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Did Carrie Ann Moss disappear from the face of the Earth? I don't think I've heard anything from her after The Matrix. The only other major project she did was Memento.



She was in Jessica Jones as a lesbian lawyer.

She was in a season of Chuck.

It's nothing major but she's a somewhat big character in Jessica Jones. Will probably have a smaller role in the defenders.

why do they wear latex in the Matrix?

She cameos in Daredevil and hass a supporting role Jessica Jones, i think.

It's their fetish.

late 90s aesthetic

Not sure, but it was genius move on the costume department's part because it became huge in the late 90's/early 2000's with the all black/sunglasses look. It would look cheesy now but back then it was pretty fucking cool.

>tfw you will never be alive in the Blade universe

who's fetish? The wachowski brothers?

She voices the best Mass Effect supporting character, Aria T'Loak.

Yeah, I know, major.



she plays an absolutely banging lesbian in jessica jones.


Degenerate tranny producers who probably were in the leather scene.

so fucking perfect

Why didn't agents just warp in whenever a civilian noticed a few weirdos in black latex and sunglasses in public?

Seems like it would have been a pretty easy way to counter the unplugged rebel problem

why was there only 3 agents in the matrix?

why not a whole platoon of agents?

I can respect that gif.

Well there were more of them in Reloaded.


Yes. I think their trannyism is fetish-induced as well. Excited for dat inevitable double suicide.

The matrix is a German's idea of what an American would think was cool


IIRC Lana was married to dominatrix who acted as a "fetish consultant" in Matrix sequels


Multiculturalism is an american's idea of what a german would think is cool

there was a big fat girl who worked at a coffee shop my littler sister and brother would go to, during the matrix era. she thought she was trinity.