I love movies too, user!

>i love movies too, user!
>what are your top 3 favourites?
what do you say?

>I'm not paying you to talk



japanese schoolgirl sex all the time
japanese schoolgirl sex all the time 2
japanese schoolgirl sex all the time 3

movies are for plebs I just read


>I like all sorts of shit, really. What are you into?

She'll fall in love with you through the sound of listening to her own voice.

>Big Trouble in Little China

How would a girl actually respond if I admit this?

Who told you I like movies?

I dont even like movies.

Waynes World
Waynes World 2
Madame Butterfly

I wrote this and jesus christ what has this board done to me

>Black Swan
I would get friendzone'd so quick with this list lmao

If I was with someone that told me those movies I would blow them right there. Moneyball was an awesome movie. It was cool seeing a baseball movie about things I've seen and players I've watched live.

Yeah I hate making rankings, these people just want to say their own

Apocalypse Now
Full Metal Jacket

Kung Pow
Mr. Nobody
End of Evangelion

fuck off, chink

You'd probably blow them regardless because you're a gayslut

oh hey lol thats so random ;)) jk omg lol

Ya got me

>Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
>The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
>Blade Runner
Drop those panties now, Lingling-chan.

Everything with Marky Mark. He's my favourite actor

Are you at least a trap?

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
A Talking Cat!?! (2013)
Problem Child 2 (1991)
As you can see from my impeccable selection, I'm a real movie buff.

I'd say
>Il Postino
>Chariots of Fire
>The Sound of Music

>End of Evangelion

Congrats her legs just snapped shut from hearing a nip cartoon.


I'll wait till sne's comatose anyway.

I make unwavering eye contact and tell her that the only movie I watch is The Dark Knight Rises, and that I watch it at least three times every day

you are so fucked up

>Fallen Angels
>The Double Life of Veronique

>The Truman Show
>Eyes Wide Shut
>Inheren Vice

>Ching Chong
>Boku no Piko
>How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


Ching ding xing xong chan ping pong?

fucking ROFL based!!!! only 1 off from being Praised Truth of Based Kek .... LoL

xiamen peking shanghai?

erotic ghost stories
shaolin soccer

essential asian gf core


reddit has been EXPOSED

Watch this chink movie with her.

Then, like after 4/5 of the movie's male lead being a lovable rogue, I rape her like he rapes the female lead.

>Thanks y-you too!

is that even a girl? yeesh

End of Evangelion
Howls Moving Castle

The anime pussy will be mine

>tfw qt part Asian girl who likes Star Trek ghosts me on Tinder

fuck yyou op

I shower her my 3x3 mosaic


Ավետիք (Ասկարյան, 1992)
వాల్మీకి (దుంగన్, 1945)
ボクサ(寺山修司, 1977)

>Full Metal Jacket
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Cinderella Man

How laid am I?

Solaris, Holy Motors, and In the Mood for Love
If she stays then I'm still interested.

>they don't get the reference

I mean come on this is a Cantonese rug collecting board, you should know this

Well? I'm ready to receive your shower, user.

Are you guys legitimately retarded, or just pretending to not get the joke?

asian girls are disgusting race traitor whores

Asian men make more money, commit less crime but get no recognition from these sluts


Well shit, I guess I am retarded, I completely forgot the reference until right now.

Eyes Wide Shut
Inland Empiere
Raiders of the Lost Ark

Massive asian tits 3
Flat asian girls
It's okay if it's a newhalf

>user you didn't like the new ghostbusters? I found it really inspiring for a girl in my position, not often we get representation here
How do you respond

Scott Pilgrim
Kikis delivery service

The three movies that lead directly in to any Asian girls pantisu

she is

isn't this girl a hapa

that aint her retard

Conan the Barbarian (1982)
Oversexed Rugsuckers from Mars, which is the worst movie mankind has yet created to the point of beauty


>you will never be an exorcist with a beautiful ghost girlfriend

fuck the ending. her being alive and in a coma was a cool twist but the MC deciding to let her alive, amnesia self forget him and lead a normal life sucked dick. fuck you gooks.

It's Not gay if it's a Newhalf*

war fag

The Shawshank Redemption
Synecdoche, New York
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

High quality pepe you have there user

Actually let's go with A Clockwork Orange instead of weebkino for this.

>I want you to see my unlicensed nuclear accelerator.

If you catch my drift.

>The Shawshank Redemption
You're saying this because all the sheeps always say t his, right?

The Social Network
Back to the Future Part 2.


I truly mean it.

Alright then, I respect your opinion and I think that FILTERED ! ! !

Same almost unforgivable.

I don't even know.

I just watch shit and forgets about it.


My top three favorite movies? Oh you know, just Seven Samurai, Oldboy, and Ikiru. Do you even know who directed Seven Samurai and Ikiru? No you probably don't. Well, he's a man called Akira Kurosawa and I don't expect you to know who he is because you're a girl and you probably don't even watch movies that came out before 2000. You love movies? I doubt it bitch, you love flicks. Shit like Adam Sandler and Kevin Hart is what you watch. What do I watch? I watch real films. Films that involve precise cinematography. Films that are worthy enough to be played at the most honorable theater in the world. I bet you don't even know of any Japanese movies. And the Ring doesn't count. Why? Because it just doesn't. Horror movies are bad. They can't be good. Unless it's The Thing. Carpenter is a master director. Have you seen Escape from New York? No of course not. Have you played Metal Gear Solid? Probably not because you're a girl and spend all your time on facebook talking to douchebags instead of experiencing the great mind that Hideo Kojima has to offer. Anyway back to films. Seven Samurai is the greatest film ever made, and it's been remade by America into movies that are great but not as good as Seven Samurai. Have you seen the Magnificent Seven? And not the one with Denzel Washington (although he's a good actor but too bad he's a nigger) and that pathetic excuse of an actor Chris Pratt. I'm talking about the original 1960 film with Steve McQueen. Yeah no of course you haven't seen it. I bet you have never even seen a Western before anyway. And Back to the Future 3 doesn't count because it's shit. Only Back to the Future and the 2015 part of Back to the Future 2 are good.

So go fuck yourself you whore. You don't know shit about true films. Come back when you've completed the full East Asian kinography canon. And then go watch Das Boot. Inception is not a mind bending movie. 2001: A Space Odyssey is. But don't bother with that, it's too smart for you. Now suck my dick k?

>being this autistic

oc pasta?

J & L – Two Pairs Of Huge Tits Take Real Creampies Anri Okita Hitomi
Classroom Visitations Body-Conscious Mom
Drowning In The Tentacle


jesus christ user are you ok

How does Oldboy fit in


That's a tranny, right?

2001: A Space Oddysey
Mulholland Drive

I get the number 10 extra spicy

Source on this pic? It resonated with me.

dont talk to me gook

it's anime

How am I supposed to pick 3 films from roughly 800 favorites

Boku no Pico:Space Drama

So it's LoGH?

jesus christ

>again with the girl trying to impress her romantic interest

that is her

Jesus I wasn't going to comment on anybody else's but this is that perfect level of bad that just manages to be believable though.


They Live
Minority Report
Starship Troopers

Tremors (Seen it many many times since I was 7. Still love the banter.)
Clue (Based on the board game.)
Ocean's Eleven (G.Clooney version.)

>i dont have "favorite movies" but i do have favorite directors and producers and if i had to choose 3 movies i wouldnt be able to since i love so many

Well duh dude.

Asian men are built like Western Women

Asian women are built like Western CHILDREN.

If you are one of the lucky genetic freak azn bois who isnt a super manlet then do yourself another favour and start de-twinkifying yourself. HIT THE GYM

>Implying white bois aren't feminine

You pale skinned devils make good prison bitches for a reason.

Last Life in the Universe
Chungking Express
Memories of Murder

Gotta cover as much of Asia as possible to impress this oriental.


>all my favorites are all entry level sci-fi movies

d'aww, i've always wanted an asian girl as a pet. look at it rubbing against his shoulder, so sweet. i just hope he feeds it regularly and protects his dog from it if he has one.

how do I get an asian gf

1) Be white. Your appearance beyond this is irrelevant
2) Talk to an asian girl.

Ok there you go.


holy shit I actually have a chance

too bad I live in a country with literally zero asians, don't think I've ever seen an asian girl irl

Chimes at Midnight
Seven Samurai


yeah gibe sauce

Fuck off you ugly gook whore.
All non-whites are my enemies.


its a girl

>no Japan
>no mainland China

Nah, shes a twitch streamer. She had nudes leaked a few years back

Fight Club
The Matrix
Ghostbusters II


Literal Autism lmao.

Man of Steel

>giving the year of the movie's release

Autisimo maximus

dude most people know kurosawa. seven samurai has like half a million votes on imdb. i dont know why you think thats obscure.

>Realm of the senses
>Men Behind the Sun
>Godzilla's Revenge

True patrician taste ching-a-ling-chan

Oh, I don't actually watch movies, I just make memes on a himalayan alppacca fur knitting social media platform


i would step through that bastards lungs, do an 'american history x' on him, then capture and marry this cutie

1. freddy got fingered
2. the pest
3. master of disguise

women in general

Eyes Wide Shut
Breaking the Waves
The Mirror

Is it normal to have a top 3 anything? Sounds autistic as fuck.

God damn it how do I find the video?

>there are people so deluded they think they don't want this

>tfw I teleport into my monitor and save her before this scene happens

>save her

You know she is a spoiled as fuck rich girl who wanted to slum it for a while right? I don't have the image macro proving her identity but don't delude yourself thinking she needs to be saved.

How the hell are there still pictures of her I haven't seen? I've never seen her in that shirt before, don't think I've seen any where her hair is wet either. She didn't start camming again did she?

If you actually watched moving es, you'd know that someone cant have a top3 of his favourite movies, because there's too much out there.

>The Mirror

How does this fit into the rest of your meme post?

Seriously why would you even think about posting this?

I'm pretty sure like over 40% of girls and boys in Japan from 18-34 are virgins.
They really don't give many people recognition.

I sincerely do not get Shawshank Redemption. It's such an average film. Yeah, it's a great example of classical Hollywood storytelling, but it's really far from the best example of that. Why it's so loved I will never understand. I feel like I've seen films this year with as much resonance. And it wasn't even that good a year.

aha don't know but it is in my file now

>jaws: the revenge
>carnasaur 2
>don't tell mom the babysitter's dead

They all have to do with wincest or facial abuse, love

IV > V > VI

>In China They Eat Dogs
>In China They Eat Dogs 2
>Hanzo the Razor

>inception is not a mind bending movie
>2001 a space odyssey is

I've only watched 13th Warrior and Dune for the last 4 years.

i had a hearty chuckle

>Well, Id better get an Uber for two because I dont think Leo or Pitt would stay in a room with you either

You just got memed upon


You and me would be best of friends.


the dark knight rises
the truman show

"If Ghostbusters, a property rebooted to sell Twinkies, is supposed to be inspiring for your gender, that's really fucking sad. Girls will gain more from movies like Star Wars TFA, The BFG and Queen of Katwe than they ever will from a movie joking about queefs and man-children."

3: Brokeback Mountain
2: Goodfellas
1: Relatively Complicated (2018)

>experiencing the great mind that Hideo Kojima has to offer

Yeah, no.

what if youre hispanic?

The Mummy
Scooby-Doo Zombie Island

Birth of a nation
Triumph of the Will
The Eternal Jew

you better be white hispanic

Ya got me again

>implying the entire planet is the prison bitch to whites

Le tip'o the hat to you!

>tfw dominican and colombian

why do hispanic women love white dick?

shit dude, I hope you're not this cringy irl

everyone loves white dick, familia

I dont


don't you love your white dick?

Lost In Translation
No Country For Old Men
Lord of the Rings

That shoud suffice for a normie like her.

Since when did aidsJay have an asian gf?

I'd run away from her, I don't want to die in an explosion.

not into whites

Who is aidsJay? I tried google that just gave me aids.

That's pretty average-good taste. If she liked films it'd just be an "oh that's nice".

>Apocalypse Now
>Mulholland Drive

>Blade Runner
>All Quiet On The Western Front

Mainstream/plebish list, I know, but these are all great films.

It seems something common in Japanese and Korean shows, they almost never have a happy ending.

Fucking damn it, fucking tomboys, now I have to go fap

>Letting the woman you love live a long health life instead of dying and being tied to you forever
>Bad ending

Hahaha, I raged/laughed.

FffffUCK you.

WMAF strikes again.

but that's a real girl user.

you all make fun of him in the subconscious hope of validation on a Vietnamese rice harvesting board, but deep inside you know that he is telling the truth.

how tall is she?

>Asian women

No thank you. I want a woman with a soul who doesn't sound like a catfight.

>you know that he is telling the truth
No, he's contradicting himself, he said no horror movie can be good and they said that The Thing is good.

shit ending

Not all of them behave like Chink insect people. I'm quite sure only Chinese and South Koreans behave this way actually.

>Unless it's The Thing
Do you even basic English speaking

idk but i'm pretty sure that's MarkZ

- Koyaanisqatsi
- Werckmeister Harmonies
- Lost Highway

she looks nerdy enough to know these.

Fucking great. 10/10.


This is what you should say in that situation, but honestly I would probably confuse it for actual interest and I'd spend the rest of the day (yeah sure, more like the next 6 months) obsessing over it and imagining our life together, how I could get close to her, etc.

One day in public transportation a girl ran her hands through my torso like 5 times (I'm pretty fit and tall, so I guess she liked me), she tried to play it off as "oops I almost fell lol" but it was very obvious what she was doing. To this day I cherish that moment and think about it all the time, maybe I should have said something, it's the closest I've ever been to a woman in that way.

>tfw autism

Talk about autism, I was listening to Darkthrone's Blaze when some girl in a bus asked me fro my facebook, and if I'll add her. I rejected her, because I was furious she interrupted my Darkthrone session...

How autistic am I?

thank you for creating this
making pasta is the best

I thought that was Gao Yuanyuan. Been watching a lot of Chinese movies lately.


The City of Life and Death
Black Sun

>what have you done to solange
>desperate living
Lol i bet you don't even know those movies ya cross eyed pseudo-patrician birdman lovin gook cunt

I've seen this mentioned. The scene hot at least?

River's Edge
Blues Brothers
Ace Ventura


Don't worry about it too much, user. My dad's pretty tan, and he dated a Chinese girl. My uncle's married to a Japanese girl.

>White male

Jewish. And Elliot Rodger was a kike too before you play that card as well.

Shes beautiful, I don't care what you say!

Pulp Fiction
The Departed

Safe normie yet manly choices.

>save her
she wanted to do that
she's a dirty whore

I don't really have a top three movies but if somebody is asking that question they're looking for a gleam of personality not for you to be a smartass so I'd probably say The Thing, Spider-Man and The Lord of the Rings.


The key is to find a Chinese woman who was raised by western standards.

did you just go to public school and that's it?


for maximum nerd pussy:

LOTR trilogy
Princess Bride
Disney movies

Honestly I forget what happens in this. I'm mistaking it for the one where a chick gets slapped and makes a disappointed duck face.

What's her Twitch?

Lawrence of Arabia
City of God
Donnie Darko


Super (2008)
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

she goes by the name Hafu

i agree with him except for that kojima part

oh and the magnificent seven sucked
and back to the future part 3 it's ok, fuck him