Cringe: the movie

cringe: the movie

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fag: the op

It's not your fault, OP.

dude that movie is pretty much the story of my life.

its reddit: the movie - numale's edition

You have a wicked smaht friend?

If you're an emotional cripple that doesn't get this movie then it's cringe to your fucked up world.

so meme

Are you a genetic mistake that need tending?

I don't understand. What's cringe about this movie? People overuse that word so much it's like it's lost its original meaning.

If you type 'meme' you should be shot. Don't ever type that again you goddamn moron. Grow the fuck up.

The movie made me feel bad about myself for sure

Honestly this movie isn't really that cringey you are just a twot who doesn't know how to communicate with others.

i love this movie

robin williams is so comfy

I sucked my dad's dick in the shower once

>working class laborer has extraordinary ability to think abstractly/logically
>somehow this also means he has read an unusual scale of literature to have a wide array of knowledge, which has jackshit to do with that

how the fuck do you not cringe at this? they should have left it at him being good at maths, not completely unrelated shit which isn't intuitive, and that this character wouldn't actually have time for IRL between drinking heavily regularly and working full time.

My faggot friend was crying during this movie.

cool story bro

It wouldn't even be an issue with him having read a lot, being a jack of all trades.

But he's got "I'm in the middle of my thesis" knowledge about fucking everything. And he does this while working a demolition job and drinking with the boys almost every night.

You can't be that hood, that knowledgeable, and that straight of an arrow. He'd either have left, been shot, or running his neighborhood before he saw the inside of Hahvahd.

He loved to read. His house was filled with books he rented from the library. So it's kind of explained where he got his broad knowledge from.


While you sucked his dick I bet.

Most of you worthless assholes can't cope with this show. You'll pretend your way through some fascist period and watch your family die in front of you. Then regret the garbage people you've become. It's a cyclic thing that started back in the 18 hundreds. In short, you're too stupid to exist.



Sounds like you're speaking from experience, gramps

Vote for Trump, you near moron dull garbage.

yeah, i agree. the character is really a blue collar fantasy IMO, and probably what stupid people think of how a prodigy's brain works.

At least you clueless assholes have figured out that we're not that far apart and slavery isn't the route to normalization.

more like he was a polymath/prodigy lost through being a victim of the system, foster care, childrens homes etc

I think you misunderstood the film

I'm a poisoned skittle mutha fucka. You'll never find me until it's too late. *BOOM*

how sad that arguing the merits of this film is the most movie related discussion on the board

I thought the sequel was better

not meme enuf 4u?

The movie is pretty unjustifiable and ridiculous and fantastical and silly but I still like it for some reason. It's very easy to watch and the performances are all engaging. Plus the Elliot Smith soundtrack is great.

As other posters have mentioned through, the concept is ridiculously silly.

go further


why is it silly?

did you see this one?

I don't understand the question.

Coming from the guy who just unironically called something "reddit the movie"

I kinda think Patch Adams is awful.

This guy hits the nail on the head for the plausibility issues with Good Will Hunting. I don't really concern myself with those kind of things though, so it's not a big issue for me. The movie is undeniably cornball though, especially compared to some of Van Sant's other movies. It is a very enjoyable slice of cheese though, in the same vein as movies like Moneyball and Sully.

It's the breakdown in her dorm that gets me. That's the real insight into why he's closed off from people, and is way more believable than the genius bits. The conversations with Williams help to enhance it.

It's not that I didn't like the movie, but it seems most people like it for completely fantastical reasons.

>I kinda think Patch Adams is awful.


Yeah but even that stuff is a little cloying and obvious. I mean I like it too but the difficult past that he's too ashamed to reveal/deal with is all just a little familiar and easy. I think if Damon and Williams's hadn't both given such charming performances, and if Van Sant hadn't brought a deft touch to it, the movie could have been a complete piece of Oscar bait shlock.

>It's the breakdown in her dorm that gets me

It's a great bit. The whole movie had some really great acting in it (I personally like how Will and Affleck treat that kid, really reflects a lot of relationships I've seen), but that scene in the dorm, the hurt in both of them because they're talking past each other, really solid.

It's not your fault.

Oh yeah. I should've specified that it was more about their performance than the material. I mightve bought the whiz kid stuff if it had been acted at the degree.

Maybe that's the real issue I've got with it. There's very few actors who can pull off genius of a technical subject. Emotions are always easier to convey.

>Emotions are always easier to convey.

You could say that about a lot of movies, particularly ones like this with an inspirational theme to them. The Pianist would have been garbage if it hadn't been for good direction and acting, and same with My Left Foot, Intouchables, and a thousand other movies.

>There's very few actors who can pull off genius of a technical subject.

watch more movies

what the fuck is cringe worthy in the damn film?

Intouchables and My Left Foot are both garbage

underrated post

fuck boston and its citizens

At least you post suggestions in your condescension.

I suppose that's an improvement.

not really relevant to the thread


i'm in a good will hunting is cringeworthy thread

you fuckers deserve to be patronized

OP is incorrect. Pic related.