Look at it from his perspective

Look at it from his perspective.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I do it for you Padme!
>*chokes Padme*
What ddi he mean by this

It is my opinion that the pacifistic order of peace keeping monks are evil

that his erotic strangulation technic needs some work

>the Jedi saved me from slavery
>they raised me
>Palpatine started a galactic civil war that has cost millions of lives
>clearly the Jedi are evil

quite logical

>order of wizards with brainwashing abilities that indoctrinate children, train them to operate laser swords and prohibit sex

degenerate sith slut detected

>tfw consummate betamale George Lucas can't write a convincing darkchad and keeps throwing the his protagonist the idiot ball, ruining the immense worldbuilding.

You need to go outside.

>I don't want to hear any more about Obi-Wan.

Yeah that was stupidest shit ever. I guess you could say he completely was lost already at that point.

When Obi Wan mentioned 'high ground', did he mean moral or literal?

Strange she lost her will to live after birthing two children.

Padme would have been a shitty mother.

That's the beauty of George Lucas bro. It was both.

Wow, I sure hope my millionaire wife doesn't die from childbirth is a universe where medical technology is so advanced that a missing hand is about as big of a deal as a missing tooth.

user they pacifically had a scene that showed that the Jedi Council were authoratarian in Anakins eyes

wtf from my point of view the jedi are evil now

>Luke, did I ever tell you that your mother literally preferred death to raising you. She was a bad senator

She was a bad senator. She had the biggest hand in bringing sheev to power so obviously she's a shitty senator for helping to literally end democracy

>the Jedi intend to take down head bad guy and assume control until the new chancellor is voted in
>dude you guys are nazis, i'm gonna side with a literal space hitler instead lmao

fuck you Lucas

It's fantasy, bud.


Specifically is the word you're looking for, bud.

I don't have to, I agree with him 100%
he lost his shit because obi jumped out of the ship and it started feeling like a set up. + in his mildly unstable state he suspected she was cheating on him
>pacifistic order of peace keeping
oh yeah so much pacifism in leader a war. always holding back for retarded reasons that just prolong the war
>the Jedi saved me from slavery
kek. yeah I would like to see them save his ass if he had not any force powers. know who they did not save, his mom. mom who died from torture
you mean the bff who constantly gave him ego boosts and was always there with a kind word and helping hand (When he did not want to help he would just say he would like to but the bureaucracy was holding him back)
you maybe on to something. His episode about deregulating the banks had noting but appeal to emotion
would you?
not that those hands are robotic. advancement in one area does not mean advancement in all

I don't get why Palpatine let Darth Sidious do all the things he did when he clearly had enough power in the council to stop him.
Also he clearly let Sheev do what he wanted at anytime, it was Palpatines fault completely

When I was in grad school I'd stop and read what I wrote to see if I sounded like a fucking basic idiot.

Did Lucas never once do that with these fucking lines?

Without Anakin Palpatine would still have come into power except it would have been done in complete secret without revealing him being a sith.

The Jedi would have been wiped out by the clones anyway.

Anakin actually made things worse. Palpatines worst decision imo senpai.

kind of true. her attempts at a coalition to stop sheev came too late. one could say she was fooled by sheev at first but after jar jar nominated him, she should have known something was up(she she is often pimped as politically savvy)
>the jedi are taking over just as sheev said
>sheev says he has skills to save your wife while the jedi would just tell you to get over it
>jedi is getting ready to strike down an armed opponent showing his hypocrisy

I can't get into the mind set of a literal retard, sorry.

The prequels are really comfy movies for whatever reason. I enjoy watching them.

not really. palpa did not get enough emergency power in time. + generals on the ground kept failing and economic strain was big
movies are strange like that, a big plot whole or idiotic moment can be left in because they are banking on the audience being swept away and not thinking about it in the moment

the only reason mace was fighting him was because anakin told him about it though

He really wanted anakins body. sheev shot for the stars

I enjoy the memory of them since all the bad acting is dulled in my memories.

What would he tell the senate if he just killed the jedi? This way he had recordings proving their attempted coup, hell Im not sure but I think order 66 was not some hidden shit, it was officially sectioned thing he could do if the jedi ever turned on the chancellor. instead of siegeing the temple he got the main masters to come out and attack him and he got an inside men with all the accesses codes. you got to think next level like sheev, beyond the intimidate confrontation

The low ground

He didn't need to. When you're surrouned by "yes, men" who are terrified to even dare cross you it's easy to buy your own hype

Was George Lucas a slave driver on set? Kind of just reminds me of an aloof flip flopper who can't make up his mind. I mean is "terrified" the right word?

Okay I know he gets shit for being a fucking pussy and siding with literal space hitler, but guys, the republic fucking sucked. Paplatine was fucking with shit, Padme was literally Trump in politics, and to be honest, Paplatine did shit to no one. Most governments got to remain the way they were and he didn't commit genocide except to his enemies. Plus, the republic did a bunch of bad shit and the jedi council were a bunch of fuck ups. Literally the idiocy of the republic made Grievous (look up his back story)

You're a fucking nerd.

> Most governments got to remain the way they were and he didn't commit genocide except to his enemies.
just like staline

I know, but it still seems like a silly way for Anakin to get scared. Wouldn't it make more sense for him to have a vision of a hooded figure with a blue lightsaber kill her (making him afraid for her life and suspicious of the Jedi simultaneously)?

>always holding back for retarded reasons that just prolong the war

That 'retarded reason' is that they're under orders from the Republic, which is controlled by a guy who wants to prolong the war.

>Sheev tells Anakin he can save people from dying
>LOL i was just joking
>Anakin still goes with it
Very stupid

like pottery

>Paplatine did shit to no one.

He changed the laws to fuck over non-humans, instituted martial law throughout the galaxy, kidnapped/tortured/murdered people at random, enslaved entire planets, just blew a couple of them up, and committed genocide twice, neither time for any real reason.

*btw I'm basing this all on old EU faggotry, for all I know Disney changed things so that Palpatine was a genuinely good guy

and yet they talk a lot about how jedi are their own thing. also let us not forget that being "under orders from the republic" has not kept windu and others from running secret ops and prisons

He is in to deep and at that point he has on one except for sheev. His body is broken and sheev rules the galaxy.

friendly reminder that the prequel trilogy is scientifically isolated weapons grade triple distilled autism

>committed genocide twice
I think it was more than twice.
>fuck over non-humans
and yet non-humans are not equal to humans as shown by their ways of life and biology. ant types don't even have individual minds. some have fucked up morality that is better off dead.
>kidnapped/tortured/murdered people at random
how random was that, really? most stories I have read usually have the "innocent" people turn out to be criminals, seditionists, saboteurs, rebels or someone made out to be one by the rebellion
>I'm basing this all on old EU faggotry
who would stop the vong without based sheev?

That literally had nothing to do with it. His one care was to try and save padme and Palpatine placed himself(That opera scene) as sole person that could truly help him. As far as being a pussy, the dude routinely stared death in the face and going against entire armies basically by himself. The battle on Jabiim alone where he is basically still a 'padawan' and walked through the CIS droid army with 2 fighters, fought his way into their redoubt and was pulling on the force so strongly people half way across the galaxy could feel it.

Mentally you could say he was a pussy for believing stupid things, but physically he was basically the embodiment of courage.

Desperate people do desperate things. Anakin was so strong in the force that he was constantly getting visions about what was happening to his loved ones, more so that other jedi where they're given foresight about what decisions to make.

Remember the scene where he jumped out of a speeder after positioning himself minutes ahead of time to do it? Minutes.

A guy that can see 10 minutes into the future versus most jedi that only get a 3 second head start.

The burden of prophecy was always on his shoulders.

People on this board would do much worse to save someone they love, killing a few children and wiping out a temple would seem like small peas when you think about it in scale of crimes humanity already exists with. As a species we routinely genocide groups of people. Most people dont give a shit.

yes people dont ever consider his point of view.
Anakin was deeply in love in his first relationship completely inexperienced while being apart of an order that forbids it.
Meanwhile hes been fighting a galactic civil war for the last 3 years, hes 23 by this point.
His wife is pregnant the war is coming to an end
his friend and mentor/father figure of palpatine is coming under attack by the order he was forcibly indoctrinated into and hes a little pissed off they dont respect or trust him despite all the fighting hes done and the victories hes won.
He realizes Palpatine is his only choice for a happy future and takes it.

>and yet non-humans are not equal to humans as shown by their ways of life and biology

True, but many alien species (the Stripper Aliens, the Zabrak, Thrawn's people, the Fried Calamari, whatever the hell Kit Fisto was) are just as intelligent and capable as humans, oftentimes more so because they can do stuff like breathe underwater.

>who would stop the vong without based sheev?

As shitty as the NJO series was, I always loved the "Sheev was planning for the Vong" theory. It makes a lot more sense than "he dramatically expanded them military so he could win a civil war that he didn't even know was going to happen".

it was padme but he also cared about the war.

Even though the vong were handled shittily I'm still glad they tried something different.

Going against an enemy that could fight the entire galaxy gave an epic feel to the universe and put all the actors on the stage. More so than even the rebellion ever did. The books covering the Remnant getting attacked were enjoyable.

i don't understand how people can spout all this yet disregard the fact that he never foresaw fuck all about palpatine

>True, but many alien species
somewhat true.Thrawn's people are said to be mutated human settlers who crash landed and got changed by the minerals in the soil
>"he dramatically expanded them military so he could win a civil war that he didn't even know was going to happen".
Well in some cases he helped start the rebellion to step out last holdouts and have an excuse for his heavy hand.
>It makes a lot more sense
more star destroyers would make sense. death star would be very slow to be useful

That is like asking why yoda did not see shit

You're giving Anakin way too much credit. He wasn't "constantly getting visions", IIRC he got 3 in the entire trilogy. If he was constantly getting visions about people he cared about (which afaik was just Padme, Obi-Wan, and Palpatine), he would have seen Obi-Wan shot down by clones or Palpatine shooting lightning out of his fingers way in advance.

>People on this board would do much worse to save someone they love

Yet he had absolutely no way of knowing that Palpatine could save Padme. Reasonably, he shouldn't have even thought that Padme was in danger, because rich people don't die in childbirth in modern times.

That's his point. Even the strongest Jedi only got vague, inconsistent visions. Yoda didn't see Order 66 coming, he was just lucky that the clones attacked him after a lot of other Jedi had been killed. Palpatine never saw Vader betraying him coming, Anakin never saw jack shit that didn't have to do with his mom or Padme, etc.

>You're giving Anakin way too much credit.
eh, it varies by some accounts he had visions as far back as in ep 1(which can be read about in the novelization and other books)
>he shouldn't have even thought that Padme was in danger, because rich people don't die in childbirth in modern times
and yet she did die and the memory of his mothers death was still fresh in his mind
>Yet he had absolutely no way of knowing that Palpatine could save Padme
he had hope and he thought sheev would not show his hand unless he had something solid

>Palpatine never saw Vader betraying him coming
its a light side skill. its also a cosmic force skill, there is a technical difference between cosmic and living force. The more you become involved in the living force (the material world and daily struggle) the less your skill with cosmic force gets.

So I should look up?

Force visions seem to depend largely on the viewer and anakin was one of the strongest force users even if inexperienced. It totally makes sense that he would see things that he could not change.

When someone is offering to throw you a save-all life preserver, who happens to be one of the most powerful people in the galaxy, that has to be pretty reassuring, especially after you find out he is the Sith Lord you're looking for.

I think we're giving him the right amount of credit.

The tragedy is he unknowingly was the cause of her death and good intentions pave the road to hell etc. Even after he made his conversion to the sith, his first thought upon waking up was Padme, based on what we've seen of sith conversion, that is very weird, which means its so strong that it cuts through the usual power lust and demetia that follows.


>It totally makes sense that he would see things that he could not change.
Did luke ever change anything he saw in his visions? Did anyone?

>if people don't do what I tell them, they're of no use to me
>if tyranny works, it is superior to freedom
>killing children on Sheev's word is fine. Done it before
>aliens are animals, and their lives are not even equal to the robot I built as a child
>power gives me the right not to control my emotions, and the consequences are not my fault
>my oldest friend and mentor is conspiring against me, because there's no possible way he could be looking out for my welfare
>the mother of my children has betrayed me by leading my mentor to me, and no, I won't stop to see if he followed her secretly; the fact that she's upset I killed human children just goes to show she's a stupid hypocrite - after all, she told me "to be angry is to be human"; where were her tears for the alien children?
>despite the fact that it was my fear of her death that drove me to do all of this, it's not really a big deal - I'm angry, so that gives me the justification to attempt to murder her
>Sheev would totally never lie to me, despite having lied for years about what he was, what his goals were, and he totally has my best interests in mind; he even welded me into this cool black armor complete with a badass voice changer!

Yep. Totally validates all of Anakin's choices in the prequels, and the prequels themselves! Masterpieces all! I've been converted!

>of sith conversion, that is very weird
How so? caedus died for his family, most that lash out at their family(like sheev or bane) usually did not have a good relationship with them from the start

>Did luke ever change anything he saw in his visions? Did anyone?

He never struck down Vader like he saw himself do on Dagobah and his vision that Han and company were in trouble did come true and while he himself did not save them had he not gone there would be no Artoo to fix the hyperdrive allowing their escape

Almost the entire prequel trilogy was from his perspective, and he was still a vagina.
A vagina full of sand.

But he finds out that Sheev lied about bringing people back to life before any of that stuff happens. He tells Anakin that literally seconds after he throws Shaft out of the window. Anakin could have quite easily changed his mind at that point. Instead he decided to just go along with it and go murder all the kids in the temple instead.

Any users of the dark side of the force that are not sith?

dark side is suppose to be extremly powerful, but every time I see it in the movies, they are always bat shit crazy and destroy entire planets and shit.

>prohibit sex
No they just prohibit attachments. You think Mace Windu is joining any club where he has to sit next to yaddle and NOT smash that pussy?

>if tyranny works, it is superior to freedom
you would think that to if you had spent years watching people use their freedom to make retarded choices. This is another aspect that people often forget and just project their liberal views onto. while not very well handled anakin is an ex slave and that comes with an emotional baggage. you would also note that democracy is no were in sight(at best you see elected monarchy or some tribe shit) all this shapes a person and they don't turn out like some liberal from USA
>killing children on Sheev's word is fine
Would he want tender mercy of the sith for them?
>aliens are animals, and their lives are not even equal to the robot I built as a child
kind of true. some aliens are animals and there are few plots about value of robots and AI in star wars. many robots are not just toys
>power gives me the right not to control my emotions, and the consequences are not my fault
When did he say that? losing control gives him bursts of power and it can be a critical boost when fighting
>my oldest friend and mentor is conspiring against me, because there's no possible way he could be looking out for my welfare
He had a monkey on his back when it came to obi. He is a "friend" because they were kind of stuck together and never grew out of student mentor relationships which can fester fast(one of the reasons I did not go to work for my university professors company)
>I won't stop to see if he followed her secretly
emotions, how do they work
>attempt to murder her
He is not attempting to murder her, she wants her to shut up. attempted murder would not need a slow choke

>Padme was literally Trump in politics
I knew there was a reason I liked her.

>He never struck down Vader like he saw himself do on Dagobah
That was a cave vision, those are not the same.

>if tyranny works, it is superior to freedom
>he thinks this is wrong
Go spend some time on Cred Forums and then reconsider.

>be the chancelor
>send two jedi to settle the dispute
>they come back and tell you there is an illegal invasion of naboo
>we'll we'd better check to make sure

>Anakin could have quite easily changed his mind at that point.
and done what? imagine yourself, you just cut of windus hand and all this shit is going done. what are you going to do, rush the sith lord that took 5 masters?
The Witches of Dathomir, There is also some cult of cannibals or something. you could look that shit up. going deep into the dark side can make you unstable but I recall at least 1 guy who just ran a mining company and another who liked looting and adventuring

Wow you're right.
Why would he not just blindly trust the word of people that can manipulate the thoughts in your head?

Mace Windu actually beat Sheev.
Lucas confirmed it.

Anakin could probably have taken any motherfucker.
He only lost to obi wan because of his arrogance, not lack of skill.

forget Cred Forums its factual fact that hardship breeds tyranny and if tyranny is too hard on people they rebels and if its not hard enough they turn into liberals who eventually get so liberal that they lead to hardship so on and so forth

>Mace Windu actually beat Sheev.
>Anakin could probably have taken any motherfucker.
nope. hell sheev took yoda and obi could never take yoda.


Anakin is just a wall of moving death coming at you.

Being r9k Anakin is suffering

We (the audience) really can't which is one of the big flaws of these movies. We don't spend enough time with Anakin learning how him, see things from his point of view, understanding why he makes the decisions he does. Kid-anakin is a non-character his decisions and the things that happen to him in Episode I are almost completely irrelevant to the story of the prequels except that he had to leave his mom to get off tatooine. Would have been better if he had a been a bit older, had some real conflict in his life, and if we saw that he was very powerful in the force, kind of knew that he had powers, and if we saw him use his powers to help him win the pod-race in a way that suggests that he was tapping into the dark side without knowing it, making the training of a someone who is "too old" actually an issue because he's been messing around with the force without guidance for years. Instead TPM is a giant waste of time.

In AotC we spend all of our time setting up this muddled confusing clone war plot and padme's assassination that turns into a really rushed and forced romance. We don't get to really delve into Anakin's character outside of the fact that he's horny, he's torn up about his mom getting raped to death by sand people, and he's irrational and stupid. Again we see things happening to him, but because we have almost 0 context and background for his character they don't mean anything and you can't really empathize with him and understand him.

In RotS Anakin's turn to darth vader is one of the most rushed and awkward transitions of all time. It would have been really neat to know more about Anakin to see why palpatine's really strange and blunt manipulation of him was so effective. To know Anakin's motivations and how Sheev was playing on them to twist his view and turn him over to his side. Instead palpatine melts his own face and Anakin saves him because palpatine told him some riddle about saving pregnant women.

I had forgotten how terrible the dialogue is in these movies.

Honestly the only thing I would have changed is Obi's absolutist comment that he made after decrying absolutes. Then again the hypocrisy was probably on purpose, lucas loved his pottery.

>said brainwashing wizards have vast control of the politics of the galaxy and the council controlling the fate of planets despite just being "monks"


The lavafall gets me hyped every time.

What would you bring to your new empire, lads?

All of the star wars movies have really flat bad dialogue. It's just amplified in the prequels because they actors didn't get to improvise as much as the original crew and because it was Lucas directing all 3 you didn't have those other directors involved that actually knew how to get performances out of the actors.

I went back and watched the OT recently and you're right about that, the way nostalgia works on memories is a weird thing. The tone of the movies is very inappropriately silly at times too.

>consistent tone
>children's movies

Pick one.

wtf i hate jedis now

Honestly If I was in Anakin's position, I don't know, if I had his abilities, I would be pretty over-confident myself, so I probably would have ended up just like Vader.

Well it was also more acceptable, we view the OT has fun 80's adventure movies and they are expected to be a little silly and cheesy at times. What really shocked and annoyed people is that the prequels kind of went beyond that and instead of being adventure movies with an occasional silly bit in them they were kind of grim and serious films with this layer of silliness over everything. The "roger roger" droids, the cgi aliens making weird noises, "Poodu!" being yelled constantly, jar jar, the awkward slapstick routines in Episode III, etc...

People tend to remember the OT has being completely serious, but wicket in the middle of the largest battle in the entire saga picks up a rock bola and swings it around and smashes himself in the face with it, and the next scene is a pair of ewoks getting murdered by an AT-ST. The tonal issues with star wars go back a little ways further than Episode I.

Honestly it's hard to even label the prequels as children's movies. The first one sure, but AotC's entire 2nd act is a romance plot that sure as fuck isn't for 8-16yo boys. And RotS is rated PG-13, actual movies marketed as children are G or PG. So either these are movies for young adults that inexplicably have these goofy segments in them for children, or these are children's films that have a bunch of boring / dark shit in them for young adults.


I know the movies have tonal issues I just viewed them in a more serious light I guess? and upon thinking about that issue specifically, it jumped out at me much stronger than usual so I mentioned that.

The thing that actually saddens me is that people will eventually defend the new remakes, the way various generations defended their movies. I don't know if it will come out the same since Lucas isn't the sole proprietor anymore, and cultural currency of the brand will probably mellow considerably if they keep releasing tons of movies.

I guess we'll see.


>name was "Dark Vader"

I mean really? No one could tell he was evil just by his name?

IMO, He was just too far gone to the dark side at this point. His thinking was totally irrational.

Poor Anikan. Everyone he cared about or loved either left him, died, or was killed. He was used by the Jedi and used by the Sith and never had a true friend until he met Padme.

Horse shit. He left his mom. Watto tried every trick in the book to keep him there.

He turned his back on the jedi, the only family he had left, to protect padme, who he then turns his back on and tries to kill... because sheeve told him to... to save her.

>"Dark Vader"
fuck you. also dark = is mostly euro thing.

Shut up, Anakin.

>He left his mom. Watto tried every trick in the book to keep him there.
She told him to go. being a slave on a dust world is not all that fun.
>He turned his back on the jedi, the only family he had
they did not love him back.

I kind of wish we had gotten some scenes of him slicing up the Jedi in the temple, but I can understand why that wouldn't fly in a kid's movie.

>its a light side skill

No it isn't. Palpatine's ability to see the future is a big part of the reason for his success. That's why his absurdly ridiculous and complex plan to take over the galaxy actually worked. His flaw was that he was overconfident about it and ignored possibilities that didn't go his way.

>You were my brother Anakin! I loved you...

>Did luke ever change anything he saw in his visions? Did anyone?

No, but it never stops them from trying. If you read the EU books and the poorly-handled "Jacen turns evil" arc, the reason he kills that Jedi girl in the first place is to avoid a future where he Luke is killed, which was probably the only future where he could have won.

just turn off your brains lol

>will help your body meet the floor
would have worked better as "will help your body hit the floor"

only guy to ever sit on the council but not have the title of master

Obi-Wan =/= the Jedi though. Anakin cared about Obi-Wan, but he never gave two shits about the rest of the Jedi. His fellow students always resented him, the masters didn't trust him, and he was an outsider because he wasn't indoctrinated from birth. The only Jedi who he could relate to was Obi-Wan, who was so crappy and overemotional as a student that he actually got kicked out of the Jedi Order and lucked his way back in.

gas yourself


but if his reasoning is true about his daughter, then keeping luke alive was essential.

Winning for himself wasn't the end goal.

>The only Jedi who he could relate to was Obi-Wan, who was so crappy and overemotional as a student that he actually got kicked out of the Jedi Order and lucked his way back in

I always thought it was funny how Obi-Wan, arguably the best Jedi in the entire Clone Wars era, was deemed not good enough as a kid and got sent away to be a farmer. It's the kind of thing that proves the Jedi Council are idiots.

>Watch out for that vicious bounty hunter Boba Fett, Luke. Did I ever tell you I fought his dad? He was hired to assassinate a senator me and your father were guarding. We kept bringing her around open windows and public areas in order to draw the would-be assassin out because we knew he had too much pride to just shoot her from long range. He had used his payment to hire another bounty hunter to kill the senator for him while he sent us on a wild bantha chase. Also the 2nd assassin used her payment to buy a robot to assassinate the senator for her. Did I mention the 2nd assassin was a shapeshifter? She could have been a good friend in disguise and just shot the senator for all we knew! Then the robot used its payment to buy poisonous bugs to release into the senator's room while she slept after lasering a hole through the window. It could have just lasered her too after that because we we weren't watching her at all, but it already bought the bugs. So we sense the hostile life forms (not the robot) in the room and rush in and save the senator in the nick of time! Then I jumped out the window to chase the robot back to its owner! Luckily it didn't have a self-destruct function. Then we found the 2nd assassin and chased her across the planet, and caught her when she tried to kill us instead of shapeshifting and escaping. But to our surprise, Jango Fett was watching the whole thing instead of going to kill the senator while we were away chasing the bugs chasing the robot chasing the shapeshifter. He shot her with a poisonous dart instead of sniper blaster, and only her instead of shooting all of us or blowing all of us with a rocket or something, then he escaped with his tiny jetpack. Luckily for the senator, my good friend Dexterr Jettster owned a 50s dinner on Courscant that had Republic secrets on the menu along with cheeseburgers and malt shakes. We found the assassin and Mace Window killed him later, right in front of Boba. And he was a good friend.

Was not the reason to show evils of the dark side to ben so he would not turn into the guy on the throne (with vestara khai on his dick)? I was more thinking about how luke moved away from the living force (during the early days with mara jade) so he could better see the future. No that I think about there is also a number of plots that start with leia having visions but things ulitmatly playing out the same(for example Jerec and his bombs).

>be a slave till you're 9
>be separated from your mother and indoctrinated by emotionless, celibate monks
>jedi treat you like shit because you're different (joined too late) and masters don't trust you (as seen in episode 1 where they judge him like a piece of meat)
>be told to suppress all your emotions
>be groomed by the greatest manipulator in the galaxy, and he's your only non-jedi friend and the only one that's not stupidly hard on you all the time for your humanly mistakes
>be given a god complex because you're told you're literally the chosen one and soon to be most powerful person of all time
>have nightmares about your mother suffering and dying, but be told by jedi to ignore it
>finally get the chance to see your mom
>she was tortured to death (and possibly raped) and dies in your arms
>have to fight on the front lines of a galactic war for 3 years
>have premonitions about your wife dying the same way the ones about your mom came true
>freak out
>jedi still don't trust you, ask you to spy on your best non-jedi friend
>put you on council but don't promote you to master, even though you're top 5 strongest jedi in the galaxy, making you seem like a joke
>still turn in sith lord who promised to save your wife because of your loyalty to the jedi
>jedi don't trust you again and don't take you to arrest the most powerful villain in the galaxy
>go to help anyway and see jedi, who was a dick to you your whole life, about to break his own rules and murder a prisoner, fucking hypocrites
>see last chance to save your beloved wife, freak out in a split second decision and cut douchebag jedi's hand off
>now feel like you've fucked up so hard you have no choice but join the dark side, hey at least you can save your wife
>people will forever insist that you turned evil for no reason

Anakin did nothing wrong

well the same can be said about qui gon jinn. its a dig at the institutions


>Was not the reason to show evils of the dark side to ben so he would not turn into the guy on the throne (with vestara khai on his dick)

If it was, it wasn't stated when he made the decision. I remember that book pretty well (it's really the only book from that series I remember, my brain has repressed the trauma of the rest of them), and Jacen's entire thought process about turning evil was bringing peace to the galaxy and maybe some vague notion of keeping his daughter safe. He definitely wasn't thinking "I better turn evil to serve as a warning to Ben", if he wanted to do that he could just show him a picture of Vader.

so much fucking THIS

well done

Because of flow walking, he could literally have shown him vader.

Yeah this nails it. Jedi shouldn't have taken him in or they should have shown special treatment due to his unique circumstances

This is well built pasta, nicely done.

>flow walking

I almost forgot about that. So goddamn stupid.

>"Am I making the same mistakes as Vader?"
>Looks into the past, sees Vader in action
>"Nah I'm good, time to go wear black armor and choke my subordinates and murder Jedi in order to protect my wife and child. Totally not like Vader."

>nothing wrong
>killed multiple children, not once but twice


>and done what? imagine yourself, you just cut of windus hand and all this shit is going done. what are you going to do, rush the sith lord that took 5 masters?

Not pledge himself to Space Hitler and then immediately go and murder a bunch of kids? He could have taken Sheev on, he could have fled, he could have warned the Jedi, he could have impaled himself on his own lightsaber... literally anything except the child murder part.

So the jedi raised a child murderer, right?

What if Rey is Luke and leia's kid and that's why they abandoned her, and that's why luke eloped.

>they should have shown special treatment due to his unique circumstances

They kind of did, though. They handed him off to a Jedi he already knew personally that had just been promoted, rather than an experienced master. Plus he was allowed to get away with all kinds of shit that wouldn't have flown with other masters. Imagine Anakin trying to back-talk Windu.

He was not thinking it but it was added in when luke goes into exile/quest to find out what turned caedus. He goes into some magic space were he can talk to the dead (his wife among them) he also visits some magic fountain that shows him 2 futures. my memory is bit fuzzy What I remember most is the based Raynar Thul sandwitch scene, human on bothan sex and the insight about retarded sub species suddenly having iconography of balls and chain when they had never seen such things in their life.

Not disputing that. I don't think the Jedi are good, or anything of the sort. Just so we're clear. They were clearly in the wrong when they cheated to get him out of slavery, and left his mom to rot.

They got theirs. That's all they cared about.

>They handed him off to a Jedi he already knew personally that had just been promoted
>B-but you better hide those emotions!

>and done what? imagine yourself, you just cut of windus hand and all this shit is going done. what are you going to do, rush the sith lord that took 5 masters?

That actually would have been in character for Anakin. Now that I think about it, him kneeling down in that situation is probably the most out-of-character thing he did in the entire prequels.

even if you disagree with the characterization, he rationalized his way into hell, which is fundamentally why people with power keep turning to the dark side. Experiences matter and he was tortured and corrupted by people not that different from Anakin, and he couldn't see it even though he was powerful.

The only thing I truly disagree with the series is how it ended and who ended him. Jaina should have been dead. If Luke had done it, I could have accepted that but not Jaina. Or shit even ben doing it would have made more sense.

>show him a picture of Vader.
its one thing to read about it and its another to feel it. most jedi fall easy because they are not ready for the dark side, they are lectured about it but don't really know what it means. They repress instead of learning how to deal

Exactly, they gave him a master who would be willing to give him a bit of leeway as far as the whole emotions thing was concerned.

Not if he wanted a chance at saving padme.

then sheev could just stanched him up like maul

Well this is why I'm defending his actions. They literally made him and lost control with plenty of signals shit was gonna go bad. He did nothing wrong. What was his aged the first child murder spree?

sand people don't count

Leeway maybe wasn't what he needed the way obi gave it to him. And giving someone a master he is emotionally attached to and at the same time telling him no emotions is retarded.

Then they could have done the professional thing and just merked him.

They also didn't allow him to go back and free her, which is undoubtedly the first thing he asked them to do in between episodes I and II.

I think the first time he killed a person deliberately was when he was around 10 on zonama sekot (when he and obi got their special ships) also I don't know for sure but some of the podrace deaths may have been on him

Maybe, regardless thanks to the prequels the new movies are viewed under a much more critical light. People gave the prequels enormous amounts of slack when they first came out.

I think the OT films are viewed a bit more positively than they should be just because people mostly view them through heavy nostalgia and are very willing to forgive a lot of the odd or dumb things that happen in them.

I think that the prequels are much worse than most people think and I've noticed that the more you know about the prequels, how they were made, what was going on behind the scenes, what kinds of decisions Lucas made, and what might have been the worse and worse they get. A lot of the people who adore the prequels fall into two camps, people that liked them when they were younger and haven't themselves bothered to look at them critically, they just hear all of the criticism. And people that love the star wars prequel-era lore, the story being gold, the clone wars cartoons, the games from that period, the books, etc... and see the prequels more for the story being told around them and less as movies to be analyzed and are far more able to see them positively.

The new films, which we have just 1 so far to pick apart seem to be playing it safe and the loudest support for them seems to be from the older crowd, as in really jaded 30 somethings that want to forget the prequels exist and are willing to take anything new from Star Wars regardless of how mechanized and contrived it all is. Most people seem to view TFA as a very well executed unimaginative redux that hopefully will go someplace interesting.

He's still responsible for his own actions - even if he's a slave soldier indoctrinated from childhood into a monolithic and myopic cult.

They're both wrong, Anakin and the Jedi.

The problem is that Anakin is an unlikable fuckwit, and the Jedi are portrayed as having been the good guys.

>Then they could have done the professional thing and just merked him.
such a jedi thing to do

What the hell was up with that, anyway? How difficult would it have been to let him go back and at the very least just buy her and give her an apartment on Coruscant or something?

I'm not your bud, friend.

Which could have been one way of special circumstances.
>okay we will save your mom but after no more of this shit

>even if he's a slave soldier indoctrinated from childhood into a monolithic and myopic cult
He was literally just gonna be a slave and die in a podrace. If sith getting him was the worry then kill him.

>But he must stand trial!

I hated jaina in almost everything but I loved the ending. The image of him reaching out with his power to save his family despite opening himself to death (+ face full of needles ) was very beautiful to me. The story itself had a lot of stupidity like han being butthurt over boba fetts daughter getting her face smashed in

That's kind of the point, Windu was being very un-Jedi like in that situation. Obi-Wan or Yoda would have just arrested him, which is why Palpatine made sure that they were both away from Coruscant.

In all honesty if EVERYTHING that was stupid happened because the emperor was mind controlling people it would make sense to kill him there.

>hey lets take this guy to trial
>The jury says not guilty
>They also say we're guilty, somehow?

I agree more with your second inclination in terms of people that love the prequels, and while even growing up knew the prequels weren't perfect in any sense, I was born after the original trilogy or technically during the original trilogy but basically the same since you cannot comprehend them so young, and basically grew up with the prequels and I liked hayden and the first book that I ever owned was the novelization of the second starwars movie in prequel trilogy, and that book came out before the movie, but then I got heavily into reading the eu books, found the thrawn trilogy, loved it. So you're pretty spot on about people with wider knowledge loving the world building.

Hearing driver's comments, it is hard not to be cynical knowing they're probably doing another remake for the second movie.

and evil. it poetry, from one side you see anakin being betrayed by this action but from another you see how far the war has pushed windu

>I hated jaina in almost everything

Is it just me, or did her personality change with every new author?

Not mind controlling, legally controlling. Also the whole situation looks very, very bad for the Jedi. A bunch of religious fanatic military leaders trying to overthrow a popular democratically elected leader....what outsider is going to look at that and say "yup, they're the good guys"?

That is easy to say from your chair but less hard if you were around some child soldiers, its a gray zone
I keep saying that the jedi code was not made for humans

>but from another you see how far the war has pushed windu

There's something in the novels that explains this. Windu actually does have an attachment despite all his posturing, and it's to the Republic. He's willing to do anything to protect it, which is why he throws all his Jedi ideals out the window when it's under threat. His first move after killing Palpatine probably would have been to kill Anakin.

>what outsider is going to look at that and say "yup, they're the good guys"?

You mean the people that defended the republic for thousands of generations?

It was the right move and if Mace would have either tried to convince Anakin or make sure he wouldn't interfere it would have been fine.

I agree.

My point in sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Someone has a nuke you don't say "well its his" you'd neutralize it.

>Palpatine probably would have been to kill Anakin.
well that's just silly.

I would say my favorite moment is when he is in the fighter and his daughter is in his lap and he's so angry, luke worries that he has found a way to weaponize the force with his feelings alone because of how angry and full of hatred hitting the jedi trying to kill him but mostly trying to kill his daughter.

Or the whole rebj thing kicking in the doors, and I agree I like that he even though in throes of darkside still did what he could for his family which had been his intent all along, its just up until that point, Jaina was shown to be so inferior to him that it boggles that they played her as an equal at the end. Even Luke couldn't take him, they went toe to toe in a lightsaber duel. He fucked up Katarn and other jedi masters. But jaina wins? Come on.

If it's such a grey zone, maybe you should serve on the Star Destroyer with el Vader. I'll be on the other side of the Outer Rim. Just in case.

>Mace's first move after killing Palpatine probably would have been to kill Anakin.

Not what he said.

>You mean the people that defended the republic for thousands of generations?

Yes, them. The Pontifical Swiss Guard have defended the Vatican for more than 500 years, but if they arrested the Pope tomorrow and declared that the city was under their control we'd all treat it as a military coup.

Jedi council did the same shit to Ashoka and didn't trust her and put her in jail then on trial. Eventually she's found to be innocent and the council is like "oops, sorry, you can come back now." She can't get over their distrust of her so she leaves the order and her master.

Anikan never gave up on her, was the only one that believed her and was heartbroken over that and also hated that the council did that to her.

if you manage to kill the big threat, the next threat or unstable one is Anakin, so he might not be wrong there. Fanatical zealots dont tend to take prisoners.

>Is it just me, or did her personality change with every new author?
a bit. she was a hippy who would have gotten herself impregnated by bugs in killik (even before mind control) she was all YA romance around chiss, more lighthearted and playfull when fucking jagged fel, all smug and cunty during the Yun-Harla bit, like a steamroller during the training with mandalorians(with no regard for human life) and more emotional during the siege. sword of the jedi was bull (she does age throughout so most of it is not all that out there, its just not enjoyable to read about)

I accidentally quoted the palpatine part as well, I'm saying that him killing anakin would be silly.
Like lets just ignore the whole chosen one thing, if he killed anakin he would just prove that the light side is just paranoid of the dark.

Ok, it's a bit of an exaggeration. But Anakin and Palpatine were very close, and Anakin's desperation to keep him alive ("I need him") probably would have freaked Windu out a little.

Which would have been great if Clone Wars had been out before RotS and we'd been able to get the much more logical and likable characterization of Anakin. Remember, those of us who saw the movie in theaters didn't have that luxury, so our opinions are very much based on the movie itself.

>There's something in the novels that explains this
There is a lot about it in then novelization of ep 3 and in Shatterpoint book by Matthew Stover

Paranoid and aware are different though. It was the right move to make since Anakin ended up being his death. Again, chosen one shit aside.

Man I wish lucas actualy went into detail with this character stuff.

It's like all the ideas were there but the execution was just awful. While 7 feels like the reverse.

>Palpatine's ability to see the future is a big part of the reason for his success.

>It's the kind of thing that proves the Jedi Council are idiots.
Not really. Besides people changing with age, margin of error is also something to consider.

>Man I wish lucas actualy went into detail with this character stuff.

The "official" novel does a pretty good job with it, even though some of the writing is fanfic tier and the author can't stop himself from dickriding certain characters (there are literally pages full of nothing but compliments to Obi-Wan).

Isn't the thing about the darkside, specifically Palpatine, is that the boundaries are broken so they can kind of use both?

Is it? We see this kind of thing happen all the time in professional sports. Half of Barcelona's "academy products" were kicked out of the academy as kids, became stars somewhere else, and then got signed by Barcelona again.

I honestly think Palpatine wouldn't use more light side oriented abilities if only for his seemingly unending hatred and disdain of it.

He is perfect banite sith.

>Send Obi away
>Oh shit we fucked up
>Anakin you gonna save us
>Oh shit we fucked up

>No it isn't. Palpatine's ability to see the future is a big part of the reason for his success.
I wish this was a thing, like the jedi masters would talk rumors about it and how every time they lost a battle it was due to some untangible force being in the perfect place every single time.

Like Sheev or whatever was actually a threat with his armies and the republic was slowly being ripped apart by an enemy that knew their every weakness.

I really don't think he hates it like that (I haven't read the books and shit) but it seems that is what puts dark>light most of the time is the fact the the use any force t get what they want while the lightside has more morals and rules.

it would have been better for one of them to figure it out instead of a scene about dark side clouding their abilities in episode 2.

I love how opposite he and Yoda were, it's a shame they had about 30 seconds of interaction. The culmination of 1000 years of Bane's plan vs 1000 years of "post-Sith" Jedi training.

He does. He relishes being evil more than any villain in the books (more than any villain in any fictional work I've read/seen, come to think of it). There's a scene in the novel where he writes that Obi-Wan is such a good guy that it almost makes him physically ill to sense him in the force.

>ww2 happens
>70 years later no one knows jews existed
fuck you George you dumb fuck

the only bit I found meh was the rage dragon in the inner furnace but some people loved it.
>“And you rage and scream and reach through the Force to crush the shadow who has destroyed you, but you are so far less now than what you were, you are more than half machine, you are like a painter gone blind, a composer gone deaf, you can remember where the power was but the power you can touch is only a memory, and so with all your world-destroying fury it is only droids around you that implode, and equipment, and the table on which you were strapped shatters, and in the end, you cannot touch the shadow. In the end you don't even want to. In the end, you do not even want to. In the end, the shadow is all you have left. Because the shadow understands you, the shadow forgives you, the shadow gathers you unto itself—And within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame.”
Im also not sure how I feel about this. its nice but at the same time too flowery for the momment
>The dark is generous
lines worked first 2 times but then just got repetitive

The luceno novel about Darth Plagueis is basically the introduction of Palpatine, that is mostly what makes it great is him. It also explains huge swaths of things that actually make sense.

You won't find that with the new novels but the old ones spent a lot of time trying to fix shit.

They did figure it out. That's why they had Anakin spy on the Chancellor. They tracked "the sith lord" (they didn't know it was Palpatine, obviously) to a building that housed most of the Republic's elite, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the sith were either very high up in the Republic's government or controlled somebody very high up.

>(more than any villain in any fictional work I've read/seen

Pretty cool to know. Thanks for learning me on that user

>instead of a scene about dark side clouding their abilities in episode 2.
it would be better if the jedi masters didn't just know everything, you'd get a lot more pull from the audience for the darkside if the darkside was just generally better. Instead of the whole "sith lords are able to take on two jedi knights at the same time, and can throw BIGGER rocks with the force"

if anyone did not get it, sheev is the shadow

Yeah, that's the fanfic-tier writing I was talking about. I think the author got a little too into it, the book has several passages where he sort of "over-writes".

Totally agree. Watching the movies in order, including both of the clone wars (2d micro series and more current clone wars,) and rebels completely changed my entire character perspective on Star Wars. The books are also fantastic. It's just such a great story.

>Jedi survive and end up owning media companies and joining high end positions to keep their cause in the media and in people's faces constantly.

>Jedi get almost single handedly wiped out and people barely saw them in the first place with mysterious abilities that most people thought were exxagerated or lies since their was only 10k jedi in a galaxy of trillions of people

what happened to "jar jar was a sith lord"?

well they did find the neimoidian guys special chair that helped him talk to sheev. They learned that sheev existed but it was not long before palpa told anakin the truth

t. jedi kike

dark is more about instant gratification while light is the long con. yoda dark rendezvous outlines it well when yoda and dooku talk about armies and palaces.

It's amazing that they kept Anakin in the dark, though.

>"Hey Anakin we want you to spy on the Chancellor"
>"Uh.....no reason."

>1000 years of "post-Sith" Jedi training.
In plagues did not they send out a hit squad to gank plagues but ended up getting some of illuminate friends

More like PARASITIC am I right senpai? Seriously, fuck these free riders.

>dark is more about instant gratification while light is the long con.

The Sith were playing the long con for 900 years before episode III, though. Even Palpatine's plan took decades.

>how big is a galaxy

pretty fucking small if you can just travel everywhere in a couple minutes

idk, I haven't read the Plagueis book. But as far as I know, the Jedi believed the Sith went extinct after that final battle where Bane tricked the Sith into committing mass suicide. A big chunk of the Sith's activity after that was preventing the Jedi Order from ever finding out, and they didn't until Episode I (which is why the guy with the long head said "impossible, the Sith have been gone for a millennium").

I loved how different the book felt, it was as if I was watching dorian gray

The jedi being evil doesn't mean the sith where not evil. Anakin was a dumb fuck.

Both dogmas are wrong. The closest to being right are the gray jedis and even them are not right since they are still a religion.

Tiny when planets are so close you can see them hit by the beam from a giant superweapon.

I love the bane novels but what worried me is that Sith technically individualists and they never showed Zannah wavering about the order, she hated the jedi more than going off and doing her own thing, and even though in the last novel they show a possible apprentice doing this exact thing.

To do something like that for a thousand years without a broken line is insanely impressive. A bunch of people dedicated to a single purpose where all their instincts are taught to look out for themselves and they all dedicate to cause of wiping out the jedi? Without the benefit of going through the Ruusan wars like Bane.

Going back to a place to confront someone where you know one of you is going to die when all of your instincts are trained for survival.

>>Jedi get almost single handedly wiped out and people barely saw them in the first place with mysterious abilities that most people thought were exxagerated or lies since their was only 10k jedi in a galaxy of trillions of people
+ the fact that there were ongoing genocides and war, let us not forget all the other religious cults worlds had (some with real powers)

>The closest to being right are the gray jedis and even them are not right since they are still a religion


I say blame the force. The force created Anakin. The Force also decided that for Anakin to fulfill his destiny and restore balance to the Force he first had to help destroy it completely...

Does anyone think it's weird how jedi are always a myth in like every movie?

Nope, sith kept the line going but most worked on their own shit during their turn. No sith would sacrifice their life and reign for some dead guys plan for the benefit of some unborn faggot

>To do something like that for a thousand years without a broken line is insanely impressive. A bunch of people dedicated to a single purpose where all their instincts are taught to look out for themselves and they all dedicate to cause of wiping out the jedi? Without the benefit of going through the Ruusan wars like Bane.

It's implied that somewhere along the line the Sith lost sight of the "master plan", and were happy to just hide in the shadows. Like there's one Sith in the middle of the chain (forget his name, but it started with a V) who did nothing but start a mining company and occasionally torture his workers for shits and giggles. It took Palpatine to get them back on track, he achieved more in 50 years than the all the sith in the 300 or 400 years before him.

I agree they're other force groups and because of the holonet, information was shared quickly around the galaxy, but finding some hillbilly space trucker who doesn't believe in the jedi when that isn't that different for shit in our country right now like fucking science.

You can find people who will disagree with shit and have movies and pictures where they can see it with their own eyes and still disagree. You're telling me Han going, well that jedi nonsense is a bunch of bullshit.

People can disagree and reinterpret well known things even now.

my memory is fuzzy but read Plagueis (or get an audio book)
This one should still have seeds
if it does not try
or the thepiratebay. audiobookbay use username opengrave and password opengrave

I know but I meant unbroken in that the Sith did not die out. I know some of the potential sith apprentices turned to the light, one master switched the light and apprentice had to go hunt down the master and keep the line going.

I just mean that an idea still came to fruition based on his plan and it worked. That is one long dice throw.

There are no gray jedi most often its just some heresy that ends badly or never works on any real scale

Cool, I'll check it out.

movies are not evidence of anything. hilariously I have seen some fools thinking that titanic was fictional movie thing. it was on the internet so they could have been joking

not really. in the 7th it would be logical

You get my point though, they can see things with their own eyes and disagree.

The way the evidence is portrayed or collected isn't my point.

>That is one long dice throw.

I'm not sure that Bane intended it to be that way, remember he was trying to find a way to make himself immortal. But yes, it is pretty lucky, although with only 2 members at a time the secret is much easier to keep.

His immortality was in order to ensure that Zannah would complete her trial by combat without him being at a disadvantage of age/weakness by disease and time. He still could be killed by an apprentice and since his entire teaching method was forcing the apprentice to eclipse the master, that immortality would be asterisk'd pretty quickly.

>millions of lives

But the only things being killed are robots and clones and both of them have no lives

anyone got Darth vader and the ghost prison?

nvm found it

>But the only things being killed are robots and clones and both of them have no lives

The vast majority of the deaths (billions of them) were people living on the planets where the wars were happening. All those planets that are warzones during the Clone Wars weren't empty beforehand.

What is so bizzare to me is that Anikan and Padme managed to keep their relationship and eventual marriage and pregnancy completely underwraps until the very end. That right there shows me how oblivious the Jedi council was to him. They either didn't sense it or just didn't care.

> poor fives

He figured it out

yeah that is what my faggy friend said when I showed him battlefront 2. clones have individuality and Confederacy of Independent Systems has living people who often suffer due to various plots or intensive work requirements

Considering how many people had side relationships and secret wives, the books did a great job of portraying the hypocrisy.

Every jedi you've ever heard of either had a girlfriend or a secret wife practically.

It was like non-pedophile/gay catholic priesthood going ham.

its hinted that obi knew

So will Luke actually be a big deal in 8 and 9? Cause if everyones looking for him, does he actually do stuff that's important instead of just swing a light sabre around?

Like I never really thought he was supposed to be this magical universe changing entity, just a guy that got lucky and used in universe plot armor.

Darth vader and X are always a good read

they made him a failure instead of the universe saver that he was before these movies, he will basically be a combination of yoda/obiwan most likely.

>So will Luke actually be a big deal in 8 and 9?
No, the whole point is to filter out the old gen.
>swing a light sabre around
His body double may get in few swings but mostly he will just be a catalyst

>he will basically be a combination of yoda/obiwan most likely.
That sounds kind of dumb, I mean I get all he can really do is die now, but god damn you think they could come up with something besides emotional bait.

Are they just stuck with doing the exact same plot?

Driver's comments convinced me they'll just do another spiritual remake like the last one, when you make around 2 billion, they're not going to go away from the nostalgiabait.

I mean even if it is a safe remake, and had nothing the others had, the majority of the people that went to the newest starwars movie were white males.

So far, the vast majority of the audience driving J.J. Abrams' runaway smash Star Wars: The Force Awakens in the U.S. is male, or 70 percent of it, according to early exit polls conducted by Rentrak's PostTrak service

>What is so bizzare to me is that Anikan and Padme managed to keep their relationship and eventual marriage and pregnancy completely underwraps until the very end.

Obi-Wan almost certainly knew, but he let it slide.

If they make luke fight a lightsaber dual in episode 8 they'll ruin it just like they ruined yoda in episode 2.

Jedi masters are suppose to be so good with the force that they don't need lightsabers. Yoda's whole shtick in the originals was that he obviously wasn't a traditional warrior, but his strength with the force was so great that it didn't matter.

All the EU and prequel shit that gave everyone and their mother a lightsaber was just overkill.

>implying Obi didn't have side women/kid

He's a hypocrite but he wouldn't be that much of a hypocrite.


At the end of the day, having a few quirks doesn't change the fact that they're all retarded mass-produced freaks who only exist to be cheap fodder.

Hello plinkett

I agree though.

He did and he didn't. When he was an apprentice he hooked up with another apprentice, but Yoda found out and told them to break up or leave the order. They chose to break up and that was apparently the end of it.

Also afaik the Jedi just forbid attachment. There's no rule stopping them from wandering into a nightclub and finding a random slut, as long as they don't call them the next day.

maybe they will add new characters and dump the trio of ray,finn and po

Yeah, Obi and Dutchess Satine definitely had a thing for each other at some point.

not in your lifetime they won't.

Disney is banking on demographic changes and business wise it is kind of genius.

>Jedi masters are suppose to be so good with the force that they don't need lightsabers.
each has their specialty and lightsabers can be one of them.
>All the EU and prequel shit that gave everyone and their mother a lightsaber was just overkill.
New EU is worse, old one at least still had some non saber users

>be a slave for most of his childhood because the Republic couldn't be fucked to help his home planet
>leave with father figure jedi, promising to come back home
>meet the jedi but they instantly turn him away
>father figure dies
>end up being with the jedi probably feeling that they don't want him there
>years pass
>have nightmares about mother dying and wants to go check on her
>jedi tell him it's wrong to have attachments and force him to stay with them
>mother dies and he thinks he could have prevented it if the jedi didn't hold him back
>years pass
>have same visions of wife
>jedi tell him it's wrong to have attachments and that Padme dying was simply the will of the force
>be put in the council, something he really wanted, but the council (like in the past) rejects him
>council forces him to do something against his moral code, to spy on someone he thought of as a good friend
>Palpatine tells him that there is a way to save Padme, but he could not learn it from a jedi
>turns out Palpatine is a Sith Lord and jedi masters go kill him
>when he gets there he sees them about to kill his defenseless new father figure

Gee, I wonder why he turned.

confirmed for not knowing shit about clones.


Jesus christ Disney.

The new eu is a nuclear distater of fluffy chuck weddig proportions.

what did Lucas mean by this

Lucas was lowkey redpilled

>le 'Yoda didn't need no lightsaber' meme

Yoda was slow and could barely walk. He couldn't even take on Vader. I never felt he was as strong as plinkett memed him to be.

I know that they were made not for having long and fulfilling lives, not so they can seek out their own destinies but because the Republic needed an army of disposable troops that were super loyal to Palpatine so they would carry out his orders and commit Jedi genocide. After that, who fucking needs them, let them get slaughtered on some Outer Rim shithole while the military starts recruiting actual sentients who weren't born in a vat.

True. You know its fucked when people bring up bloodlines as example of good new EU

Lots of clones went psyco

I miss some of the old EU but I admit that most of it was bloated with the dumbest shit in fiction. The new EU will be more of the same.

>Yoda was slow and could barely walk

Yes, except for when he was fighting. Badass


Anakin's point of view...

He was right all along...

Lucas's final puzzle........

technically it is worse since they won't try anything new. This is who they brought in for the Lucas Story Group, the group that controls everything about the narrative. She looks like the kind of person that buys starwars books.

I'm talking about episodes V and VI. I never got the sense that he was all powerful, if he was then he could've just gone to kill Vader and the Emperor.

Hell a lot of the new EU is hatcheted and watered down old EU

Holy shit I forgot how absolutely awful the scriptwriting is
you can even tell the actors know how terrible it is, the delivery is so awful

While Yoda was struggling to repulse Palpi's force lightning in RotS, he had a flash of insight from the force that told him that Anakin’s heir would be the one to defeat Palpatine. So he knew that he had to survive to get this knowledge back to Obi-wan and to plan for the child’s future so that Anakin’s offspring, who would be at least as strong as Anakin if not more so, could defeat the Emperor and Vader and take down the Empire. Of course we know that is exactly what did happen.

My favorite part is when Ewan MacGregor has to physically restrain himself so he doesn't laugh at the "killing younglings" line

Because the entire point of Yoda is that he's not physically strong but spiritually powerful through the Light side of the Force

Remember that it wasn't a lightsaber duel that bested the Emperor, it was a father's love for his son that was reawakened by the son refusing to give up on his father.



this is still mine, I would have taken the job just for this stuff.


But Yoda repeatedly raped him as a child.
That's why Yoda thought Luke was too old.

ah so that is why he kept screaming "too old" both with anakin and luke, he was secretly Meryn Trant
sasuga lord lucas

Ahhh, Ashoka. I need to know if she's still alive. I loved her in clone wars


I Was so happy to see her in Rebels too. Ok bye

Who cares about clone wars you underage

a lot of people


>kek. yeah I would like to see them save his ass if he had not any force powers. know who they did not save, his mom. mom who died from torture

huh, kind of forgot about that.

it's a great series. You should give it a try. Watch it in chronological order.



Did you also forget all the other slave kids of tatooine that jedi did not save?

Pick one

"If you want peace, prepare for war'

Actually she opposed the creation of an army and starting a war. All throughout Clone Wars and Sith she's tying to make peace and end the war.

Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy and we shall have peace

Based Sheev

I always come to these threads for Daisy Ridley, and almost always leave disappointed.

The Inquisitors. Assaj Ventress. The Night Sisters. Kylo Ren.

>i come to these threads for ruined feet and xenomorph smiles
fucking sicko

>That was a cave vision, those are not the same.

A vision is a vision, you made no such specifications.

Suck a duck.

That is what you get for having shit taste
He is thinking more of other movements like the white current

KEK. I hope this (You) finds its way to you user.

context mother fucker. We are taking about if visions people get from the force can be changed or if they live in a world with no free will. When talking about visions from the force the visions from the dark side cave (which obviously would try to manipulate the person) can not be seen as pure prophetic insight

>here are a bunch of arbitrary rules that I am now forcing because I am a control freak

Look, you were wrong, don't get autistic about it.

where do you think we are

I loved the series. The Clone Wars succeeded where the prequels failed and kept its viewers entertained for 6 seasons and it left me wanting more.

The clone wars already knew that viewers were ambivalent (at best) about most of the prequel characters, and made a point of fleshing them out. Even arrogant, bratty Anakin was made more dimensional and sympathetic by letting viewers see his ongoing struggle to resist the pull of the Dark Side. It's a must see series for any Star Wars fan.

> The Tragedy of Darth Vader

Still, the execution was horribly wonky.

There's the bad things like:
> Shoehorned in fan service and poorly thought connection to the OT
> Sheev's convoluted plot
> Jar Jar Binks
> Embarrassing dialogue
> Laughable romance

A better writer and director could have made this concept a masterpiece of cinema. Such wasted potential.

His real tragedy was his custom made torture suit


>Eliminating a group of superpowered religious fanatics that have manipulated galactic events for over a thousand generations

Tell me why he is the bad guy?

Mace Dindu had literally no reason to believe Anakin when he told him that Sheev was a Sith Lord. In fact, he would probably mostly be inclined towards disbelief, since up until that point Anakin had been a whiny bitch who would probably pull a far-fetched story out of his ass with no backup. So why did Mace act immediately, trying to arrest Palpatine with no evidence of him being evil? Because the Jedi were trying to take power, plain and simple. They didn't know Palpatine was a Sith Lord, they just knew he was an obstacle trying to push their ancient, defunct religion out of political power (probably for the better) and they took any excuse to stop that from happening.

That balding guy laughs too much.