ITT: Jokes you didnt get as a kid

ITT: Jokes you didnt get as a kid

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the bee bit his bottom now his bottoms big

I still don't.

whats the joke here

What was this joke again?

gay sex

homer is the bottom


Do you like putting fish sticks in your mouth?



this trans stuff

>as kid

What are you, a gay fish?

>Jokes that couldn't be made today

No? I don't get it

Fish sticks = Fish dicks

>I'm afraid he couldn't... "bee" here



Episode is 9 years old gramps. Couldve been 10 when he saw it and be completely fine.


>19 years old
>not a kid
ffs, you can't even legally buy alcohol at that age (in Murrica)

>heh, one


I don't get it.

i dont get it



Chuck's Feed & Seed?

I don't get it.

>you can't even legally buy alcohol at that age (in Murrica)
>land of the free

I don't get it

>Chuck's Feed & Seed?
No, it was just named Chuck's. Not sure how that 's funny though.

Sambo is a derogatory term for a black person

Going by the pattern the store would have been chicks fuck and suck

what pattern? store names have to rhyme now?

The first time I fapped to a trap

In Ireland it means sandwiches.
Fags also means cigarettes so I can say "I hate fags and sambos" all I want.


>Hating sandwiches

You should be hanging from a tree with a damn pitchfork up your ass.

>the bee stung my bottom, now my bottom's big
not as funny now, is it.

i didn't understand the butt bumps

i thought she had shit her pants, and this somehow connected with ace showering in the next montage, to get the shit off.

thoroughly confusing to see this as a kid.

it's cuck's you stupid fucks. fucking KEKS it's literally a word plastered all over this site you cucks


The joke is an overall tableaux: physical comedy as-rendered in an animated program, the delivery of a line, and the context of these items in a situation which functions like the opening of a comedy sketch.

Homer is looking, acting and speaking like a childish jackass in the presence of people (inspectors?!, it's been a while) that he is definitely not supposed to do so in front of: nuclear plant inspectors. The humor derives from the absurdity of an on-duty nuclear plant employee, who is supposed to epitomize intelligent adulthood, instead behaving like a childish jackass. Homer doesn't even seem to realize whose presence he is in, and how serious the situation is supposed to be.

We're also in on the joke since by now (a few seasons in) we know the speed of normal hijinx at the nuclear plant, while the inspector(s) is the straight man. A similar dynamic is in play when, for example, the Germans acquire the plant in another episode.

Finally, the line itself is a cute piece of almost-monosyllabic alliteration, (alliteration lends itself to multiple literary techniques, comedy among them), worthy of The Three Stooges.

Due to being both a butt joke and also for the presence of word "bottom", it is easy (and not wholly illegitimate) to read the joke as a gay joke. However the context of the joke really has nothing to do with gays apart from these surface observations. For a joke that actually involves "gay" in its content and context, instead see: "warning: possible Homer sexual", for example.

The store's name rhymes. Sneed's Feed & Seed was formerly Chuck's Fuck & Suck.

whats the joke in your post

that's not how businesses work you fucking retard

you don't just wake up and go 'oh my name's TJ, guess that means i have to suck dick for a living' you can make whatever kind of business you want

of course in your case you'd stick with the bj thing because you're such a fucking faggot

An user who actually explains the joke in detail (as I have in fact done) does an absurd and pointless task. A little humor may be found in this, too.

First of all, explaining a joke is absurd and pointless because doing so tends to rob a joke of what made it funny in the first place: the opportunity for the recipient to "get" the joke for themselves without having it spoon-fed to them. Part of the pleasure of hearing a joke, apart from its absurdity or whatever its thrust is, is this same opportunity that the recipient has to think it through for themselves. In the case of an absurdity, a little "does not compute" light may flick on somewhere in the recipient's head, and then the recipient /consciously realizes/ that the "does not compute" light has flicked on. Which is funny, so the recipient laughs, self-assured in having understood the absurdity, of having gotten the joke. Again, to explain a joke robs the recipient of this pleasure.

Second, the length of my replies naturally leads the average Cred Forums user to suppose that the author is autistic, which is a sort of sad, sour realization for another user to have, and so they may laugh /at/ me, but not /with/ me. This is a harsher, meaner possibility, but the possibility of laughter, or some sort of humor, is still present. The irony being that in such a case, the respondent will be disposed to dismiss my above explanation of the OP's joke, when in actual fact my explanation is of course correct, as an impartial user can realize by actually watching the clip and then comparing my notes.

But of course this ruins the joke.


one candle

la caribartura del siglo

como pega el fasoooooooooooooo0

I still don't get his one

I always thought when I was a child that Ace was showing she shit her pants. I thought it was funny and recall watching the movie many times with my parents.

Luckily though I don't recall anything I said to my parents in regards to it.

Imagine the backlash if this came out today


habla bien bobito

Heh. I get it.

Many jews change their name/hide their jewishness when they enter show biz. See Jon Lebowitz


>Formerly Cuck's
Cred Forums culture is such shit.

>thread about jokes we don't get
>posts what appear to be nonsensical, unfunny jokes we don't get
Bueno, I guess...?

>Let's just say, I'm sitting in the right chair.

I legitimately still don't get this joke. Is he so angry he shit himself? When has anyone ever heard of that happening?

That flashback in the grinch movie

>"honey, the babies here!"
>"... Looks just like your boss"

The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle
>Are you talking to me?

but thats the joke you autist

I didn't understand this as a kid, when they turned her around I thought the bulge was she pooed herself, that's why the everyone was vomiting

I still dont get it. Why would "her" dick be on the ass?

Part of what confused me, I get she was holding her junk behind her legs but it wouldn't be that far up the crack

It was the size that confused you?

the position is what confuses us

If your dick and balls reaches where your anus is then yes

It bothers me how Homer sat on the couch with Bart in the scene before. I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

could you repeat the joke? i don't get it