What is your favourite movie about Africa?

What is your favourite movie about Africa?

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coming to America



Don't talk shit about minimum wage workers. You dint know their story. I know pleanty of great guys and gals who have to work shitty jobs because of bad decisions or opportunities. Fuck off, at least they are earner money and not steal or being neet.

Blood Diamond I guess although I don't even remember where tf that movie took place but it had nigs

Yea but they are probably 16 years old not 35 with 6 kids

>there are people who wont say beasts of no nation

you're all cucks to be famest hon

Last King of Scotland
Fucking excellent movie.

Blood diamond is 10/10

Alternatively, Zulu

City of God

You know what's really funny?

You could say the same thing about white Americans and Europe. If anything they might need it more. Yet you never here about people wanting to do that. That would actually be the best way to boost European population and "save" the white race. Why doesn't anyone talk about this?

Not true.

Zulu, Tears of the Sun, Black Hawk Down


I don't know the name but this is the trailer for it.

>Europe mostly arab now
>Africa mostly blacks
>China mostly chinese
>White people don't deserve to have their own country

Beasts of No Nation

Because they flooded europa with arabs. Remove the arabs and swear they will never come back and most whites would move to europe.

Either Blood Diamond or The Lion King.

So the only time to live and defend your ancestors home is when it has already been defended? If whites flooded Europe they would be a large majority. But it seems most people of European descent don't want to do that. It would only be your fault at that point.

Because blacks are the ones always saying they hate America.

Wild Geese

Pfff, just imagine how quickly the US would completely self destruct if it was left in the hands of niggers. I'd give it about 2 years until it turned into fucking Mad Max. And given that nogs have contributed nothing substantial to this country other than crime, STD's, kids hey can't afford, sports, music, and a whole lotta bitching and complaining, it wouldn't make much sense to leave it in their hands.

Mass genocide: when?

Because they won't allow us back in, go a head and attempt to immigrate to europe as a white american male. And please, if you suggest "taking europe by force" then you might as well just also suggest that we genocide all blacks, as it would take the same amount of effort.

The only ones?

I thought the reason you have the candidates you have is because no one is happy with the way America is.

most white people don't complain about the country being racist or oppressive towards themselves. so your comparison is pretty shit.

niggers however almost all believe the country to be INHERENTLY racist, that everything from culture to institutions is racist. if this is true, they really should leave, don't you think?

You still think whites built America?

How ignorant are you?

Would you leave if you helped build one of the greatest countries?

something about mid aged austrian fatties visiting kenya exclusively because of the BBC. pretty realistic


this right here

Trust me, they would have done just fine without the slaves. Especially considering only around 1.4% of Americans owned them.

Kek. It's like when blacks think they're decendants of Egyptians.

Around 1% of Americans control everything now. What is the difference?

everythig the first word have is basically stolen from the thirld world, so you can argue that europe was built for africans, and north america was built from mexicans

I would leave if I didn't belong in it.

How much of America's infrastructure would you say is built out of cotton wads

>north america was built from mexicans

I don't understand the correlation. The fact is, it wasn't skilled labor, dumbass.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Are you talking about natural resouces such as ore and oil?
Yeah, because they're clearly industrious and savvy enough to do something with it.

blood diamond even though the ending was kind of dumb and its blue-pilled.

Is pic related true for Cred Forumsbeards?

Empire of Dust

>rich people own the most stuff
wow, liberals are so insightful

Hotel Rwanda. not africa but close enough


>Meanwhile, outside OP's government-funded housing