I don't care what universe you're from, that's gotta hurt!

>I don't care what universe you're from, that's gotta hurt!

What did he mean by this? No seriously, what did George think breaking the fourth wall like this would accomplish?

I take it Cred Forums is watching this garbage on TNT right now

I've only ever seen Star Wars shown on Spike, it was a real surprise to see TNT broadcasting it

Universes exist in Star Wars too. /thread

Tell me more without citing wookiepedia or the EU

>Universes exist in Star Wars too
>Universes exist
There's only one universe that we know. There's multiple galaxies

>There's only one universe that we know.
One theory has there being two. One undergoes crunch and other bang, then they reverse.

What did he mean by this?

TNT and TBS now have exclusive broadcast rights to all Star Wars movies.

Why would a species with more than one head ever evolve

The contemporary model of physics does not work with only 1 universe.

does this mean beings who can travel from paralel/alternate universes riside within star wars?

Having bits like this in fantasy flicks is such awful, lowest-common denominator, writing.
>Haha! It's just like our world but with aliens! So whacky!

He means we are in the crunch now fucboi so get ready

And yet
>this one scene was more original and better than all of TFA
>and it spawned the n64 podracer game which was also more entertaining than all of TFA

Damn and here I thought A New Hope 2 was gonna be good. Fuck Disney.

I don't believe you really believe that

Is it going to be better than Empire Strikes Back: Again with feeling?

Why not? It's the truth.

He's right

Episode 1 was shit, but George at least tried to do something "new"

Episode 7 is literally just member grapes for Star Wars

Never could remember but these two were based off the announcers from Celebrity Death Match right?

Just about to watch the podrace senpai

here..we go.

So that they could make a tongue and cheek joke about two sports anouncers actually being one guy.

Some kind of symbiosis, albeit with two species of far greater complexity than the symbiotic relationships we observe on earth

*Than the symbiotic "single organism" actually made of multiple organism symbiotic relationships on earth


He's right about it being more original and the game being more enjoyable.


Everyone knows Snoke is actually Chancellor Valorum

>waahhhh TFA sucks!!!

Oh, how original...