Why are bald guys always portrayed as evil villains and/or otherwise "damaged"?

Why are bald guys always portrayed as evil villains and/or otherwise "damaged"?

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They are literally damaged

Have you ever actually met a bald guy? they're horrible people

Does this look bald to you

Voldemort did nothing wrong. Muggles should to be exterminated.

Because baldlets are genetically inferior. Also baldlet rage because of feeling of impotence

because balding fucking sucks. don't let stupid /fit/ memes about high test or whatever fool you.

When will they learn?

Because they have nothing to lose.

Most men go bald because they are genetically literally manlier than the ones that don't go bald.

>sirus the virus
Guy was a saint. He was trying to free wrongfully convicted criminals so that they may get a second chance. Then mr. Big shot Cameron "I'm gonna go home for my daughters birthday" Poe had to ruin it.

There are action heroes and series protagonists that are good guys and are bald.

high testosterone levels

No, they're not. Balding just means your hair can't handle Dihydrotestosterone. Guys like Arnold and Stallone roided for decades and didn't lose hair until they became grandpas.

Not how it works, it has nothing to do with testosterone levels, but with receptors in the follicles.
Stop posting lies to dellude baldies.

Whatever floats your boat m8

Then why are there so many bald numales?

Bald or balding implies illness, and helps the viewer feel disgust at the sight of a disgusting bald person.

Bald men are like obese people or the mentally disabled, most people don't say anything about them in public but when they see them they all think to themselves how disgusting they are.

look at this baldlet damage control

>game of thrones
You are a numale

Is there anything funnier than seeing the "cuck scar" on someone's head from having hair transplant surgery


mad hairlet detected. did you remember to apply your minoxidil, finasteride, and rogaine today?

Like who?

>bad guy

Not at all.

Honestly if all bald men and women born of bald men were forbidden to breed. After 3 or 4 generations the genetics for balding would much rarer and future generation wouldn't have to deal with looking at them ever again.

What is even the point? They just go bald again.


Baldlet genocide when ?

Love Arnold's look here. Pretty sure he's off cycle or something here but he looks cooler and more athletic here compared to his on stage body.

basically all of them

Reminds me of his Predator physique.

Long hair Arnold is best Arnold. Too bad he stopped growing it out after the Terminator.

idk if you have this in your folklore but in ours (european) the bad guy is always glabrous (bald). Maybe it was believed that their wickedness made their hair fall, or that it started be a common trait of wicked people.

Bald people just look more intimidating. Statistically women find bald men more masculine. That's probably the root of it.

It's not women who wrote the stories.

Fuck you guys, my dad is bald and I love him more than anything.

I don't know, mate. I live in eastern Europe and bitches love the buzzcut + stubble thug look, so basically eveyone looks like that now even if they're not bald.

>look up hair loss on wikipedia
>stumble on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern_hair_loss
>"Treatment may include simply accepting the condition."

That's pretty cold.

If you love him so much why don't you marry the q ball

It's not cold to tell a 5ft guy he will never be 6ft. All people need to learn to accept the genetics they were given because there is nothing you can do to change it.

Basically if you don't like how you look, you should have picked better parents.

bullshit. simply there are so many guys who are balding or have thinning hair that they have to buzz their heads. as for girls, beggars can't be choosers.

>even arnold's legs look this small in shorts sometimes

this pic is really making me feel better about my physique

A full head of hair is a man full of life and youthful energy

Baldness is the opposite. Its death, its evil.

Yep. Professor X and Captaian Picard aren't very evil. Or Bruce Willis most of the time.

Being bald shows that you're in control of your life.

>t. baldlet

Because it looks inhuman.

>you should have picked better parents.
Most retarded post I've read today.

> tfw 2 at 20


Yes, baldness is the antagonist.


>mfw balding

Vin Diesel, the Rock and most of the time Jason Statham played good guys as well though.

You have to give credit to the guys who own their affliction and completely shave their head. You cannot go halfway with this shit. Baldlets desperately clinging on to that last bit of receding hair just looks pathetic.

I have great hair but I wish I had a good beard to rock with it. You don't even know my suffering.

White male skinheads, it's almost like (((someone))) wants you to think a certain way.

No, no, mate. A lot of these dudes are teenagers with perfect hairlines. Of course, skinhead and ultras culture is strong here, so there's that.

I have no facial hair at all.

Oh, please tell us who, you pathetic fucking retard.

Too much of a coward to say Jews? Gotta use your little echo because you're a fucking pussy on an anonymous image board?

Fucking kill yourself.

>24 years old
>at stage III
fucking end me. This life is bullshit

>You don't even know my suffering.
Sure we can. We were all 16 once.

>Getting triggered enough to make a reply to a joke that every Prof uses in entry level genetic courses

It perfectly describes the uselessness of complaining about one's own genetics.


That's fucking gay bro

The most I can do is a Michael Cera tier mustache. I have thick non-balding hair but I'd honestly trade it for decent facial hair genetics.

Why? Hipsters have basically ruined beards.

I have great hair and beard growth but it's turning grey. You don't even know my suffering.

>tfw bald and 5'9
should I just lie down and rot?

Tom Hardy and Jeff Bridges both have a head full of hair though.

>triggered schlomo

Professor X isn't evil.

>bald and 5'9


Yes and they shaved their heads to play villains.

The question is: why is the answer to make a villain more villainous to make him bald?

>Eric, can't I convince you to stay?
>Well, I'm not wearing my helmet.
>Dude, I'll just let you go, even though you almost destroyed the world, killed millions, and caused trillions in property damage lmao. Until next time, you mass-murdering rascal.

Androgen levels tho

No. Start lifting and grow a beard.


>be 19 years old
>head is almost balding at stage VI
What the fuck did I do to deserve this? 2 years ago I remember when my head was full of hair and now the top of my head is blatantly fucking shining. Even my dad who's in his 50s has loads of hair now.

This killed my boner

Yeah I know that feel.It just looks like shit unless I shave it clean. A good beard can improve so so many guys. I used to hate them when I was younger but now I'm just jelly.

>at stage VI
>had full head of hair two years ago


cutie :3
I love Cheap Monday too

There was an action movie/video game phase where literally every single protagonist was a bald or buzzcut macho man in the vein of Jason Statham or Starkiller or Commander Sheppard. Literally every protagonist in everything was a bald or almost bald guy with no personality except angry

>Noticed hairline receding at 19
>stage V A by 21-22
>Dad laughs at me and brags that no one in his family is balding
>condition so bad being 6'5" doesn't make up for it
>suffer depression for years, become homeless, sleeping in car
>get sick one day, forced to shave my head
>Get tons of complements about facial and head aesthetics
>newfound confidence lands me less shitty job
>have money to start lifting
>turning down pussy left and right
>nearly 100k in bank
>planning to get my own place
>planning to go back to school

a part of me still wishes I had a full head of hair... I'll never know what it's like to have dreads


Fuck hair, its for poofs.


>this is what baldlets convince themselves of

top cuck



and now its gruff&handsome middle aged men

really makes you think

Why are all videogame heroes brown haired 30-something years old white males?

easily relatable I guess

because shitty western tropes and stupidity

Same reason most modern movies follow the same formula, it's easier to imitate then it is to innovate.

Not all of them are.


Because nobody wants to play a nigger

Why are 90% of real life historically notable figures brown haired white males?

Try 99

goebbels was particularly triggered by this despite having brown hair himself

I'll never understand it desu

me 2 senpai

Because all the gamers are brown haired 30-something years old white males.

meanwhile scientists spend their time working on hormones so mentally ill men can look a bit more like women
what a society to live in

John Locke was right

Professor X uses his students as child soldiers though, tbhfam

Calm down (((you))) fucking autist.

Because the vast majority of White people have brown hair.


The Federation is evil, user. Generally speaking, anyway.

You gotta thank Patrick for making baldness cool, at least for a while.

he's a big guy

>Being too autistic to tell if a statement is a joke or to be taken seriously.

Superman isn't an evil villain and/or otherwise "damaged"

Baldness is a sign of high testosterone. People like are caught in a loop of Cred Forums masculinity and can't handle the fact that something they consider bad genes is actually a sign of "high test". Doesn't necessarily mean that bald = high test, though. But high test = usually bald.

If baldness was a bad gene, it wouldn't exist. Simple as that. There is no other definition of a bad gene than the fact the evolutionary one.

Stereotypes, association to inmates/military/skinheads. Baldness also makes some characters feel more cold and calculating, implying they have to eliminate decision fatigue so much they cut their hair. This is the same reason why these characters usually wear suits.

True. He was doing a logical thing. Why let an inferior subspecies continue to flourish and use all of the resources? Much better to get rid of them

But women don't like bald guys. Go to r/Ladyboners and see how many bald guys you see. The only reason bald guys get to reproduce is that they have kids young, get married and then their falls off. But if you go bald before you are married with kids? Game over.

>indicative of anything
really senpai? lmao

Im latino and ill take generic white bald marine over a black dude or speedy gonzales as MC of my video games any day of the week bro


>"Treatment may include simply accepting the condition."
Wow what the fuck.

Stop making excuses. You're bald because you have shit genes, not because of test. I roid and I have long hair because nobody in my family is bald.

Bald genes have been passed on because women don't give a fucking shit about a man's hair.

Balding is tied to genetics, this can be seen as certain nationalities and regions have a much higher balding rate than the global average. This is due to them only breeding among their group for so long, thus the balding gene is more prevalent.

It's true that balding is not SOLELY caused by genetics, things like bad diets and toxins can accelerate balding in certain people but to claim genetics has no effect on baldness is just false.

>lay on the ground
>try to not lose hair
>lose hair

nah dawg keep it 4 real
and smile at the small tings

>If baldness was a bad gene, it wouldn't exist. Simple as that.
Eh. Kinda. Bad genes sometimes manage to survive because the evolutionary factors that usually weed them out aren't always significant enough to cause them to actually die out.

Bad genes are very common in human populations because we are no longer an organism that breeds solely on biological fitness, personal wealth and social status are huge factors in determining who mates and how often.

So a lot of people with very subpar genes have been able to pass them on, Hemophilia caused by Royal inbreeding is a clear example of traditional evolutionary natural selection not existing in human populations.

What you said does apply to all non-human organisms though.

>Not knowing the benefits of sickle cell anemia

Sickle cells gives you vastly increased malaria resistance compared to normal red blood cells. Which is exactly why it's so prevalent in Africans, malaria was much more common there than Europe so those who had the sickle cell mutation had a much higher survival chance.

The major downsides of sickle cell such as not being able to live in high altitudes does not apply to most places in Africa.

The same thing applies to animals, any animal in which malaria resistance is more important than high altitude survival will see the sickle cell genes thrive.

He said every bald guy is evil. Not every evil guy is bald.

Balding has a few connotations. It can represent age, masculinity, authority, and conversely, frailty when done correctly. The reason why it's good for villains and damaged chatacters is not necessarily for the traits that baldness brings, but for the lack of traits that hair brings. Hair in many ways can make someone look likable, or evil. Messy or clean. If you give an absence of hair it not only can be a sign of older age and masculinity/authority, but it also hyper accentuates other aspects of a character. Voldemort is a fine example of this. His baldness shows that hes still a masculine human that is old and probably powerful, but it also makes his slender body, fingers, and nose much more prominent. That along with even more of that pale, smooth skin makes him look like the type of evil individual you want in a fantasy setting.

Keep telling yourself that, Baldo.

Goddamn user, you are ahead of the curve, i was thinking of making this thread. As a bald guy i hate when Hollywood portraits me as the generic evil villain, fuck them!

Baldies are scary

no theyre just gross

This is the correct answer. Long , wild flowing hair, youth innocence, beauty

Bald literally is spooky skelly tier.

Dont worry though guys. When you get cucked, it'll be a bald black bull, 100% guaranteed. At least you still have your hair though right? That's what women are into right?

In what way did I imply balding was inherently positive? In many ways it's not. But it is related to either being old, weak, or being a man. Or all 3.

Stay in your pants, skin head.

Some dastardly conspiracy against reggae fans?


Harry Potter would've been more interesting if Voldemort's motives were actually based more on fear of muggles capabilities to annihilate things to a far greater extent than magic ever could; his disfigurements being a result of experimentation with radiation poisoning. Like he was more obsessed of everything getting atomised by a nuclear explosion than being afraid of death as if he was a fag or something.

Yeah cool but you wouldnt love him all that much if he wasnt your dad

Yul Brynner
Teddy Savalas
Michael Clarke Duncan

All niggers.

Nigger, Powder was so white they named him powder.

Stop being such a racist kike.


Why are lefties incapable of creating original content? Even their mspaint arguments are edits.

A bald head looks like a skull and skulls are evil

>Two non-human morphed looking things
>Bane cramming his head into that fucking mask
>A prisoner, out of millions who shave their head, particularly a cholo (which makes it even less unusual)

And then you have two actual humans who just happen to be bald.Also uinrelated but I feel a nerve against my collarbone that fucking burns and hurts and sucks. Hopefully this thread makes me ignore this

Literally too racist to think clearly. You know when your thoughts are too loud and delusional that they start affecting how you read things to the point where you fill in the blanks constantly? That's you. None of these are what you think they are:

>Teddy Savalas
>Yui Brynner