless, that doesn't go down well with the boys here, keep that shit to yourself unless you want another 16 year old to call you a cuck? So, kid? You think you got what it takes to post on Cred Forums? Or is Reddit lookin' pretty cosy to you right now? Are you with the chan, or against us? You can only be one, and God help you if you're the other."


people have thought oj was guility since it happened, and believe me, cochran knew he was guilty

>believe me

And how do I know I could trust you?

>just following orders boss xD

Why don't you ask the SS how that went?

>Invoking Godwin's law.

>schwimmer unironically got an emmy nomination for this


>redditor's law
Not an argument

>Waaah, what about his family?
What about Nicole Brown's family? What about Ron Goldman's family?
Why should we give a fuck about Cochrane when he was a scumbag?

Comparing lawyers to the SS, good job champ

>Taking simple analogies literally
Was it autism?

Defense lawyers are almost inherently morally bad people. They pick the position within their field of expertise that yields the highest monetary reward for the lowest moral standards.
T. Clinton voter.

>A good person who also happens to be a good lawyer

Those two things cancel each other out.

Are you calling yourself a Clinton voter? Because you're just arguing about feelings and have no idea how to format a reply.