Another terrible episode.

It just feels incredibly stupid. Oh no, they are off Twitter. So what? It just mimics real life instead of feeling funny. They do this so much with new episodes where they take something in real life and just paste it in without making it funny or clever.

In the older episodes, at least one character like Stan would see how stupid this is, but in this one, everyone treats it like a big deal. It just doesnt seem funny at all, and it's all so incredibly outdated.

The member berries thing is totally dumb too. I just dont get all that.

Other urls found in this thread:


South Park died with season 11 senpai

i liked it


Motherfuck this show seriously and anyone who enables it.

And then we'll have Randy do something zany XD

I dunno. Last season was pretty funny the way they handled it but it feels like they're just doing last season again now and the serialization is getting a bit tired honestly. All they do it make fun of contemporary things now which is gonna make for pretty much no timeless episodes.

Let me guess, for the pokemon go episode randy becomes obsessed and blah blah blah

South Park is zombie tier now.

Seems like they're investing more effort into the games. Which would be fine if half the jokes in the games weren't references to the TV show.

OP, are you not familiar with the concept of satire? Being flat out hilarious is not the main purpose

>It just feels incredibly stupid

because twitter culture and online bullying are stupid topics. unfortunately that's all they have since they're too lazy to do something episodic

>incredibly outdated.
Not really, and South Park always did things that were outdated in a year at best. Yes including the 1st seasons.

New season is just a big warning against Jews who are stirring up shit while most people never suspect them.

Member berries are just pure unfunny.

>references to the TV show.

and references that all come from the first six seasons when the show was good and had a unique personality to it.

>It just mimics real life

That's what parody means, dumdum.

Anyway it was a pretty kino episode.

>It just mimics real life
U wot?
>Doesn't get the member berries thing
Yeah you're stupid

Stop fucking watching then.

I'm ok with that. Stick of truth was one of the best games I've played in a while.

- The "leaving twitter" is a satirical represention of how normie news outlets view the effects of "cyberviolence" and "trolling" and parodies the news articles that claim trolling leads to suicides.

I think Trey and Matt are removing the voice of reason because i think they're trying to get the viewers to think for themselves rather than having the rational character of the show spoonfeed why this is wrong/stupid. Explaining it in a less lecture-like way might be more interesting.

The memberberries are a parody of how hollywood/game companies/etc now pander to the nostalgia/retro obsessive fanatics who can't let go of the past, leading to less creativity and more rehashing old ideas just to feel "nostalgic"

I enjoyed it.

I thought the kid quitting twitter joke went on way too long though. And yeah, I don't care for the member berries. The "joke" so far isn't funny anyway, but we'll what the subplot turns out to be.

Exactly. The leaving twitter part is basically a longer version of that reaction image of a black guy writing on Twitter that niggas just have to leave the computer to get away from cyber bullying.

I think it's great how Mackey and Randy, two people who are always fed up with their normal lives, are the ones abusing member berries the most.

Their roles in this season are basically the guys who say "things were better in the old days/back in my days"

>What's a metaphor
how retarded would you say you are op?

>The member berries thing is totally dumb too. I just dont get all that.

SW: TFA fan detected.

Where's Kenny at?

Member South Park Season 10, user?

I member season 10!

>people still getting butthurt over actual events being parodied
>missing the point that this has always been sp's thing
goddamn milennials

Fuck u guys I liked it. Dat trolling montage set to BOSTON

two words prove you wrong

Somalian Pirates

>eric """dead"""
>the moment all the guys are in tears
It felt for me like the girls are ISIS. The music really helped and made that all intense. Looked like a battlefield.

Just like Homer, anytime Randy Marsh does that voice inflection thing I know I'm in for a bad time

Kenny can't afford a computer or phone so he isn't on twitter and is therefore not alive.


Oh my god, so TnM have... killed Kenny? Those bastards!

>Oh no, they are off Twitter. So what?
It is meant to represent suicide, do you take everything at face value?

>The member berries thing is totally dumb too. I just dont get all that.
That is not how that works, if you don't get something this obvious, you are the dumb one.

Agreed, it's not even that bad of a joke the first time round but then they just keep doing it over and over again throughout the episode.

>It is meant to represent suicide, do you take everything at face value?

Sorry to break it down to you, but it's more like media acting like someone quitting twitter (like the sassy black woman from Ghostbusters) is some sort of social drama, like a suicide.

what are member berries even a reference to?

The previous season didn't feel this lazily written, what the fuck happened?

Is that why his tombstone is in the intro?

Last Ep was pretty good though. Is it a part of a bigger arc?

he can be seen lying in the hallway towards the end of the episode

When did South Park stop being a comedy? There's like 2 jokes in the first 2 eps.

I feel like all the jokes from last and current season are just trying to appeal to that of edgy millennial/generation z redditors spouting their opinions on the internet. I tried liking the last season but nothing really stood out or became memorable as funny. I like how they made bashing PC culture popular popular, but the "PC bro?" shit just wasn't funny and the constant Twitter trend-like scenarios where simply addressing it is a joke in itself. The thing that bothers me the fucking most is this unbearably obvious attempt to connect with faggoty millennial internet culture, like by having fucking PewDiePie as a joke on the show. Fucking really? I know it's supposed to be a reaction TO the behaviour of millennial/generation z, but because we follow KIDS in the show, it wouldn't make sense for them to critique it, so they embrace this gay shit where episodes no longer preview skill in wit or feel timeless.

I just like hearing Cartman's and Randy's voice lads. I'm never tired of this shit

>i don't get south park's humor

>good South Park
Hey, let's do an episode based on that [current event] or [piece of popculture]. And we'll put in a bit of social commentary, too

>current south park
How about we pretend to be a live action drama and do a season-long plot? Who cares if we make a 21 minute cartoon, I bet our viewers wouldn't mind 95% filler

You're a fucking milennial yourself, shitface

So is this all just them setting up shit for the videogame?
Is that why it is so shit?

I agree that this episode felt stupid, but I did laugh at the absurdity of it all. I don't know, Kenny's been largely absent so far, maybe he'll turn out to be a voice of reason somehow. I also feel like the member berries will have some kind of payoff late in the season. Or at least I'd like to think they're more than just some dumb throwaway joke.

all the fucking reboots and remakes, duh

People who praise season 19 and nu-SP in general:
Matt & Trey replaced creative if juvenile comedy with weak satire for normies to circlejerk over and ripped from the headlines episodes that are outdated as soon as they came out.

Moviebob called this more than a year ago

It is nice to see Cred Forums finally following one of his old thought-leaders again


>haha nostalgia is an ad hominem because im 13

Also, what the fuck happened with SP's music? Remember in the early seasons, the music had a character that fit perfectly with the town and its characters? Now it's just generic [tension music intensifies] [plot twist zinger] [aimless mood-less orchestral music].
I think the best way to explain the decline of the show is through the music actually, since its decline is the same decline seen in all the other aspects of the show, only it's much more obvious.

It's especially shameful considering that Donald fucking Trump is running for president. They could be actually making meaningful political commentary like SP used to do. But Trey and Matt are too lolbertarian to admit that Trump is a fucking retard and Hillary is actually a better option.

Turns out that being lolbertarian is a stupid decision and they can't admit it without blowing up all their previous stupid opinions. That's why you should never take politics seriously.

They'll have a larger role, wouldn't surprise me if soon enough we'll see the plantation where they are being grown


you just miss them because you're a fucking retard

It was a good episode.

>Oh no, they are off Twitter. So what?
That's the joke. They're making fun of how overly sensitive people are over shit that happens online, shit that is usually just guy humor, people unleashing a little resentment because they have to be so PC in real life. Instead of brushing it off for what it is, the boys go on a witchhunt in fear of their girlfriends retaliating, but then the girls retaliate anyway. In other words, the divide between men and women is growing, even with guys doing everything to appease them. It's time to stop treating this shit as important and grow thicker skin.

>Turns out that being lolbertarian is a stupid decision

Because you are isolated amongst the plebs voting in the bipartisan system with both choices being awful?

>Trump is a fucking retard and Hillary is actually a better option.
nu-male detected.

Prediction for later this season or probably next season

Trump will win and more white people will become red-pilled. Trey's wife's son will be bullied by white kids at school and called "racist" names. Trey will shoehorn in some episode about how racism is on the rise and how token is persecuted

>That's the joke.
>They are making fun of

They are not though, they are just showing it with minimal changes.

What? I liked the member berries. It's actually pretty fucking spot on.

>baaahhhhhh why does a 20 year old series changes its characteristics over time bahhhhhh

This is how you sound.

By small changes, you mean making it a dramatic event tantamount to suicide? It's called absurdity. Common in humor.

>it's okay to take perfectly good things and ruin them for rejuvenation's sake
No, fuck you.

Anyone else felt that the latest episode was all over the fucking place?

There was no thread through the episode. Just a bunch of B-plots thrown in together with no attempt to make them fit together at all. The overall pacing was completely fucked up.

halfway through episode 2 and I'm just so bored

>i want everything to be just a copy of what i like

You should try some memberberries, user

Maybe you're so bored you want to kill yourself. Maybe you should.

>i want everything to be just a copy of what i like
Why are you making up arguments that I didn't make with memearrows? Why don't you form a coherent reply to my original post?

I just distilled your opinion to its true form.

Randy Episodes are the funniest though

No you didn't user. A series should evolve and improve upon its original traits, not replace them with shallow garbage.
After seeing some newer interviews with Matt and Trey I'm convinced that they're just doing them for the paychecks by now.

how much did you donate to bernie?

This desu

>SP makes fun of 'liberals'
>"yeehaw you tell it like it is!"
>"This show is problematic, dropped".

>SP makes fun of 'conservatives'
>"Liberal agenda! C-cuck!"
>"What a progressive show!"

not an arguement

>A series should evolve and improve upon its original traits,

so a series that started out parodying the week's news stories relevant to a backwater town in colorado that evolved into parodying the week's news stories relevant globally doesn't meet this criteria in some way?

Are you slow?

oh great, 2 minutes of no dialogue watching the school kids get broken up with, that's funny

Member Berries are a play on nostalgia. People just member the good ole days and slip away from reality. Meaning that corps. Play on your noatalgia to get you to watch /buy. Are you 18 or retarded?

That's continuity for you

It's still not funny. Especially when it's not THAT different from real-life.

Name 10 episodes from the first 5 seasons that based their plot directly on a recent headline. You can't, because they weren't. Some of them had elements of current events, but they weren't just
>look at this thing that is happening
Because of this, the earlier seasons have a timeless quality while episodes from two seasons ago already feel dated. Someone who doesn't read the news can still laugh at South Park seasons 1-10.

And you realize what you call corps he just jokingly called Jews right?
You literally just repeated what he wrote.
Are you new or just retarded?

nu-male detected.

The shitty plot is what they said family guy does and they talked shit about them and now they're doing it.

South Park lately feels more like a current events show put to cartoon form than a comedy show using current event satire as a backdrop for the humour. The quality's slid down hard and with this serialized, season-long story format it's getting tiring.

>It's still not funny. Especially when it's not THAT different from real-life.
Comedy is subjective and you could argue that something like Dr. Strangelove wasn't that different from real life either. Doesn't mean it's not funny. After all, how much unlike real life does something need to be before it becomes funny or vice versa?

Sounds more like you just didn't get it.

You probably just didn't get it.

>so a series that started out parodying the week's news stories

The series started out as random as fuck juvenille humour which it toned down and interlaced with topical shit. Nowadays, it's just topical shit with no jokes and no plot. Also, it's not about the main cast anymore and that's one of the things that make it weak. The South Park comedy staple was the confrontation between the boys and their opinions while they had a common goal.

>South Park lately feels more like a current events show put to cartoon form than a comedy show using current event satire as a backdrop for the humour.
That's what it's been for a long time. The show was never exactly seasons 2-8 of the Simpsons. Why not just enjoy the show for what it is?

I've been holding on hope that south park hasn't gone zombie, but I think it has.
I still enjoy the episodes, just no where near as much as I used to.
When did this truly happen?
Season 14?

>Nowadays, it's just topical shit with no jokes and no plot.
I think it's just going over your head. Which is sad because the show isn't that smart.

>In the older episodes, at least one character like Stan would see how stupid this is,
And that shit got old fast, it's much funnier to have no one point out how crazy things are.

Just stop watching it then you whining cunt

Never said I wasn't, fucky.

The rapid decay started in season 11. Season 10 had some blunders like the Family Guy episodes but also had some gems.

Here comes the last stand of nu-Park defenders

>you just didn't get how preaching about all these millenial tier issues is funny

This week's episode was fucking hilarious, thanks Cred Forums for once again reminding me that as a collection of fun-hating misanthropes everything you hate is great, stay mad

Here, have a (You)

>In the older episodes, at least one character like Stan would see how stupid this is

and people like (You) would sit here complaining oh it's another episode of everyoen being retarded and only stan points it out, oh it's another kyle makes a speech to teach a lesson.

whatever they did you would still have made this thread and whined abotu it, because new south park isn't funny.

>The member berries thing is totally dumb too. I just dont get all that.

ok now I think this whole post was bait because you are member berries for old south park, you got me, well played.

I didn't get it: the post

What part?

The part where we're lead to believe that the boys are going to kill Cartman, even though we already know they're just gonna destroy his stuff since they already made that joke in the beginning?

The part where Mr. Mackey had to tell that retarded kill not to leave Twitter, which never had resulted in a punchline.

The part where Kyles dad was involved in trolling because thats what millennials these days do?

The part where those berries says "Memba this" for the 29th time?

It got darker and sad just like our times

>le wrong generation

Here is your reply: The (You)

Member when you got triggered? I member.

When was that?

Somebody needs to read about Hillary and the State Department's involvement in the Libyan Civil War

I don't know, I feel like both of your opinions are so binary. People seem to either love or hate the new season.

For me, it's kinda meh. I thought season 1 actually had a really great punchline with the JJ Abrams bit, and there were a couple of laughs elsewhere. Episode 2 was kind of a bore but I'm willing to give them the benefit, and I admit the Gerald scenes at least made me smile, especially the one where he talks to Ike.

The big pitfall, for me, I think, was that they kept hammering the whole "leaving Tumblr is suicide" punchline that was worth a grin at most the first time and then went down from there. They made the same joke THREE times. The girl, the cartman execution, scott with diabetes. I was expecting the episode to end on "all the girls quit Twitter" just because of how overused it was at that point.

I don't love it or hate it. Maybe I can make a call after episode 3. I'm interested to see what they do with the breakup plot. Maybe they'll take some shots at 'political lesbianism', etc.


i hate fucking faggots living in the past being like
>"b-but south park was way better back then!! who /season1/ here? LOL he said jew haha!!"

the whole world keeps evolving and things change. it's not better or worse than in the past, it's just different. maybe you don't like it, thats your problem. fuck off then and stop watching.

you keep complaining about how stupid member berries are, but that is exactly you. "member when southpark was good? member when kenny died every episode? member when there was no continuity? yeah, i member"

There is literally not one funny episode of anything you couldn't make sound shit by sarcastically pretending to deconstruct it but actually just removing the context. It really sounds like you were trying very hard not to enjoy the episode, which is exactly what I imagine Cred Forums types doing. Maybe you should find a hobby.

>Here comes the last stand of nu-Park defenders
The show hit a sharp decline years and years ago, and has never fully recovered, but the general quality has gone up with the past two seasons. It's strange that anyone would mark this as the moment the show went zombie mode or whatever.
>you just didn't get how preaching about all these millenial tier issues is funny
Show has always been "preachy" and makes fun of itself for it. People overreacting to online trolls is a "millenial tier" issue? People being oversensitive is a modern issue that is apparent throughout much of society.

And it's not my fault you idiots don't get it. It's pretty easy to get.

why do you guys hate everything?

The show has primarily used redundant humor since season 5 or 6. If you don't like it, fine, but why the hell are you still watching?

Have you ever deleted your social media?

My friends literally all say "I thought you committed suicide or something" when I run into them. This show is fucking good.

So you actually enjoyed that 15 minute build up to something we already knew from the start was going to happen?

The mr mackey thing was also fucking retarded with no payoff.

I usually like South Park but this was a really weak episode.

Last season they kinda mixed the continuation with single story line structure. But this season they seem to go for 100% continuation and it's not working for me at all. This episode was just a random mess of subplots.

I'm going to try and give you what you want.
Hey man, the episode SUCKED so BAD right? I only noticed it now that after you weighed in with your expert critique, but holy shit. You are not just right, you are in fact the only person to have had the insight to see the truth. While others watched like sheep, you were working tirelessly to expose the true nature of this show - a hollow SCAM.

>The part where Kyles dad was involved in trolling because thats what millennials these days do?

They should have just carried on pretending it was the 90s! Back when your life was better! Why can't Trey and Matt see how selfish they're being by insisting on living in the present??
Actually, you just didn't get it.

>that jew happily dividing and conquering while inciting race wars and gender wars

I actually can't believe they went there.

is this Cred Forums or Cred Forums? i can't tell with all those fedoras in here

>Trump is a fucking retard and Hillary is actually a better option
I never accuse people of ''correcting the record'' and I'm not a trump supporter but is so obvious you are a Hillary shill. Please go.


You know what, I did. And yeah, I knew they were obv going to smash Cartman's stuff, but I still appreciated it - it was just pulled off very nicely, and actually reminded me of some classic eps. I think the satire worked very well - when a celebrity quits twitter cos of some mean troll, as happened with Leslie Jones, Stephen Fry, Joss Whedon etc etc, the media does have a tendency to act like its a tragedy. Taking it to its logical conclusion is standard South Park fare.

They fully admit that Hillary is unelectable and nobody likes her

Wait till the end of the season to see how they make Trump look like a fucking boss

> I don't get it!


The whole
Was spot on

If you don't like what people say online: turn it off.

It's definitelly pretty far from being as good as prime SP, but I think it's gotten better than the last 5 years or so. You can really tell that Trey has finally given up on the world and just spouts out all the angry shit that he wants to, and Matt, being a grade A asshole who never cared about anything ever just loved that Trey has finally stooped down to his level of not really giving a shit anymore. Ofcourse Trey is a jaded fuck now who believes his oppinions are so damn great and everyone's a douche but him, but I sort of like it, due to the fact that he seems to know it himself.

The writers will often throw in observational satirical comedy like that with subtle jokes that most people miss, but I always catch them. I feel like Matt Stone and Trey Parker 'get' me.

>The mr mackey thing was also fucking retarded with no payoff.
It's obviously going to be continued in the next episode, and as satire it was spot on - showing the lengths people go to cater to overly sensitive people, when it benefits no one.
>This episode was just a random mess of subplots.
They were all tied by a similar theme.

Osama bin laden
The entity
Butters very own episode
Proper condom use
Timmy 2000
The y2k one
Harassment panda
Chef aid

>Trump is a fucking retard and Hillary is actually a better option
If he's such a retard, then how are they tied while he has the media against him?

>Show has always been "preachy"

The difference is they used to get it over with in one episode and then they had another. With continuity, the preaching never ends.

So if the episode wrapped up all its plotlines then and there, you'd be satisfied? You know, it is possible to do variations on a theme, while maintaining continuity. Like, you know, the last season did.

Trump is borderline the secondary protagonist of this show

He will be interesting to watch develope

As a Trump supporter I laughed when he was yelling FUCK EM ALL TO DEATH because Trump does say some stupid shit sometimes

I fucking like continuity, damn it. And Matt and Trey are good at it, they follow plot threads through to the end, and it's interesting.

Old South Park is good. New South Park is also good.


They do a good job of shitting on everybody which is rare in today's massively biased agenda pushing society

>not liking that amazing trolling sequence with Smokin playing in the background

Gerald Broflovski might be Randy Marsh tier now.

I would agree with you if they didn't leave Hillary Clinton untouched.
Where are all the jabs at her obviously terrible health?
They showed Jenner driving over people tons of times, where is the Hillary-being-carried-into-the-van equivalent of that?

Oh shit, Trey and Matt are hilshills now.

Show is lacking in quality probably because the new game has all the focus.

Didn't they make fun of her before in earlier seasons? And all her fans saying "You go Hilldog!"

Didn't they make fun of Trump in earlier seasons as well?

Why continue bashing Trump but not Hillary?

>Where are all the jabs at her obviously terrible health?
I'm not gonna make a comparison pic, but she looks like she aged 10 years from last season.

Yes, but they took light jabs, like SNL. Face it, Trey and Matt are now mentally hill.

They did an entire episode about her disgusting vagina years before they ever touched Trump but people think they are Hillary shills because they go after the shitton of material Trump has given them

Nah, Gerald is high tier but he has to pull more shit off to be Randy-tier.

That entire montage needs to be a Cred Forums banner though.

holy fuck i totally forgot about that terrible snizz episode

The only time Trump appeared in South Park before season 19 was a cameo in the "IT" episode where he was an interested investor.

And face it, Trump is a meme-tier candidate just showing how fractured and divided the GOP has been since 2006.

I don't know how it could be any more obvious, it's the laziest fucking writing. It's about dumbasses who think MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is a thing - stupid people are obsessing over things from the past (LIKE MUH 1950s AMERICA WAS BETTER) and ignoring the world around them at the expense of nostalgia, for things that werent even that good to begin with.

>framed quitting twitter as suicide

its a comment on how social media = life for a lot of people. If they aren't sharing, tweeting or facebooking then there's something seriously wrong with that person - that's how normies and especially children raised on social media think about the world.

Stan etc isn't aware of how stupid this is because he lives in the social media bubble too. Duh.

Member berries is mocking nostalgia, and the aging population - they want to vote everything back to how it used to be when they were kids because it was better then, see "make america great again" or the recent Brexit vote - which was championed by the elderly and uneducated. Even your own comments of "member when South Park was good?" are apart of what they're making fun of with the member berries. Sure, there was Ghostbusters in the 1980s, but there was also a lot of bad things too, and people throw on their nostalgia goggles and forget about those bad things to still paint those eras in a good light. Just so they can say "man, I'm glad I grew up in the 80s before all this tech stuff"

The whole set up of the season so far looks to be positioning the nostalgic vs the new. What people are looking back at and thinking was good vs what people think is good and important nowadays. We're in the present, and we can go one of two ways with society, forwards and into the future, or backwards and into the past - metaphorically speaking. We can either embrace social media, progressive lefties and political correctness, or we can fight our way back to before we had these technologies and problems, before it mattered if you called a black person a darkie.

It's funny if you're not retarded.

lol I think you're reading a little too much into that.

Are you not familiar with the popular culture of the internet?

>It's funny if you're not retarded

Most of us understood all of that. Its not funny because it wasn't clever or original.

>Oh look I understood a message that wasn't completely spelled out for me! It must be good

>ignoring the world around them at the expense of nostalgia, for things that werent even that good to begin with
Or it's because the world has gone to shit because of political correctness, social media, and liberal institutions, and people end up deriving more pleasure in nostalgia than the pursuits of modern life.

And the 80's and 90's were good.

I thought this was obvious but apparently it's not

It IS obvious, it's just not funny.

Not the poster you're responding to, but that guy misses the mark completely. So I guess you didn't get it.

Show me an example of where a child suicide is actually just a twitter deactivation, or where fruit is consumed as a drug to get high on nostalgia.

I'll wait.

Yeah... I dunno... I thought OP was trolling at first, but I read some of the thread and was like... well shit.

Wow, you're right. Consider my recordā„¢ correctedĀ®. Here is your (You). I hope it puts some food on (You)r table.

yes it's those damn 'liberal institutions' that are making the world shit

Because Cred Forums needs to hate everything to show its superior taste, and Cred Forums is Cred Forumss hang out when their taste is literally too good and transcending for their bored.
Cred Forums - bringing you quality complaining since 2007.

also ps half of the show so far has been a comment on nostalgia... no fucking shit it isn't original.

>Even your own comments of "member when South Park was good?" are apart of what they're making fun of with the member berries.

The turd sandwich/giant douche callback is the main part of that joke too. Seems to have gone over everyones head here.

Yes, modern life is kind of shitty and we live in a predominantly liberal society.

>Show me an example of where a child suicide is actually just a twitter deactivation, or where fruit is consumed as a drug to get high on nostalgia

I meant its a tired trope you fucking retard.



Never seen that shit before. Truly breaking new ground, worth 30 mins of my time.

I hope Trey can get his wifes son kobe a voice acting role. Maybe as a new black character?

I've been a fan of South Park for over a decade and I'm finally starting to see a real decline in the quality. This continuous episode thing was a really bad idea in my opinion because the show can be hit and miss and when you stick with one idea for an entire season then that's basically it.

The best episodes are usually about the boys themselves going on adventures or featuring their own unique characters. Now it isn't even about them anymore, it's always this bigger thing and it feels like they're playing cameos. They don't even really act like themselves now.

The adults seem to be the bigger focus lately. We can't even have a goth kids episode, or a Towelie episode, or a Halloween special, because it's all going to be about the same shit for the rest of the season, and it isn't even funny.

I get the fucking jokes, they're just not funny. Yes, people in real life make a big deal about people quitting Twitter. Who cares? Oh Bebe is crying over it lmao it's so funny because it's not a big deal but she's crying LOL!

TS and GD is their comment on the presidential election, but is also part of the member when south park was good thing too, yeah. Stan's comments about "why are we back here" could be taken as meta commentary about where the show is right now too.

Still waiting on that example.

>modern life is kind of shitty

On the off chance you're not trolling, what makes you feel this way?

This. The South Park writers will sometimes throw out some subtle jokes that most viewers miss, but I always catch them. Matt Stone and Trey Parker are equal to me on an intellectual/comedic level. And I respect them for that.

>predominantly liberal society
>the US is an oligarchy

you're a moron, get out of your Cred Forums echo chamber. We've have 30 years of conservative economics that have turned the west to shit, but of course its liberals who want shit like gay marriage who are REALLY ruining society

Exactly. I sorta liked Member Berries, but the whole joke that kids' social media is their entire life is already a boring premise. Also the whole "Trump is trying to purposely throw the election" is a joke literally every person has already made.

>show me a real life example of parody cartoon antics
Wew lad you really outsmarted him this time.

>implying those things can only be demonstrated through cartoons

lol why are you even here

Matt and Trey have lived through twice as many presidential elections than most of you. This isn't their first rodeo but for most of you it is.

>implying you're not from reddit
lol why are you here?

They literally just exist to name drop at this point.

If they threw John Oliver into an episode and did a "CURRENT YEAR" joke everyone here would love it, even if it was unoriginal as fuck.

If they threw in a LOL "DRUMPF" joke hillary supporters would love it, even if it was a shit joke.

They are a 20 year old platform with success under their belt. All they need to do is lightly pander with existing tropes and people will lose it. Because its South Park that agrees with you.

If a brand new show ran this seasons material no one would give a fuck.

It's not that controversial. Life was considerably better in the 80's and 90's, generally speaking, in many ways. It's not all just DUDE NOSTALGIA. There's a reason so many people are retreating to nostalgia and South Park is making a commentary on that.

Of course not, I used to be a tripfag on this board way back when L O S T live threads were a thing.

please leave

Serious question from yurofaggot: has there ever been an election in the US where there was such a big campaign to NOT vote for one of the candidates?

It seems quite strange that from the two presidential candidates, it is considered a mortal sin to vote for one of them by a large part of the US population.

Care to name a few of those reasons?

None of those are a straight-up South Parkā„¢ remastering of modern news.

>Life was considerably better in the 80's and 90's, generally speaking, in many ways

then it should not be too difficult to say why

because life in the 80s and 90s was absolutely terrible for a lot of non-Western countries

>I used to be a tripfag until I retired.
>I'm Internet famous!
Time to leave newfriend.

>worth 30 minutes Of my time.

Kek your time is worth dog shit and you know it, don't lie.

>Another terrible episode
kys it was great faggot

Not that user, but I think that life wasn't "better" in the past, just that it was simpler. Nobody had to worry about online trolls in the 80s, because there wasn't an internet.

People often confuse simpler for better, and I'm not sure I agree. Our lives have gotten so much more complex and yeah, its harder nowadays, but there are lots of rewards for that. Like better tech etc.

1999, fourth grade kids
2016 STILL fourth grade and now use twitter and smartphones.

Serious how?

>proud of being a tripfag
Neefag or not, it's time for you to leave.

why are you still here, you clearly don't like tv/films and want to talk about them... you have no place here.

Member when Randy dont was another dumb generic dad?

it wasnt pride. Just a factoid. Not a redditor.

>We've have 30 years of conservative economics
Neoconservatives weren't economically conservative, and for as much harm as they did, it was liberal policies that set it in stone, and liberal thinking which has wrought the world we now live in.
> but of course its liberals who want shit like gay marriage who are REALLY ruining society
Gay marriage is a borderline non-issue and is merely symptomatic. I'm talking about society as a whole, not partisan politics, which have adopted liberal institutions of thought which stifle modern life.

less talkie more back to reddditie

I'm in my 30s and this is the most unusual election I've ever seen. Honestly they tend to be pretty boring. Just a rich old white guy vs another rich old white guy. That joke on Futurama where the clones run against eachother was pretty accurate.

But to answer your question the rhetoric has always been dramatic no matter how bland the candidates were. "A vote for 3% titanium tax would literally be the end of this country! I'm moving to canada if he wins!!" We've always been over the top with this shit.

Bush Jr 2: the rebushing.

USA elections always are unusual because Two-party system. Media always make jokes about how plurality voting cant work with American particular mindset.

Of course it's liberal 'thinking' that's fucked the world up, not globalization, free trade, and trickle down, all things that have caused the shit state we're in now, and you're just the useful idiots who have been convinced it's not those up the top to blame, it's of course the liberals and gays and muzzies and all the other actual powerless groups in society.

>its a comment on how social media = life for a lot of people.
They did that already in the Facebook episode.


South Park is actually bipartisian.

It should be assumed I'm talking about America, given that we're talking about South Park, which is based in America.
>People often confuse simpler for better
And they sometimes confuse making a mess out of things with complexity.
> Our lives have gotten so much more complex and yeah, its harder nowadays, but there are lots of rewards for that.
If you're a sociopath.
>Like better tech etc.
Tech is better but it bears both benefits and consequences.
No stifling political correctness and catering to oversensitive individuals at everyone's expense, as observed in South Park? For one.

The person you are responding to took the fucking bait and is now a soldier in the war against ourselves

whaaaaat trump supporters are fucking blind?

Go back to spleddit, me

They never explained what girls have if they don't have balls

>Doesn't point out that blacks are stupid and violent with its large medium

>Makes token one of the smartest kids in the school

>Makes his parents rich and intelligent

>Makes the girls find him to be the 2nd most attractive student

>Takes Trayvon martins

They are liberal as fuck

Trump is not the solution. Lobbying a grenade and destroying the system that got the US this far isn't going to make anything better. It needs to be fixed from the bottom up, not destroyed from the top down.

>Doesn't appeal to my white-supremacist alt-right political views
>They are liberal as fuck

>Of course it's liberal 'thinking' that's fucked the world up, not globalization,
Globalization is fueled by liberal speak.
>free trade
Free trade is a good thing.
>and you're just the useful idiots who have been convinced it's not those up the top to blame
Not everything I'm talking about is related to economics, but studies have shown that the American government largely reflects the general wants of the people, and this has resulted in an economy based on spending, solidified and exacerbated by liberal rationalization. No doubt, conservatives are at fault too, but they have given into liberal groupthink.
> it's of course the liberals and gays and muzzies and all the other actual powerless groups in society.
Liberals are not powerless. They are richer than conservatives by a good margin.

>its a comment on how social media = life for a lot of people. If they aren't sharing, tweeting or facebooking then there's something seriously wrong with that person - that's how normies and especially children raised on social media think about the world.

I love when people think social media was invented in 2015. Social media exist since 70s with BBS, Compuserve and The Well. You have 70s hippies obsessed posting her electronic online avatar, same that people today with instagram or facebook


>Kobe Ervin

My fucking sides

Not this. I don't entirely agree with Matt and Trey but still find their show funny. And if the humor is based on recognition alone, it would have no underlying themes. Not that they aren't guilty of lazy jokes now and then, but South Park in the early years never had to compete with the internet.

fuck no
he seriously named his son kobe?

that's like turning your own son into your wife's son

Don't forget Ervin (for magic johnson)

Thats his wife's son user

She's also a ex stripper/ escort I shit you not

>named after someone with aids

me too

member berries is going to start a race war with the adults

>not supporting trump

Enjoy your child like genitalia and shekels

of course they are
ones a jew and the others a cuck

It took 2 days for a negative southpark thread to show up. Has to be some kind of record. Btw op sucks.

The format has changed a lot from the older seasons, sure ill give you that, but honestly, I can't remember an episode that made me laugh as hard as this one.

But then again, I don't get stuck on older season nostalgia like a lot of people seem to do these days. Golden era of tv seems to either be dying or dead. Just go with the flow until you can't take it anymore and stop watching.

>that music tho.

It was good user.

uh marrying a former stripper who has a black kid is a pretty fucking libtarded thing to do m8

The moderate position from 100 years ago is called "alt right neo-nazi white supremacism" today

Is that progress? I dnno. but lets not pretend that aiding foreigners in taking over our country or bastardizing your genes with race mixing is moderate/centrist views.

Hello Goalpost Transit Authority

>trey went from fucking a qt asian to dating used goods with a nigger baby
like pottery.

Jobs were much easier to find. Student debt wasn't as much of a problem. Degrees weren't worthless. Successful films weren't just comic book adaptations that followed a mathematical formula, they were innovative and wholesome. Decades had their defining new genres of music, of which both well-known and niche masterpieces were made. TV was wholesome and promoted real virtues and the nuclear family. Divorce rates weren't as high. People weren't as narcissistic. Feminism was about curbing unfair discrimination and promoting women's unique characteristic, rather than taking out misplaced anger on men and attempting to feminize them while defeminizing women as an expression of self-hatred. Political correctness wasn't as oppressive, humor was more free. Irony, cynicism and reactionary atheism weren't as widespread. After the cold war and pre-9/11 people had much more faith in their security and more trust in their government.

>Used goods

Try a mulatto ex stripper/ escort named Boogie.
Thats a little more than "used goods".

But I guess we all have to be multicultural in this day and age amirite?

literally who?

>People unirionically believe this

Belief is for the uncertain, while all I've said are facts. Feel free to try and refute any of them.

he liked her and put his manseed in her, what was he going to do? he also got divorced because of his weekly shenanigans with the strippers.

The guys babbling nonsense, the problem is race, the problem will always be race, and always has been race.

All the ancient civilizations were founded by whites/indo-europeans, then ruined by mixing with the browns.

We must preserve our countries as white countries, or else they will suffer endless stagnation.

every fucking season.
matt and trey keep saying they dont really have a strong opinion on most things and just like to make jokes, but people keep reading so much shit into a comedy show.

Feel free to fuck off b2reddit

>member when south park was good?

how is this a reddit discourse ?

all generations says the same about previous gens

>I don't get it so it's bad

You remind me of my friend who thinks everything is "randum humor" because he can't tell what the joke is

Remember when Will Wheaton's wife quit twitter because of trolls and everyone acted like she had died and Brianna Wu or someone wrote an obituary

Don't give me that shit. I didn't say anything vague at all, or are jobs actually harder to find now than they were in the 80s and 90s? Oh right, I forgot about the big student loan crisis of 1989. And who can forget all those SJWs back in the 80s, huh? People were so sensitive back then.
Thankfully the 2010s has been seeing huge growth for religion, at least we have that. Fucking 90s kids, always complaining about current generation when literally all generations are exactly the same.

>uh marrying a former stripper who has a black kid is a pretty fucking libtarded thing to do m8
Yeah, there's no way he fell in love with her naturally
He was obviously brainwashed by the liberal elite and married her out of a sense of duty
Well spotted


Why is Trey into mulattos?

I believe people believe in love. You've gotta be pretty fucking retarded to deny that... oh...

People don't fall in love with their mulatto single mother hooker

Then he didn't fall in love with her. He just believed he did, because of the jews.

oh... this was ironic?

This. The show was getting stale so they changed the format. So you complain that it's different, but if they would keep it the same you would be complaining about that instead.

Who ever is hating on this seasons arch is retarded. I genuinely thought it was Eric as the troll in the first episode. I find this season to be better than last.

>thinks plot twists make something good

>Tfw trey pulled strings to get his wife's son to personally meet kobe bryant and have Pewdiepie (his favorite youtube) to say happy birthday to him.

You will never be Trey's wife's son

>ITT: The same complaints we've been hearing about the fall of South Park since Cred Forums went online

See you next season.

>Cred Forums is now an expert on other people's love lives

'member when OP wasn't a faggot?

me too

Except I was making fun of the other user's logic. Learn to read.


>this thread

Only faggots bring up Poe's law. I wasn't parodying him anyway. I was restating what he had basically said in his posts to show how absurd it was.

Learn to read.

In the Jonas Brothers episode they talked about 'ginies tickling.

>Only faggots bring up Poe's law.
Only sith deal in absolutes

hipsterphobic here

How's it feel being taken to the cleaners again and again in this thread?

>he hasn't played uncharted
Do you even movies?


Not triggered by any of the political commentary, it's just not funny

So same problem as MDE World Peace

How's it feel being so insecure and pathetic that you try to force an argument with someone who isn't even ideologically opposed to you?

How's it feel to be autistic?

I'm afraid of Nu-males actually. Not to say there isn't a correlation.

South Park hasn't triggered anyone in a decade. Nobody watches it for that.

That's literally the criteria I asked for though

>no u

member chewbacca? ooh yeah i member

You missed last season where all the Cred Forumscucks got triggered from Garrison fucking Canadian Trump to death

>based their plot directly on a recent headline
is EXACTLY the same thing as
>a straight-up South Parkā„¢ remastering of modern news


it's literally nostalgia in berry form. why do you watch south park if you can't even pick up on that? shit must fly over your head in the show constantly.

Yes it is monkeybrains
In every single one of those examples, a recent news headline was developed into an episode with an original story that could stand on its own without everyone knowing what it's riffing about.

i love the member berries.

>the members berries in mr mackey's scene slipping in 'bulbasaur' because they sound like bulbasaur

two of the best lakers. im not complaining, family member.

Triggered Muslims with the 200-201 eps

Triggered Cred Forumsbeards by mocking George Zimmerman

Triggered Cred Forumsbeards with last season having trump raped to death

Triggered some SJWs with the anti-PC stuff last season

These guys enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.

it's not like they take it easy on anyone

Is that really the bar for liberalism?
>They aren't blatant white supremacists
Makes them not only liberal, but "liberal as fuck"?
You need to step away from Cred Forums for a while and go talk to people in the real world

This episode actually left me a little sad, also, never jewgetti


South Park was cool until they started making fun of people like me.

>your head

You should watch that Pewds episode, it was written specifically for people like you. They're making fun of the next generation who take juvenile subjects too seriously.
This is at least the third season in a row they've been pushing this. Anyone who says "I get the jokes but" takes themselves too seriously.

Their music got so fucking grating in the game. 20 hours of that shit.

When are people gonna wake the fuck up. Is it really on that VIII will be a remake of V and VIII of VI?

member stormtroopers?
member chewbacca again? yeah i memeber!

The jew will be excused because they'll say his "memberberry" wine made him do it.


South Park has always been pro-jew.

You literally just agreed with him. How fucking stupid are you?

>The member berries thing is totally dumb too. I just dont get all that.

"Remember when America used to be great?"

That is most likely the memory they are attempting to vilify.

Progressives' number one enemy is nostalgia.

South Park was dead after season 8. There's like a dozen good episodes after that.

Anybody who didn't drop this turd a decade ago is a goddamn moron.

And of course, Cred Forums is full of morons.

the joke is that it's like real life. that's it. you're supposed to feel smart for getting that leaving twitter is meaningless. you aren't like the other sheep who don't watch south park, you are an intellectual. a redditor.

TV was made for morons.

best post

100o/o correct


Internet too. Time to kill ourselves.



This is the first season I really wish would get cancelled. 1 good scene an episode is horseshit

There is less crime today than at any other point in American history. Please go on about how much better things use to be you retarded child.

>Looked like a battlefield.

When the girls were like "We have to do something now!" I thought they were going to bomb the school (since the NYC bombing happened during the week they wrote this)

But the scene of the school during the breakups was pretty harsh and violent as if a bomb DID go off.

Loved it

They're maturing as writers. In season commentaries they always talk about the new TV drama they're into. They loved 24 and loved the idea of not having to tie up every loose end at the end of an episode.

So now they're just tackling the serialized drama format. I have trust in them

Go back to your lgbt/cuck containment board you whiny faggot.

Worse than the Simpsons

I thought the ending to the second episode was anticlimactic.
ironic shit posting is still shit posting

>calls trump a turd sandwich
>suddenly Cred Forums hates south park
Why can't alt righters take a joke?

bring back bigoted cartman, he was much funnier

Here's a clue for you South Park followers. No matter how many times he is portrayed as a "white racist"; no matter how much he rips on jews, Cartman's actual behavior is jewish to the core. Anyone who understands the jewish mindset will readily recognize this. Whereas Kyle, "the jew" is always played up as a tower of righteousness, a pillar of virtue, and a champion of compassion and fair play (which, in reality, are all inherently "white" characteristics), Cartman repeatedly engages in thoughts and behaviors which are traditionally, and unmistakenly, those of the jew.

Cartman is, in fact, the quintessential jew... albeit wrapped up in a superficial layer of whiteness, in order to promote and perpetuate the "white racist" stereotype. Tell me this isn't done on purpose, and I'll tell you what a blind fucking moron you are.

One other aspect of the Cartman character is that he oftentimes accurately describes jews and individual/conspiratorial jewish behaviors, but these truths are expected to be disregarded by the viewing audience as false because of Cartman's many lies and acts of deception, which in themselves are historically the inherent traits of the jew, but projected on Cartman, again, because he is white.

>Hilary is a lying, corrupt, incompetent war criminal who isn't above having her political opponents murdered
>Trump sometimes says mean things and has silly hair


>he thinks Wes Anderson films are bad