TFA review fucking when?

What the fuck are those hack frauds doing? What is taking so long?

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Mike had a hard life leave him alone

You could always rewatch TFA in the meantime to re-familiarise yourself with the movie.

Who cares, they're just going to talk about points that have rehashed a million times already, and they're probably going to say they like it


They were too busy finishing their own masterpiece, Space Cop

I rewatched it. It is boring and lacks the depth of the prequels. There is not enough density, nothing is happening. The silver stormtrooper boss is silly. The fat alien that pays for scrap with potions is as bad as anything Lucas cooked up.

>The fat alien that pays for scrap with potions is as bad as anything Lucas cooked up.
No, because it isn't a very offensive stereotype

I actually dreamt that I woke up to a sticky for the TFA Plinkett review on Cred Forums. When I woke up for real the first thing I did was open up the catalog. I was sorely disappointed.

it's offensive to fat people, insinuating that they're greedy

>There is not enough density, nothing is happening
Fuck off, Rick McCallum

Uploading it right now.
Live long and prosper,

- Mike

Fuck off

I'm very sorry you were offended then

I'm Jay and can confirm that this is actually Mike and it will be up soon


I know you're baiting but I still feel the need to say fuck fat people. I was fat for years and I lost all of the weight once I decided to stop being a lazy piece of shit.

hey guys I'm sorry but I accidentally crashed the computer while downloading a virus infested SNES emulator, thus delaying the upload indefinitely. sorry LOL

- jack

You bastard.


they already reviewed it retard

plinkett review dumbfuck

Oooh sorry fgt. Did it upset your mum?

Jack, focus your viral markiting somewhere else

There's probably 40 neckbeards at time here

it's unfair to say fat people are greedy

if fat people are something I'd say they're lazy

>he's excited to watch neck beard hacks throw away all objective integrity for muh strong beautiful womynk

>surrender the codes that will obviously lead to the destruction of the death station TM to the obviously morally liberal good guy Finn (who has shown he wont kill defenceless persons) then proceeds to be accepted back and lauded as some sort of villain for the future
Yeah feed me some bs about how rey is anakin reincarnate and fair enough but the story is weak, boring, silly and literally piggybacking the entire storyline from a previous movie.
The only sort of person that can possibly think this is anyway a strong or interesting Star Wars movie has obviously no experience with anything outside the base movies since the possibilities and magnitudes are endless
>fuck Luke fuck all this bullshit Luke's training was pointless, why didn't they send him to a liberal arts school in California to learn diplomacy and psychiatry to weasel anakin into betraying the emperor or simply go directly to the emperor straight away go fetal and let daddy save you



It takes more time cuz it's hard to not make it obvious they've been paid by Disney for this one.