How right are they?

How right are they?

Other urls found in this thread:


in that people project what they want trolls to be rather than what they are?

literally me

literally me

I have stretches of days where I range from extremely charming and social able, to days where I'm shy, depressed and isolated.

I always do my trolling when I'm those happy, confident moods. I just do feels when depressed

>basically Cred Forums Cred Forums and Cred Forums
>a jew
What did they mean by this?

>wahhh everyone i dont like is a troll

people who are somehow still new to the internet in current year

So when you do those things you're not trolling, you're expressing your actual views? More than half of Cred Forums is trolling, calling trump a god-emperor and pretending to read and follow actual nazi theory. You don't think people like that actually exist, do you?

Right everyone knows those people are cucks.

Do you understant that nazis in Cred Forums hate the libertarians and republicans in Cred Forums right?

The only thing in common is that both hate niggers.

>I have stretches of days where I range from extremely charming to days where I'm isolated.

That's called joking, or exaggerating your actual views for shock value or comedy, not trolling.

Dude stop pretending that isn't accurate. If you have to treat people like shit on the internet in order to "de stress" or whatever you call it, you are not a happy person. You're just a dude who holds in all of his negative emotions in and then releases them on strangers. That's not healthy.

Well, you never know. Could be someone who just kinda thinks it's funny to stirr the pot and watch everyone freak out.

Yeah dude and we call those people "mentally disturbed" or "maladjusted"


If that's what you choose to spend time doing. It raises some very uncomfortable questions about how fucking empty your life is. Which given the amount of reeee tendies neets here does point to a larger issue.


I always thought trolling was when you pretended to not know a particular topic or subject only to find the weakness of an argument to finally initiate a cornering of said argument. Along those lines are giggles here and there. The actual meaning of "trolling" has died out within the last 4 years. Essentially, trolling is cornering someone in a argument for shits and giggles. When did a posters characteristics came into play on how they debated? Isn't that a fallacy in itself?

Cred Forums is hyperbolic, not satirist. Try to get this inside your thick skull.

Trolling used to be a art

What the fuck no.

Trolling always meant to make other people mad with poorly-made arguments or inflammatory statements.

Your pol Bros are ironic jews. Kinda like the steeple episide, the jew conspiracy is a jew conspiracy.

Exactly, that's my point!

It sounds like they're describing the kind of people that still watch South Park

>pretending to not know a particular topic or subject
>poorly made arguments
>make other people mad
>for shits and giggles

>cornering someone in a argument for shits and giggles
That was the main point of the post I was responding to and it's wrong. Trolling doesn't involve proving anyone wrong or winning an argument in a conventional, rational way.

Blessed is the nation with obesity as their main problem,
i really have to migrate to USA.
Its still country with comfiest life imaginable,
you just have to choose state , job and city relatively wisely.
Thats all I got from this episode.
Also, subtle trolling with Minecraft advertising.
Bravo ,Matt &Tray.

>People who hurt my feelings are trolls
>Trolls are losers
>Therefore I'm the good guy

Smartphones were a mistake.

Haven't heard this definition in a long ass time, damn

The sound effects in the minecraft game in SP are realistic and it sounds like people dying. They're suggesting even minecraft is a violent game (you can fight and kill in it, plus you harvest by destroying) even though it has cartoon graphics on it.

I don't troll anyone but it annoys me that I come to this board to escape my life for a bit and pretend I'm having conversations with people. Only to find out that the majority of people view me as "troll" because I'm isolated and angry. Can the normies just leave me in peace?

They're clearly describing the "dude lmao ur a nigger faggot i'd fuckin dstroy u in reel life faggot" shitposting, not hyperbolic and satirising shitposting.

lol this is me xd

>remember when "trolling" was a relatively exclusive term to the unsavory parts of the internet
>when "meme" described actual ideas and not image macros
>when these words were meaningless and confusing to normies

Now my fucking grandparents talk about "meemees", underage kids have fucked the word "troll" into an entirely different definition. Pepe the Frog shoops being discussed on multiple national news outlets.

It's so surreal. Like the rest of the world found Cred Forums a decade late. I don't like it. Something in my brain pops every time I hear someone reference memes and shit in real life. It makes me want to stop existing.

Trolling is literally just bullying, except you use a computer instead of doing it in person. Why do people think it is some unique condition? Look at the people who bully in real life and you will realise that trolls are no different.

No, trolling in person is trolling in person. Trolling is not merely bullying, but both anti-trolling activists and self-proclaimed trolls confuse the two.

An art

It's like the world forgot the only axiom of trolling, "for the lulz".

>It makes me want to stop existing.
The government is using all this shit to destroy anonymity on the internet. They want everyone to be completely locked down and people have been being slowly conditioned for this gradually over the last decade.

You can hide no longer. Now is the time to START existing. Correct them. Let people understand that anonymity is not a crime.

>I did it for the epic lulz

But it clearly is a crime. You're on Cred Forums for christ's sake! Can't you see that anonymity results in a diseased society of socially dysfunctional failures? Can you not taste the bitterness seeping out of every third post? Are you blind to the fact that the internet is poisonous on a base level?

If enough people harness the power of the internet, we will be in deep trouble. I'm in full support of censoring the internet and locking unworthy people out of it.

Not only because I stand to gain a lot of money from it, but because I truly believe its the best thing for the world.


They even did this again later by assuming skanhunt was a unhappy virgin living in his parents basement.

Followed by Gerald (the married rich Jew) walking down the street happy after successfully trolling people.

Trolls can literally be ANYONE.

Memeing aside, it's the truth. Now that "trolling" is a concept prevalent in the mainstream, people take the internet seriously and therefore get so affected by mean comments that they project this bullshit idea that trolls must be miserable loners, while in reality most are just people with free time who want a quick laugh. Besides it's much easier now since everyone takes it to heart.

i always thought trolling was when you tried to make someone mad by pretending to be retarded

we cursed ourselves by attracting actual retards in the process because they thought they were among friends

>memba trolling?

the founding figure of western trolling.

I haven't enjoyed a day in my life for the last 3 years.

That is the nature if all human beings you are witnessing, dumbfuck.

Not necessarily loners but definitely miserable people. There's no debate about that. A normal person does not get off on spreading negativity to strangers.

I don't see how, that's an unfounded assumption. It's just funny sometimes, depending on the circumstances.

Posting profanities/insults isn't trolling.

You're stupid and in denial about your shitty personality.

I love how it doesn't really fit with Gerald.

Your negativity shows you're a miserable person, chin up m8 :^)

>unfounded assumption

It's an assumption that gaining pleasure from hurting other people is abnormal? No, i don't think so. Trolls can be anyone and come from all walks of life but none of them are well-adjusted people if their idea of a good time is telling people to "kill themselves" or something of equal mean spiritedness. Just because they have a functioning life outside of that doesn't meam they aren't shitty miserable people. I mean fuck, richard kuklinski had a wife and two daughters and they said he was the ideal family man, not to equate internet trolls with serial killers and not to say people online shouldn't havr thicker skin but I think you see where I'm coming from

I'm not scary.

REddit is user too, but its also fine.

This place is cancer because mods here allow cancer.

Not true at all. Businessmen, lawyers, school bullies are well adjusted and socially acceptable people in most circumstances.

Seriously, look at his wine. they show it so fucking often, with bottle and everything. Its member berry wine, mark my words. Its making him do it.

>insulting strangers online as an outlet for burning off negative emotions and pent up aggression

Yeah, no. How is this so hard for you guys to grasp? It is NOT NORMAL to want to hurt other people

>A normal person does not get off on spreading negativity to strangers.
Have you left the basement lately, user? Shitting on others is how 99.9% of humans achieve their self-worth. It's a doggy dog world.

>a normal person does not get off on spreading negativity to strangers

Yeah, I'm going to need you to back that up with something.

Jep, meangirls it totally not based on reality and the need to put others down in the social hierachy is not inherently human even though it is.

THen why are reality shows so popular?

yeah but calling people names and shooping dicks into their mouths is (should) not be considered "hurting". trolling is, in essence, forcing someone to do or say something stupid to expose their flaws. when trolls "bully" people online, they are merely pointing out to the world (since the targets are usually beyond reach) that this person is an overly-sensitive asspie and needs serious psychological counseling.

No, it's not. You'll notice how people that do such irl are generally not very happy people and even then they'd rather do it behind their targets back rather than openly hurt their feelings. Go ahead and be a shitty person all you want, not telling you what to do, but don't delude yourself into thinking it's a healthy or normal practice

How is it abnormal? Kids in school always make fun of the one who takes it more seriously. If he didn't react, then it wouldn't be fun at all. It's the most normal of behaviors.

Lmao. I bet you were bullied, faggot.

Not very right, as evidenced by the episode itself, which was centered around Kyle's dad, a succesful lawyer with a family, who is trolling the shit out of everyone.

>i'm going to need evidence to show that empathy rather than anti-social behavior is the normal human condition

this is getting a little ridiculous is it not?

>You'll notice how people that do such irl are generally not very happy people and even then they'd rather do it behind their targets back rather than openly hurt their feelings
> they'd rather do it behind their targets back rather than openly hurt their feelings

The second part is factual. The first part is not.

Have actually met an anonymous troll in real life? Trolling is like pranking your friends, it's a game of intellectual superiority.

Have you ever seen someone on youtube mess with a dog by tricking it? It's the same, only with simple minded humans.

Im just glad they're giving Gerald something to do, getting sick of Randy tbqh.

Competition requires you to hurt or defeat people, sometimes strangers. In the case of business, one might get pleasure in seeing a competing business fail. It is normal. Furthermore, in schooling, establishing social dominance over someone else is gratifying, it is biologically ingrained in us.

So online is no different, the game has just changed and the power has shifted to those who have knowledge of the web before web 2.0. Those who have the cultural capital and institutional knowledge to establish dominance over another. It's normal.

You're comparing children who are not full developed teasing classmates they are either friends with or at least acquainted with fully grown ass men who like telling strangers that they should get cancer or something to that effect. Doesn't really work, does it?

Many trolls just want instant gratification. Hillary Clinton gave a speech recently vindicating millions of "alt-right" trolls by calling them a threat.

>Pepe, memes, and trolling are in the media and normies have taken over
>Milhouse still isn't a meme

>like telling strangers that they should get cancer or something to that effect

That's not trolling, that's being a moron.

The entire Southpark episode didn't even show any trolling. Photoshopped penis pics and telling people to go fuck themselves isn't trolling.

Schadenfreude is a word, and a popular one at that, for a reason. It is true that to be happy and have good self esteem you do not need to put others down, but nevertheless it feels good to see others in worse positions.
And like says, it's not that "normal" people don't do it. People do not do it overtly because it is more relevant to keep up a good facade socially, but they will do it in secret, hence why internet trolling is such a big phenomenon.

It makes no difference at all. We are animals, and as such we have the same behaviors. When we grow up we learn nuance and the ability to be more subtle, that's all. Children are essentially the same as us but without the filter.

have a (You), oldfriend

Randy was funny but he's Peter griffin tier at this point

My word against yours and you are defending anti-social behavior. I'd say I'm more trustworthy on this topic than someone who needs to rationalize why he's a dick to people online

They're not your friends.

this is not productive competition this is not gaining pleasure from overcoming an adversary, this is getting joy from attacking and hurting other people with no other goal but to see them hurt. I'm sorry dude but no that's not normal. The fact that we have functioning societies is proof of that

>A normal person
What's normal?

>that's not trolling

You can have your own definition but when average people talk about trolling that's what they're talking about and that's what the SP episode was referring to

>They're not your friends.

Which makes it even more satisfying. Toying with an intellectually inferior drone is like messing with your cat.

It's sad actually that some humans don't have the intellectual fortitude to defend themselves against such manipulation.

Why am I cruel for toying with the mentally weak? Only people complaing are on the other end of the shitpost and don't know how to fight back.

I too would be angry if I kept losing at a game because I suck at it.

At least somebody watched the episode.

That's not trolling. That's online bullying. Trey Park or whatever the fuck his name is is confusing shitposting and online bullying with trolling. Trolling is an art that can derail any thread with the most minimal of efforts without people realizing they're being trolled. South Park doesn't know what the fuck it's talking about.

Except that the societies that function the best are under capitalism which necessitates competition and hurting people. You seem to say sorry a lot.

I would argue in many ways they are adversaries. if you look at Cred Forums, it's a form of resistance the mainstream liberal media. You can agree or disagree but Cred Forums created value through "trolling", pepe is cultural capital (as laughable as that sounds), and in a sense resists and asserts themselves over those with overt political power.

cyber bullying and trolling are the samething in mainstream media

*a art

>Trey Park or whatever the fuck his name is
fuck off if you don't even know the guy's name, faggot. you're the troll here


Trolling doesn't exist in mainstream media. It's one of those moronic things like people believing Anonymous actually is a secret group of super skilled hackers instead of a bunch of porn addicted nobodies.

Trolling is an art that can derail any thread with the most minimal of efforts without people realizing they're being trolled.
>black people are violent chimps
>you're stupid if you think this persons a good president
>pretend to be a SJW
Wow what a skilled "art" that is.

Cred Forums is fucking garbage.

Why does his name have to do with his episode being shit? If his name was Wilfred this episode would be just as shit.

You just posted oneliners. But could you defend it convincelingly for half an hour? That's an art shitface.

>Cred Forums is fucking garbage.

Then why are you still here?

At least somebody watched the episode

chan is fucking garbage.
And yet it's miles better than anywhere else in the internet.

think of what a powerful statement "HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG" is. it is absurdly untrue by almost any "conventional" system of morality, yet it is so easy to say (or flash across the screen in huge rainbow-colored letters, or remix as an 80's pop-wave parody) without assigning any meaning to it yourself. and it makes 12 million people across the world lose their shit, and another several hundred million or so immediately think you are subhuman.

This is art, friend.

>doesn't even lift

should be top of the list

>Confusing low level shitposting with trolling

Newfag fuck off


Seems to be working

Have you ever met a guy who gets laid easily that lifts?

No. The only guys that lift can't get a girlfriend and yet end up with some below average piece of trash then convince themselves they're players

But he didnt, the holocaust is a lie, and everything morally wrong he did was in response to either the violence of others ot to the unfair treatmment of germany by other countries.
The only bad thing the nazis did was the night of the katanas.

>it is absurdly untrue by almost any "conventional" system of morality
tell this to german during the 20s and 30s

Bullying usually requires some element of physical intimadation.

Ehh, I think Jews get a bad rap. I farted in the shower yesterday and that was awful nearly vomited, just multiply that by 6 million. Pretty understandable they have a grudge.

Weak attempts at trolling. This is sad.

And what is funny is that people actually pretend the confederate flag or the nazi flag are offensive but the american flag is ok

All humans are pretty miserable there chief

Were you born with a trust fund a sports car and a turnkey coke and hookers business?

this is not trolling t
this is history
the biggers banks were ruled by Jews and those same banks decided after WW1 that Germany had to die in debts...

sometimes democracy works

I like how the genocide of the Native Americans done by the Union States is completely erased thanks to a little meme holiday called Thanks Giving

>You need to be rich to be happy

And how americans are direct responsables for japan going from traditionalist autistic people to imperialist cunts.
And the attack to panama, and the interventionism in south america, the banana republics, along with the brits the creation of Israel and all the mess that created, etc. No one gives a shit about american or british flags there, but anglos love to feel offended.

All of it.
But I don't harass people online. I am only rude on Cred Forums. I would never be rude on youtube, facebook or twitter.

you fucking idiot he ignored the member berries on the market because he's the only one not frustrated enough to get pleasure for fantasying of the past

Basically, the whole reason people do it is the same reason people always try to claim that bullies bully because their home life is awful or they're getting molested or something.
It's to make the victims feel better by thinking the bully/troll is in a worse situation than them.
Most of the time, it simply isn't true though.
Bullies in school are pretty much always popular kids with active social circles and eventful lives. Trolls on the internet are usually bored office employees, sysadmins or college students passing the time.
It's lip service so the trolling/bullying victims don't shoot themselves.

It was a refined argument with weak points that could be further debated. The whole point was to bait the entire thread into a never ending argument. many lulz were had

Somewhere along the way it became less subtle and you had people just pretending to be retarded. way less lulz but still funny

Now trolling is somehow just spouting meme words or directly insulting someone. no subtlety and no lulz

>I am only rude on Cred Forums. I would never be rude on youtube, facebook or twitter.
because you're most likely a faggot
most people on this board are used to shitposting, unlike normies on youtube or facebook, which make everything funnier

>I am only rude on Cred Forums.

Pretty much everyone's that way, user. Imagine the numbers of shattered teeth that'd be knocked out of the heads of Cred Forums autists and Cred Forums edgelords if they tried peddling their shit in the exterior world.

Pretty much. I mean people who come here kinda ask for and have to be fine with being called a faggot.

Everything but scary

I hadm i once got some colombian immigrants arrested in a bar, i said they tried to steal my wallet, it was funny

Everyone is formulating theories about skankhunt42/Gerald inside and outside the show, but I think the main topic of discussion is literally everyone else. We have Skankhunt42 has been trolling for two episodes and already we have the entire elementary school divides and turning against each other (boys vrs girls), their own (the boys destroying Cartman's stuff), and even themselves (Scott threatening to get off twitter while Heidi actually did). The situation is progressing yet Skankhunt42 has not done anything different.

IMO the place things are at right now is the elementary schoolers fault. Skankhunt42 may be typing his shitposts, but they are the ones listening.

Scary as in ugly.

nice projection

that's a bit extreme. it'd be more like general rejection and distaste

The one thing I really don't get is the argument that by not doing anything against who they thought was cartman they were all responsible collectively.

I do it in real life all the time. It's fun getting a rise out of people.
I go to one of the most liberal progressive campuses in the US and I've worn otoya yamaguchi and pinochet shirts so many times.
I get nasty look from fish mouth girls and bad posture guys, but that's literally it.
There's barely any repercussion for fucking with people in real life if you do it right.

average people are retarded and completely replaceable

It's more the fact that people choose to be offended by otherwise banal things such as anonymous comments.

An art you fucking retard

>I hadm i once got some colombian immigrants arrested in a bar
>I hadm i once

Not following you there.

i just finished the episode. they managed to capture my life perfectly. that kyles dad montage was just right

i would say one of the best episodes in a long time

>I do it in real life all the time. It's fun getting a rise out of people.
>I go to one of the most liberal progressive campuses in the US

Sure you do, user. Sure you do.

>Not understanding he just fell for bait.

That's because that argument is bullshit. The girls had the audacity to claim that just because their feelings were hurt that they felt justified in threatening the collective male group. Like the girls took the trolling to heart the boys took this to heart as well and acted. They weren't guilty or responsible before but they are now. And they will have to reap the harvest they have sown with Cartman.

It is an interesting subject of our times the relationship between words and actions. Talk used to be cheap but it is considered the same as actions now and thus provokes them.

> not understanding that it was he who fell for the bait

>south park takes on trolling

they did this like 8 years too late

>That's because that argument is bullshit.
Yeah I thought so too instantly but I never even heard that fucking argument.
Its not just blaming the actions of a few people belonging to the same group group on the whole group
Its one person.

It is insane and it wasn't challenged. Like they were telling an obvious truth.

ah yes bi polar bro i have the same problem

So what's cartman's storyline gonna be now?
Since his pc association didn't protect him and he was punished for something he didn't do, surely he's gonna lash out in an over-the-top extreme way next episode?

im a disfunctional loser because society kept rejecting me.

Ironically this is the only place i fit in.

Sometimes when I post an opinion, I can guess the replies somewhat beforehand, and I make myself feel better that there's this possibility that people other than the replier/baitee think I'm trolling.
And sometimes I post opinions and just relish knowing that they trigger people and I don't care because in my world they're wrong.
I just think Cred Forums is the perfect board.

Was this post trolling?

You know if you're not enjoying yourself you are free to close the tab at anytime friend.

No but our lovely capatalist society says so and people believe that new car or truck is their reason for getting out of bed in the morning.

Yeah I assume something like that is going to happen probably towards the latter half of the season.

I'm genuinely surprised the average garden variety sjw knows these historical figures

Nice pic from 2004

Been saving that one for an epic retort I see

Yeah no crazies on the internet

And what if Cartman is an impersonation of Tray and Parker. What if they are trying to decrease the friction caused by Cred Forums. They are literally presenting Cred Forums mentality in a funny normie-way. Wait some time and there will be no meeemeees on the news, but you will see things like "pol" or "Cred Forums". The heading on the WP will read: "Newfag stubbed to death by couple of Cred Forumsrothers."

>NOT NORMAL to want to hurt other people
??? What did the cuckold mean by this

this post is incredibly meta and you people all fall for it

Is banter trolling? Seems like a lot of what Gerald was writing was just banter 2bh.

2016 and they still didn't understand that everyone is a troll.

Who baits the baitsmen?

Spot on
Then again any kid with those issues isn't going to have caring parents who give two fucks about him


Well maybe I'm unhappy because I had to take bullshit frok a ton of people that I didn't deserve in the first place
And somehow I'm wrong but they arent

Member trollfsce?
Member stoner comics?

Didn't it turn out that all the Ben Garrison anti-Jew edits were actually being done by a Jew on Cred Forums?

tfw turned out this way but my parents care about me

You're just using the word conspiracy to discredit the legitimacy of international jewry, you're a shill

permabanning the faggot clique in your party
which was planning to topple the legitimate leader
how is that a bad thing?

The whole point of the episode is that they're actually wrong

The shut in loser is a scapegoat

I watched this episode with my mom and she gave me "the look" during this scene.

The "fuck me" look?

More like get a job and move out.

This is the gayest thing I've ever read

Since when is being normal a requirement for being happy?

Sociopaths don't have to be unhappy and that's the fundamental flaw in your argument


Has anyone ever bothered to study it? We just assume people aren't repressing or hiding their antisocial behavior, but maybe the internet is showing just how prevalent it actually is. Maybe it isn't the majority of people, but it definitely seems more common than anyone would probably guess

brb shopping a dick in your mouth

>Trolling is literally just bullying
what? no LOL how can you say that? trolling is just baiting reactions out of others for the lulz

What this guy said, we are the diseases. We dress up all nice when we know others are watching but behind closed doors the monster comes out.

Thankfully monsters can be beautiful too.

Top kek this is literally me, holy shit I sound like such a faggot

I admit my shy days are more of Autism rather than depression.

Even if someone actually understood the simple definition of trolling as: baiting people into getting angry or responding to something in an effort to make a fool of them

Which I think is a good basic defintion, it's not exactly easy to show by example in a way most people are going to understand. It's the same reason why trolling is effective or not. If you make it too obvious, no one will believe that anyone else could be fooled; if you make it subtle, people are going to miss the subtley and not understand what you were demonstrating.

Most trolling is built off a lot of context and subtlety, which if you understand, you don't need it explained to you and if you don't understand, an explanation won't help you

Well done friend :^)

Pretty much none of the WW2 leaders were innocent of wrongdoing senpai. Holocaust aside, dragging the entire world into war kind of falls under "did something wrong"

Why can't I watch this yet on the SP website. Fucking Hulu. This shit has been so Jewish since they took over.

>not understanding when trolls are trolling trolls and I'm self-trolling by even responding

Must be you. My friend on the West coast told me he was surprised how quickly the episode was put up on Hulu.

Just use watchcartoons or something.

>Who baits the baitsmen?

what was the song at the end of the episode, feel like i've heard it before

Just search South_Park.SEASON20EP02.wmv

And play around with the order/punctuation and ending.

l2internet senpai

I watched it on their website just a few hours ago.

Blackhawk down song

I downloaded a 720p rip off of TPB. It was only 100mb and it was done in 5 minutes.

You're just using the word shill to discredit the legitimacy of his argument, you unhappy nobody