>japanese master detective


what on earth is this?

>That finger pointed at the sky

>japanese master detective

L was British, you don't even know what to be upset about.


>L is no longer an edgelord emo kid with cuh razy hair and pale skin
>L is now a more human character, a british black young super detective
>He now panders to a global audience instead of only japs
>This is somehow bad

Fucking weebs.

Hollywood and is desperate for new IPs, so they're turning towards anime to adapt. However, they're fucking it up like they do when they adapt video games how they used to adapt genre fiction. They're so far up their ass thinking that their shitty flicks are the greatest art of all time that they don't respect the source material at all. This will create a bad and bland product.

>Darius from Atlanta
i'm totally okay with this

>cast white woman as a japanese character
>people lose their shit
>cast black guy as a japanese character
>nobody can say anything

pure genius

>L was British

Oh wait, he's some weird OC DONUT STEEL mongrel

>When asked about L's ethnicity, creator of the series Tsugumi Ohba responded, "I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that." Ohba said that L is the most intelligent character in the entire Death Note series because "the plot requires it." He added that he personally views L as "slightly evil."

Wonder if they purposely chose a black actor for a reversal of light versus dark metaphor and if you think of it in chess terms, Light has made the first move and L has to put him in checkmate.

he's probably still an edge lord though.

For fucks sake just adapt the source material into a film, it's not that hard.

The anime isn't even good but the story is interesting enough literally everyone ever watched the show, people will eat that shit up if you just copy the chinese cartoon 1:1

I still don't believe he's really L.

just decoy and baiting.

Japan is proof that doesn't work. The best anime movie is the Tom cruise one. It's great because it doesn't follow the source material.

>SHEEEEET lemme get all detective UP IN HYEEYA NAHMEAN SON? WHAT! OK!


All you need is kill was a light novel you retard.

>Japanese master killer
>A jew

heller master killer leader

Wasn't the entire point of this scene in the anime was to trick Light into killing the wrong guy therefore exposing the general area where he lived?

Doesn't giving the message himself defeat the purpose of this since Light now knows the guy is black and etc?

There was already a movie.

It was all right.

it was a good adaption. Even to the character design of L.

This is a Netflix flick, Cred Forumseddy

>Doesn't giving the message himself defeat the purpose of this since Light now knows the guy is black and etc?

doesn't matter if he doesn't have his name

Gook films don't apply to what I'm saying because those are usually faithful adaptions of the source material.

What annoys me is the realization that western filmmakers will start to take ideas from anime and manga but completely shit all over the source material and make shitty adaptions.

But maybe not, maybe I'm just an angry weeb sperging on Cred Forums.

Would be interesting if instead of the whole L, Near, Mello trio instead L is a title used by various other detectives, and when this one loses another takes his place.

Why would a "master detective" reveal his race?

I mean sure it probably doesn't mean much but if you're gonna hype him up as a supir smrt braniac don't make him do things that potentially endanger himself.

>everyone forgets this beta Jew is supposed to be Light

Isn't Light meant to be a really handsome charismatic guy with all the girls in Japan chasing after his dick?

>people will eat that shit up if you just copy the chinese cartoon 1:1

This has never worked, shit that looks good in anime doesn't look good in live action.


It's funny because Lind L. Tailor will be just any random black guy off death row.
Then it won't be funny.

Whatever they do will be better than those fucking movies. L's race is inconsequential but it's definitely out of character to be in public. Maybe they do a switcharoni on us at some point and he's French or some shit.

>>He now panders to a global audience

Not even brazil likes black leads, aside from murrika and the brits black leads make no sense

Death Note is shit anyway.
The funny thing is though that one of L's plans where he sends that cop chick into a museum so she shoots someone to get rid off her won't work at all. Firstly, the victim could get shot by anybody else in that museum, secondly Americans don't go to museums at all and thirdly the cop would get away with it.



Why the FUCK is the guy who played Snoop Dogg in Straight Outta Compton showing up in everything now?

Like what the fuck. He literally just popped out of nowhere. Is there some Jew magic going on or something?

I don't care that L is black.

I care that L is showing himself in broad fucking daylight like a moron. His entire character is based around his insane cautiousness in his approach to catching L.

L dressing like he find out about rick owens and farfetch in general
fuck is that

>that outfit
>literally old /fa/ meme
>the guest had ideas posted by classic /k/ and Cred Forums
>you're next had ideas from /x/ movie threads

>mr robot
>the fat hacker was literally a Cred Forums meme
>the music is old Cred Forumscore
>the framing is an old Cred Forums meme from the patrician threads

why is this allowed?

i know some of the words in this post

every single famous person browses and steals from Cred Forums nowadays

>wearing shoes

>I mean sure it probably doesn't mean much but if you're gonna hype him up as a supir smrt braniac don't make him do things that potentially endanger himself.

Like play a round of tennis? You're nitpicking, L made just as many bold moves in the manga