What's your favorite Jackie Chan movie?

What's your favorite Jackie Chan movie?

coruching tiger hidden dragon

Kung Fu Hustle

Around the World in 8 Days.

romeo must die

Overall, Police Story.

Honourable mention to Project A.

Young Jackie - Drunken Master
Old Jackie - Shanghai Noon

ong bak

dragons forever, drunken master, little big soldier

Tokyo decadence

Am I the only one who liked The Accidental Spy?

Armour of God or Winners & Sinners

Rush Hour

Kung fu panda

Who Am I?

Its Jackie kino

Harold and Kumar Go to Guantanamo Castle

wheels on meals

house of daggers


City Hunter

>What's your favorite Jackie Chan movie?
The one where he speaks understandable English.

The one where he sends billions of chinese dollars to his overseas account

ip man