Has a great respect for the film medium

>has a great respect for the film medium
>doesn't overuse CGI, will only use it sparingly
>prefers to use real sets instead of greenscreen
>prefers to shoot on location instead of in a studio
>single handedly elevated the capeshit genre to new dramatic heights
>has a great love for authenticity (certain scenes in Dunkirk were shot in the actual location that the real evacuation took place in 1940)

remind me
why do we hate him again?

Imagine you're the mob-connected manager of a mob-owned bank. Imagine that bank is robbed by a crew wearing clown masks. Imagine you're hardass and crooked enough that you try to defend that bank with a shotgun. Imagine you get shot in the process.

Now try to imagine any reason why you, shot and possibly dying, would shout questions at your attacker about his personal beliefs.

Nolan directs scenes like this and thinks they're good.


He is good at his craft but his films are soulless.

contrarianism is cancer

said the devil

It was a good film otherwise

What you just described sounds exactly like something you'd read in a comic book, possibly a Batman comic where a side character is questioning the morals of a big guy

Now this scene on the other hand

if you knew anything about science youd know this to be true

He's in it for the money.

You forgot
>responsible for the biggest meme Cred Forums has ever seen

Because he's an autist he can't comprehend anything about good storytelling beyond technical details.

Listen to him talk about the plane scene in The Dark Knight Rises. He's genuinely proud of it. He got a plane to hang upside down from another one without pure CG. No mention of the characters or the stupid shit they're saying or the improbable nature of the scene, he just thought a plane hijacking would be a good way to introduce Bane and he got that scene into the movie.

That on its own isn't enough to really hate him, for that I just think he's an autist. But him being praised for this crap bothers me. He has no mind for anything but technical details and he isn't even particularly good at them. His movies aren't particularly impressive on that front.

Michael Bay meanwhile gets shit on for his technically amazing work because there's no deep thought behind it. At least he admits it. And 'Pain & Gain' was more intelligent than anything Nolan ever has or will make in his whole career, that's the real killer.

I don't think nerds know anything about love

cause most of his fans are 16 year olds who think that the dark knight is the greatest film ever made and are incessently vocal about it

He's the best out there. I don't think Cred Forums hates him.

He completely ripped-off Paprika, a masterpiece, when making Inception.

Menmento is great, but just because he does lots of cool technical stuff, doesn't make him one of the "greats".

basically this

>still posting the beta version

haha thanks

I know this is bait but: DIE FUCKER, DIE!

I can't stand most Nolan movies but at least he's trying to make something big and different.
I just wish he was half as smart as he thinks he is.

I never did. Neither did I care about what contrarian faggots on Cred Forums shitposted about him. His films are some of the very few from Hollyshit that I go watch in theaters.

This was the worst moment of the film for me. All the other shit up until this moment kinda' made sense to a non-physicist like myself, but I knew we were going down the soft-science road when "love" comes into the picture.

Keyword here is 'trying.' If more kinographers has had approach to the job Hollywood would be better, but I think that really a lot of directors do, just most of them don't break into the mainstream like Nolan did. And I don't really know how Nolan did it, if it was luck, or he knew the right people or what but he did it.

his movies are at least worth watching in theaters. gives me something to look forward to in terms of blockbuster movies

I disagree. It comes off as contrived dialogue meant only to get us to the Joker's closing line. On its own, it's fine, but the execution of it could have been handled way, way better. For instance, not shouting it, delivering it in almost a pleading tone, maybe even tweaking the dialogue to the point where it's more like the guy is trying to "recruit" the Joker to his club of "honorable" criminals.

His best movie is still "The Prestige." It along with flashes of brilliance elsewhere keep me from outright hating him.