Other urls found in this thread:


He's a Jew.

How much you want to bet this idiot praises God Bless America as "progressive"?

What was its message?

"White people are finished"

Robert Duvall was the good white man, appropriately accepting his retirement and finishing his days quietly while Douglas was unable to comprehend the dismantling of his privilege so he impotently raged against a world that didn't need him any more.

I honestly can't tell if these types of post are satire anymore.


I would say the same for this type of tweet.

What the fuck is wrong with the west.

wtf I hate dinosaurs now

99% of Americans don't even know what satire it. They think it's just another way of saying sarcasm.

"Satire" is reduced to just insults now. Satire doesn't even need to be "mean spirited".

Is he saying non-whites are a different type of animal?

We've grown comfortable and lazy.
So lazy we appear to be dead and are being circled by vultures.
It wont last forever. Eventually there will be some great economic crisis, people will get desperate.
All this love and tolerance and embracing special snowflakes and multiculturalism is only possible in a society with no real troubles.
When things get desperate nobody will care about tranny bathrooms and pronouns and diversity quotas and flexible gender roles.
When the shit hits the fan and the welfare states collapse and nobody can find work, people will tribalise and turn to their own groups.


>tfw approve of senseless violence but hate entitled white males
I don't know how to feel about this film

>it's thinly veiled racebait thread

What a fucking cuck.

Try picturing late-stage Roman Empire

Only the barbarians aren't white this time

It's funny how the "persecution complex" bullshit can be tossed both ways in this argument.

I prefer the Sunderland independent film corporation's version


>it's thinly veiled reposted racebait thread

I can't say the wrong thing at work or I'll get fired.
I can't say the wrong thing at school or I'll get kicked out.
I can't complain about work conditions or I'll be fired and replaced by cheap foreign labor.
I'll be replaced by cheap foreign labor eventually.
Illegal immigrants took the blue color jobs because employers can do whatever they want to them.
H1Bs are taking white collar jobs.
I'm in debt from college.
Wages have stagnated.
Niggers and cunts can say amd do what they want with impunity.
A nigger president tells me to welcome terrorists into my home.
You're goddamn right I'm mad.

Why do you need to say the wrong things anyway?


How does he know that?

Knowing anything is not required for Twitter posting

There. Your reply.

reminder that this movie was 70% responsible for Columbine

>I can't say the wrong thing at work or I'll get fired.
Whenever you sign a contract, you also sign a waiver that allows your employer to fire you at any given time for any given reason. This is MOSTLY for special circumstances, but you have to be an idiot if you sign something you don't completely agree with.

Industries don't give a fuck about your moral or ethics. They want you in or out, as quick as possible.

Or you can see things this way : whites won't be there to see the other races destroy the species and the planet.

> you also sign a waiver that allows your employer to fire you at any given time for any given reason.

Maybe in America

i hate white people as much as the next man, but this is fucking pathetic.

Nope, but I'll admit most industries are based on American management systems. I wouldn't be surprised if they adopted this because it works.

>have to be polite in public
>new technology is scary
>have to pay for college
>have to compete for jobs with people willing to work for lower wages
>wages didn't magically skyrocket to make me a millionaire
life is so hard and unfair :(

If there were a true, global free market the median wage would be $8,000 a year.


>Illegal immigrants took the blue color jobs
it's a doggy dog world out there to be honest

So this jew didn't even watch the movie?
>neo-nazi surplus store owner
>only character D-Fens sympathizes with is a black guy who was denied a loan because he's black
>only person who doesn't completely piss him off is the black kid who knew how to work the RPG

Glad to see the comments section is completely sane and calling him out. Half this article is just MUH EVIL TRUMP!

>have to walk around eggshells constantly
>new technology is intrusive as fuck
>getting into college means getting into debt
>it is fine to offer lower and lower wages because Pedro is willing to get buttfucked by his employer for a dollar
>the rich get richer and the poor poorer

All is well.

Fuck Trump and fuck white people. You'll all be up against the wall and then America will belong to us Jews.

When do you imagine it wasn't like this? You just grew up and now you have to be a real man instead of a kid with no responsibilities or repercussions.

>>have to walk around eggshells constantly
Wow, you mean like real life?

>those comments

Nathan should've stuck his A.V Club safe space.

There is a big difference between being polite and going out of your way to not offend anyone.

Why the fuck is this board getting taken over by tumblr?

Because we have come full circle.

Because they literally have nothing else to do besides shitpost

>When do you imagine it wasn't like this?
When any jackass with a high school diploma could walk in a factory and immediately make enough money working eight hours a day, five days a week, 48 weeks a year to own a large house and support a stay at home wife plus three to four kids, while also receiving free high quality medical care for his whole family through employer insurance and building a massive pension that will allow him to live in comfort for the rest of his days when he walks out of the factory for the last time at age 60

Damn this guy really looks like Steve Albini


The author just used this movie to grasp at straws for social commentary.

A ton of people are leaving reddit because they won't delete the jailbait, creeper, and stormfront boards.

Makes perfect sense they'd come DIRECTLY to Cred Forums.

>minorities accusing whites of having a "Persecution Complex"

It takes a lot of fucking balls to do this when minorities are currently organized under brain-dead movements like BLM, which is entirely based around blacks having a Persecution Complex.

Careful there man, you might get called Cred Forums.

>Implying it wasn't taken over in 2013
Why do you think we raided you and turned you into Cred Forums 2.0 two years ago?
Couldn't let tumblr run rampant on our site so we needed to convert you, obviously it didn't last very long

>Whites are subhuman XD
>"Give that activist free college!"

Both minorities and whites have a persecution complex.

reminder that he had sex with mary elizabeth winstead

So you're totoally cool with employees being fired for being gay, Muslim, a Hillary-supporter, etc.?

>Damn this guy really looks like Steve Albini

he really doesnt. but thank you for mentioning that based man. im gonna get some Shellac now.

Human beings have persecution complexes.

Like the tumbarista who wrote the OP has a persecution complex that shes projecting onto the rest of the world.

>I enjoy being a good little cuck-drone.

There's always people like you.

If people can be fired for saying moderately racist or sexist things on a facebook wall, why not the other way?


As is there modus operandi, they came here after Gamergate as a form of retaliation and have infiltrated the userbase in order to "educate" us.

You obviously haven't seen Steve in a long time. He looks like an old lesbian now. Also he's not based, his arguments against digital audio are so laughable.


>>When any jackass with a high school diploma could walk in a factory and immediately make enough money working eight hours a day, five days a week, 48 weeks a year to own a large house and support a stay at home wife plus three to four kids, while also receiving free high quality medical care for his whole family through employer insurance and building a massive pension that will allow him to live in comfort for the rest of his days when he walks out of the factory for the last time at age 60
But you can still do that just fine?

A guy I know from my shitty third world country just went to the UK to work in some crap factory literally sitting on a chair and pressing a button whenever a car part or whatever it is comes to his workstation. He only has high school and nothing else. He's living with his girlfriend there and they'll be able to save up for a house in about 5 years.

>the userbase
That's not how they do it. They infiltrate the mod positions.

>about 5 years.

Nice power fantasy m8

They save about 3k euros per month, you do the math.

>Also he's not based, his arguments against digital audio are so laughable.

sure, digicuck.

>Anyone being able to afford a house in 5 years

Wew lad

Yeah your argument is pretty much on par with his

>no skills at all
>get a job that pays over 3k


Bullshit anyone working a factory job in the UK is able to save 3k a month. He's earning like 18k a year, if he's lucky.


>Low Skill job
>Enough to save three thousand after expenses

yea why do you white folk have such a persecution complex!
Scared you'll be minorities?? Scared you'll be taxed & oppressed?? Scared you'll be genocided ? hahaha

They live in some small town, rent is I think 800 euros, so 400 per person.

No, he has something like 1800, she has about 2500, they both work. I forgot what she's doing, some sort of medical related office job I think. They spend a few hundred on food, and save up everything else for the house.

I'm not from the UK dude, I'm from shitty Eastern Europe. I have no idea how much that is in pounds, sorry!

so arent they admitting Cred Forums is 100% right when they say shit like this?

>small town
Sweet, that means when the factory closes down post-Brexit he'll be able to afford to fund a heroin habit in a ghost town for that much longer!

No, because Cred Forums thinks they should resist and this is not a good process.

Everyone else thinks it's great and should be encouraged and hastened because progress.

No one's denying it's happening.

Oh, so you're inventing fictional doomsday scenarios now.

We'll see

>black kid who knew how to work the RPG

It was an M72 LAW.


No one is qualified to admit to that, you moron. It's funny as fuck how mouth breathers from Cred Forums misuse this word, among most others.

>Liberals and minorities are always liars unless they say something I want to retweet for my victim complex! Then their word is gospel and they're "admitting" to things!

Kill yourself or go back to your containment board.

Cred Forums
>The holocaust never happened, but it should have

>There is no white genocide, but there should be

This article is obviously leftie/kike bullshit, so let's talk about the movie instead

Did he actually have a point? Do you think any of his actions were justified?

He had quite a few good points. His actions still weren't justified though.

>mfw whites will live in the ruins of their own civilization ruled over by foreigners
>the luckiest ones will be abused in old folk's homes by people who do not speak their language
>most will be homeless or killed
>mfw their own grandchildren will look like strangers to them

What a cunt.

>nu-male Jew talking shit about a movie created by the gay Jew that put nipples on the Bat-suit
La revolution devore ses enfants.

But that takes longer, though.

They infiltrate both.


Yes. Every now and then they get really asshurt at something (EG Trump doing well) and they vent what they really think.


Doesn't exist on Reddit anymore since like 2011

>this butthurt that Cred Forums is always right

What do you mean by Cred Forums is always right? There are many dissenting opinions on Cred Forums, how can you say which ones are right and which are wrong?

Yes it does, otherwise it's just parody


He is so talking about himself, 10 yrs ago the left sucked his dick over his bullshit movies, fatty even admitted that they aren't really documentaries but the anti-right ate that shit up,now there is no boogie man so they don't care about his dinosaur ass.

when Cred Forums agrees it always comes true.

But when does that happen? I don't think that Cred Forums currently agrees that Trump is going to win the presidency. But if he does will you say that Cred Forums is always right?

we want Trump to win, it doesnt mean we necessarily predict it.

Clinton is implicated in a new scandal every week so there's no doubt that if she wins there will be some real allegations of voter fraud and (for once in an election) a smoking gun proving it.

>we want Trump to win
Who is we? Does everyone on Cred Forums necessarily believe that Trump should win? If I post on Cred Forums and say I don't want Trump to win, would I not be Cred Forums.

>Clinton is implicated in a new scandal every week
I mean no disrespect and I'm not denying the validity of what you say. But I do not think this has any relevance to the hypothetical situation I proposed.

you're overthinking it and that's why you're a loser.

>On a more metaphorical level, D-Fens wants to return to an idyllic time that probably never existed, when a white man with a college degree was promised an attractive wife and lifelong marriage, two beautiful children, and a big house they could afford. Oh, and women and minorities knew their place, humbly accepted subordinate roles, and meekly, slowly worked towards social progress, albeit in ways designed not to make the white establishment feel threatened or uncomfortable. That’s the fantasy Trump is talking about when he vows to “make America great again,” and in both Trump’s case and the case of sad, pathetic D-Fens, they’re clearly only concerned with making America a more comfortable, endlessly affirming place for white men like themselves.

The ramblings of the mentally unhinged are always entertaining.

>you're overthinking it
I'm not really sure how you came to that conclusion. Could you clarify how overthinking makes me a loser?


>race having anything to do with Falling Down
why are liberal numales so hopelessly cucked?
jesus christ, I've never seen someone so far removed from reality.

>he wants a woman, kids and a house


because you're overthinking a meme and you talk like a fag.

The funniest thing about this is that he literally acknowledges that it's the minorities somehow holding back whites from ever being able to live that dream. This is what his logic implies.

Moore is a tranny.

I wish this thread was about the movie instead of you morons flailing over who can reply to bait fastest.

>because you're overthinking a meme
Is the "meme" that Cred Forums is always right? I'm sorry, I'm not really into memes much. What purpose does posting a meme about another board have?

>you talk like a fag.
Do you mean this is the generic insult way or the criticism of homosexual way? From my experience on Cred Forums it's usually a tossup. Also, I don't see how this follows from what we were talking about.

this isnt a debate you fag.

He had a contract with society, society broke it, therefore he felt entitled to punitive damages.

The cop is the good guy, but only because the viewer may not is only allowed to view morality within the framework of society.

What is it about white males that makes leftists loathe them so much?

It doesn't seem like much of a discussion at all really. But then again, the whole point of this board and this site as a whole is discussion, so I'm not really sure what you're doing. I'm interested in your explanation though, so please don't let my ignorance discourage you.

Marxist doctrine imported into western universities during the cold war.
Societies have to be divided along lines of opressor/opressed.

Actions/Intent are of no moral value, moral value is assigne solely based on class.

When whites excel, they excel in something that is bad, because they are the opressor.

Only need to read a few lines to see that it's some desperate hit-piece on Trump, while smugly shitting on his supposedly all white male supporters.

Logical extremities does not an argument make.

0/10. Try again

welcome to Cred Forums

>people think falling down was about race issue when it was actually about class

And that is the only parallel you can draw from the movie and our current situation.

Don't forget me now.

Please, for the love of God tell me this is fake.

Ironically, most of our issues these day come down to class but are mistaken for race/social issues. The Black Lives Matter shit, the anti-BLM/anti-SJW shit, SJW shit in general, all of it is a mislabeling of class issues because nobody wants to talk about that.

The proponents of this nonsense are self-aggrandizing idiots who want the easiest, yet most explosive excuse to complain about which ironically leaves the real division in America (the vanishing of the middle class, the widening gap between rich and poor) to quietly agonize in the dust.

99% of the fucks on this site are part of the problem too and don't even realize it.





What did the author mean by this?

But the black kid didn't do anything to piss him off. He didn't threaten D-Fens nor did he ask for a handout or anything of the likes. He was just curious. he could have been a white kid and it would have been the same scene. As for the black guy, why wouldn't D-Fens connect with this guy? He was a common man trying to get by, and was denied because of something he couldn't control. This wasn't a movie about how whites should kill the blacks, but a return to a simple American with good wages and a closed border with Americans that respected each other.

But the black kid didn't do anything to piss him off. He didn't threaten D-Fens nor did he ask for a handout or anything of the likes. He was just curious. he could have been a white kid and it would have been the same scene. As for the black guy, why wouldn't D-Fens connect with this guy? He was a common man trying to get by, and was denied because of something he couldn't control. This wasn't a movie about how whites should kill the blacks, but a return to a simple American with good wages and a closed border with Americans that respected each other.

Haha what a funny mistake lol how could it have happened.

Best post in this thread.

It's not the Jews. It's fucking you, you idiot. It's you, it's them, it's all of you.

Besides, even if I grant that it is the Jews (which it isn't, you fucking retard), you're just playing right into their hands with this reactionary anti-SJW shit and moving the discourse farther away from the actual issue.

Haha yeah if you kill your enemies they win, you must fight them by fucking yourself in the ass that is the only way lol haha who doesn't know that in 2016.

You're beyond hope. Good luck to you.

black guy wasn't denied loan because he's black. watch the scene and pay attention to what the black guy is wearing.


>You're beyond hope.
Do feel free to elaborate please.


>tfw slav

this shit seems so surreal, i might be poor as shit but i don't have to see stuff like this on a daily basis

hahaha, just what I pictured trying to imagine dinosaurs being aware of their own exctinction

You don't? Then you're in a very good country, most of Eastern Europe is completely cucked by SJWs, especially universities and workplaces. All culture-related NGOs are completely ran by SJW women and gays for example.

Now I can't get the image of an SJW doing this speech out of my head. Replace "humans" with "cis scum"

this user is right but Cred Forums is too afraid of the real truth

And? Prices would go down and buying power would go up. Prices are relative to the population's income. If the prices remain high and income decreases, no one will be able to buy it, and the company will go out of business

true, you could be a black lesbian in a wheelchair and if you're rich you're more actually privileged than a poor straight white man

When the sheep are busy fighting among themselves, the wolves can move unseen

sheep don't fight though

and wolves are pack animals with no reason to move unseen

thread theme





That's the point I was making. It's not a social issue, it's not a race issue; it's a class issue. What the SJWs call privilege is a misnomer for wealth. They associate wealth with white people when in reality, most of the white people I know are poor as fuck or at the very least, are incredibly poor when compared to the circle of billionaires that really control everyone's destiny.

It's no mistake that neo-conservatives have joined in with the tea party folks to rally behind Trump, another self-aggrandizing billionaire. He is a bit of a wild card, true, but it's hard to believe he has anyone's interests but his own at heart.

>you have to be an idiot if you sign something you don't completely agree with.
Nice shitpost, have a you

>It's no mistake that neo-conservatives have joined in with the tea party folks to rally behind Trump
Lol, the neocons are supporting the warmonger clinton

Some of them, like Kagan yeah. Don't misinterpret my post as some kind of supportive comment for Hillary -- she's worse than him when it comes to representing the ultra-wealthy.

But Pence is a neo-con and he's brought a lot of neo-con support.

He's right

>99% of Americans don't even know what satire it.
so very true, I wish people would just give up on satire altogether

>But Pence is a neo-con and he's brought a lot of neo-con support.
he has stated that Dick Cheney is his vice-presidential role model.

this election is gonna be a coin flip

>watches a 23 year old movie for the first time
>needs to publish a fucking article about what he thought of it

What a faggot.

Is this movie racist?

Are you being sarcastic?

You've never even left your country, retarded Amerifat.

>doggy dog
>dog eat dog

>You've never even left your country, retarded Amerifat.
I'm from Eastern Europe dude.

>I can't complain about work conditions or I'll be fired and replaced by cheap foreign labor.
>I'll be replaced by cheap foreign labor eventually.
>Illegal immigrants took the blue color jobs because employers can do whatever they want to them.
>H1Bs are taking white collar jobs.
>I'm in debt from college.
>Wages have stagnated.

Then learn some high demand low supply skills. You know, something hard. And get a real job that pays lots

I have $0 college dept and am making 6 figures because I'm not a retard like you

>The film is filled with sweaty, boorish caricatures of Latino gang-bangers; heavily-accented Asian store-keepers who seemingly take malicious delight in verbally abusing their customers; scary, desperate homeless people; and various other folks at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder to whom the film nevertheless feels duty-bound to deliver a few swift kicks

I love when someone who has never been to a bad area thinks they know what people in that area are like. It's not a stereotype when it's true. These people in the film existed in real life in 1993, and they still exist. Not every non-white is some kind of saint so don't pretend they are.

20 years ago people would go "yea that is how shit neighborhoods are". Now we have to lie to ourselves so we don't offend anybody

I can understand if you don't want to read the article, but if you do, you'll quickly realize that the only reason the author wrote it was so he could talk about Trump.

There's that white rage.

>race totally isn't real guys

Where is this contract? Is it somewhere on my birth certificate along with the fine print saying, "Life's not fair?"

Why do leftcucks praise white men being extinct?

It's not Matrix

>Seldom has the catalyst for a film protagonist’s rage felt so much like the kind of petty nonsense Andy Rooney devoted his entire useless career to dissecting.

Wew savage.

Self-immolation is a lazy pseudo-morality of the white bourgeois. As a privileged white person, it's easier to sell-out your own race and pretend that's altruism, than to go through the trouble of identifying your people, their interests and defending them.

Basically, leftists are lazy faggots like usual and can't handle the emotional and intellectual burden of a morality based on in-group loyalty. As long as these cock-suckers live in gated communities and can afford private security, a morality based on fetishizing the out-group is much easier to maintain. They won't pay for their treason.

When did Chandler become so based?

What's Monica going to think?

stfu faggot

I thought Falling Down was pretty straight forward, I guess there's still room to misunderstand it


Speaking of Twitter, the voice of Siri recently started following me.

>Clinton is implicated in a new scandal every week
Like what? Is the Trump Foundation self-dealing just nothing?

>follows 1.2M people
literally who cares


his points about caltrans is entirely correct, and his actions were justified.

>replying to a 7 hour old post
Thank you for correcting the Record.

Shut up and pick my cotton nigger.

Typical response from a spic or porch monkey.

Douglas was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey, the first child of actors Kirk Douglas (1916–) and Diana Dill (1923–2015).[2] His parents met at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.[4] His paternal grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Chavusy (now in Belarus, then part of the Russian Empire), and his father was born "Issur Danielovitch".


Well assuming you aren't raping, killing, or robbing you definitely signed yourself up.

>Equating minorities to a foreign object which does nothing but wipe out a self sufficient ecosystem without building anything in its place

Sounds about right desu

>implying people actually have conversations on Cred Forums

is it wrong though>?

>This qualifies as quality argumentation in liberal-looney land
Back to tumblr my man

>billionaires that control everyone's destiny
This is why I can't get on board with you Marxists, you act like the rich are just constantly screwing the game for everyone else, like wealth is finite and they're just trying to hoard it all to themselves, it's literally tinfoil territory. Think about it, if you became rich, would you suddenly just turn into a ginormous dick and try to prevent other people from succeeding for literally no reason?

The irony is, that it's guys like you who always laugh at Cred Forums for being conspiracy theorists, when you're no better, your entire ideology is based on a conspiracy theory.

Its just (you)bait

>like wealth is finite and they're just trying to hoard it all to themselves,
If it's not, can I have some of yours? Thanks in advance.


>fast food joint won't serve me breakfast because it's slightly too late
>better start shooting my surroundings
Truly, a model citizen.

t. internet kid who's never interacted with rich people in the real world

Literally every self made millionaire I've ever met has been a cheap greedy asshole, who see NO problem with fucking over their labor force.

Reminder that Wal-Mart literally handed out starter kits to apply for government assistance to their employees to take home and fill out.

That's not a conspiracy theory, that is a fact.

>whites won't be there to see the other races destroy the species and the planet
>implying it isn't whites that are doing that

>That's not a conspiracy theory, that is a fact.
(citation needed)

Another Red-Pilled movie to add to the list. Thank you.

Your argument breaks down in that there are plenty of wealthy people who do not basically shit on the rest of society. They also have leftist economic (and often social) ideals. There are just a fuckload less of them than "asshole" rich people, and the "rich to the point of power" people tend to be sociopathic, power hungry assholes.

My family has more than one millionaire and I know others who are in this position outside the family. They all support the idea of a strong central government to put a choke chain on greedy shitbags, the market won't fix everything, universal health care makes financial sense, we should expand our social programs which will be fiscally benficial if we were set up more like Finland, Norway, or Sweden etc. Hell, one of our friends of the family is a milllionare who now runs his business from Sweden (ie actually brought it to Sweden, not just operates it in fucking Vanuatu). The difference is people like this say "You know what, making $15 Million a year or so is fucking fine by me, plus society benefits" The cocksuckers who range from most of the Financial sector to Koch Brothers like wealth are all about MORE MORE MORE, and justifying maximizing profit, damn the rest of the community, damn the planet, damn everyfucking thing. And its time to put a stop to that.

So yes, many people when they get rich, because of either A) inherent sociopathic tendencies B) justification that "this is just how business works, gotta stay competitive, fiduciary responsibility hurrdurrr, or C) an addiction to wealth / power for the sake of it or megalomania, people do become ginormous dicks.


Don't care. We'll just move on to the next planet.

>wealth isnt finite

are you retarded? The resource on the planet arent infinite

>I don't know what power is or how it works, the post

Jews can be redpilled?