Thoughts on this gal?

Thoughts on this gal?

loving her is easy cause she's beautiful
everything I do, is out of love for her


>there was one guy that had her drunk, and naked wanting to come in into his hotel room, and he called security

Fucking american faggots

She's a bit too dollfaced, y'know? It's too round like a potato. She was pretty good as the scottish bitch whore in Doctor Who, but that's all her career has to say for itself.

If she had a hairy arse I'd pluck the fuckin lot with my teeth.


Fuck haven't heard that in years. Thanks lad

favarate companyin

lalalala lalalala
lalalala laaalaaaalalalalalala


Always reminds me of that scene in Will and Grace.

sorry I don't banter with homosexuals

would definitely stir last night's haggis

Not him but good one pal, lets kiss to celebrate.

Excuse me for mentioning a tv show on Cred Forums

only if you're a grill or qt trap lol

two words... eva berger. google her on xvideos. it will ruin it everytime you see this ginger beauty.

ugly big headed russion is supposed to affect me how? lol shit taste son

>Google her on xvideos
Nigga why can't I google her on Google?

I thought she was perfect until I saw her ass shot from that one movie.

the russian bitch is the sister that didnt make it for doctor who and ended up getting paid to get pissed on camera

>the sister
she's russian and looks nothing like her, she has the same haircolor, god how fucking stupid can you be

As an anus maestro I must overrule, it was a nice ass just not a very good booty. Nigs should learn to differentiate.

body double

Pretty hot, didn't like her character arc on Doctor Who. Glad to see she's getting into some mainstream stuff though.

Wrong that was actually her, she even talks about it in an interview about how nervous she was

oh gross, i need to take a shower now

Jenna's better.

She has very lewd feets!

They're both better than Billie.

she a cuddly qt

best set of legs in hollywood

what is her fucking accent

im from buenos aires

She's surprisingly good for a dollfaced former model. Compare her Nebula to Zoe Saldana's Gamora and it's not even close.

dont get triggered tumblrflake. i didnt mean to insult your sensibilities. let me escort you back to your safespace. grab my hand lil boy!

btw, yes they do you dumb fucking cunt! the have at least 70% similar facial characteristics.

She's Scottish, grew up in Inverness in the Scottish Highlands.

She's too good for the material she appears in. I love how she exudes 'cokehead'.

>we need some eye candy for our film, but she has to be ginger to fill in the quota
>i got you senpai

She knows where she's going in her career. She has the perfect 'look' for superhero/ action movies, and will continue with those types of roles until she is too old to do them, saving lots of cash for her older age. When older, she can have a comfy retirement doing Doctor Who audio only episodes.

Jenna Coleman suits dramatic/ Downton Abbey-ish type shows, and will pursue this career.

Jenna Coleman cannot act and only got the role for fucking. ITV have bought her for the sake of it because she's a BBC star, just like they always do. After Victoria she'll go nowhere, just like the show itself.


upgrade your iphone 4 faggot

>swn wrap her long pale legs around your neck and squeeze until you blackout

>After Victoria she'll go nowhere, just like the show itself.

Dude, the show is getting top viewing figures and rave reviews.

Russian "gingers" look nothing like celtic gingers.

looks l;ike a jew

>Thoughts on this gal?

>The cabin crew suggested we all go out and club it. I had no option. It was that or one of their B&Bs. I figured it'd be safer on the streets. For the first time ever I saw the Scotch in their natural habitat, and it weren't pretty. I'd seen them huddling in stations before, being loud but… this time I was surrounded. Everywhere I went it felt like they were watching me; fish-white flesh puckered by the Highland breeze; tight eyes peering out for fresh meat; screechy, booze-soaked voices hollering out for a taxi to take 'em halfway up the road to the next all-night watering hole. A shatter of glass; a round of applause; a sixteen-year-old mother of three vomiting in an open sewer, bairns looking on, chewing on potato cakes. I ain’t never going back… not never.

You know he was right

not difficult though, because Billie is ugly as hell.

Would actually give/do anything to be with her

I would give your penis to be with her

hot damn