What went right?

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Wasn't afraid to be ridiculously campy. Kept accurate for the most part, or adapted things for comic readers to like, and kept the quality fairly consistent, too.
It's only on s3 though. It may still Arrow itself and go to total shit really suddenly

Joe still exists.

ARROW crashed when they gave in to fan demands and wrote the plot around Felicity. FLASH showrunners have been smart enough to just make Iris the main girl and roll with it whether fans like it or not.

>It may still Arrow itself and go to total shit really suddenly

user, pls no.

>It may still Arrow itself and go to total shit really suddenly
I can hardly believe season 1-2 are the same fucking show as current Arrow. It's beyond fucking bad. It's literally turned into "Oliver wants to do the smartest fucking option and the women nonstop bitch at him because MUH FEELINGS".
I can't believe they wanted us to feel bad when Laurel died. I was fucking thrilled, I hated her character so goddamn much. Literally the embodiment of stuck up cunty "female empowerment"
>gets beat up by a random mugger
>a few days later beats MULTIPLE league of assassins members at the same time
The writing is beyond fucking bad. I wonder if Stephen Amell wants to kill the show or not.
There's no way he hasn't seen the decline in quality.

I also wonder if the cast of Flash is terrified of the network turning them into arrow 2.0

It helps that Flash deals with time travel and alternate universes. If they ever wanted to deal with some kind of twist, they can change time or universe, and nothing has to change that bad. And they can get whatever odd story they want to tell out of the way.

And then when the REAL characters die, it hurts more.

S5 looks like a fucking trainwreck

Staying close to the source material but changing stupid shit like Eobard Thawne having no real motive for the shit he does like in the comic where his only motive is THUH MUSEEM SAS IM EVAL

Caitlin Snow went right. She's my waifu.

she's fucking useless, I just want her to die already

Anyways, what's happening this season?
alternate timeline, musical episode, Draco joins the crew, what else?

Iris gets fucking killed off and Patty replaces her fucking WHEN?

> some would say i'm the reverse

season 1

So bad it's good.

patty is coming back son

>NTR qt >> jungle fever


patty is going to snusnu the shit out of that little twig.

It's completely mediocre in every way but it has that special pzazz that makes you love it anyway.

I agree completely, user.

who is this semen demon?

This so much

shes the booty spivot.

Do you understand now user"?

>nothing happens
>something cool happens
>something crazy happens
every episode