Why didnt the emporeor just use the force to turn off their lightsabers? Or crush the hilts...

Why didnt the emporeor just use the force to turn off their lightsabers? Or crush the hilts? Whats to stop someone from just flipping that off switch with their mind? Or yank them out of their hand.

I really hope in future movies we see Snoke take none of that shit and just flat out destroy lightsabers with the force before a jedi gets to close to him.

Because george wanted a big lightsaber battle because lightsabers are shiny and cool.

That's pretty much what I was hoping to see Luke do to kylo ren

Why didnt the emperor just blow up the universe with his mind?

My kids love the prequels, its a very good children's movie.

They all just get owned like punks except windu. One just stands there and get stabbed too.

Imagine if he fucked with the lightsabers right before and there was a reason for them to be so caught off guard.

>Well, Yoda, we've proven that you can absorb my magic lightning, let's lower our power levels and swordfight to prove who is superior.
What kind of shitty paladin was he?

>Grandmaster of the Jedi
>Most powerful Jedi that ever lived
>Can't even beat the Sith apprentice
Why are Jedi so weak?

Sith are just more powerful. Except at the end of ROTJ, luke has plot armor and wins.

This. Theyre Dreadlords to Paladins and Warlocks to Wizards.

Why do grown men still spend their free time finding plot holes in an old fantasy movie for children?

This. Luke has the high ground

Luke used the darkside

Luke should be like Pai Mei compared to everone else

>Why do grown men still spend their free time finding grown men finding plot holes in an old fantasy movie for children to talk shit about online?

Because force-users emit a small force field around themselves when they start battle to prevent their opponent snapping their neck with the force, or in this case, turning off their lightsaber.

explain force push

check n m8 nerd

It's hard to use force on a force user, as being adept at the force makes you naturally resistant to attacks. In the scene where we see Dooku levitating Obi Wan, you can see how powerful Dooku is with the force, and how shit is Obi Wan (despite being an eccellent duelist). I assume that since lightsabers work through the force, they possess similar protection, at least when the owner has it in his hands.

Why not just focus all their force power on another jedi's eyeball? If they can move ships and shit, it should be pretty easy to crush an eyeball

The light side is just more suited for defense, that's why most jedis rely on dueling. The strong hatred the sith possess boosts their damage a lot.

>be sith
>be in duel
>constantly use force to shut opponents eyelids

that only works if the force user is weaker than you


They're pushing the outside edge of the field

Why didn't Obi-Wan turn off Grievous lightsaber(s)?

I'd just do really irritating shit like undo the bottom button on their jacket or slide their socks down into their shoes so the backs of their ankles rub against the inside of their shoes and get really sore

Same reason he doesn't just snap Jango Fett's neck.

It doesn't make for a good fight.

my mind is blown and my midichlorins will never recover

A force user can counter the force of an outside party

Force attacks require concentration he was too busy not getting get to peices to use the force.