How would you end it ?

How would you end it ?

Dennis walks up to camera and says 'this is literally -reddit'

>Frank dies.
>Dee and Charlie get married.
>Dennis and Mac bang the Waitress but during the threesome Mac starts to fuck Dennis in the ass so Dennis kills Mac and then kills the Waitress anyway. Cricket goes to jail for it and gets raped by Mac's dad.

>it was all a dream

The Gang Kill Themselves

>Cops are after Dennis as a suspect for all the terrible shit we know he's probably done, rape, murder, sexual assault, etc. so he's gotta get out of the country since he doesn't trust the system to find him innocent and the whole "if anyone is accused of anything" the Gang automatically assume they're guilty thing so he thinks the cops and jury will think the same. He spends the entire episode denying the charges "you guys believe me right?", hides out with Cricket.
>Charlie finally bangs the waitress, but finds the sex is way too gross and the Waitress becomes super clingy after (bedroom talk of her being Mrs "Her name" Kelly, so we finally learn her name) . Charlie realizes he doesn't love her and he wants to get as far away as possible cause she's annoying and is stalking him now
>Frank's got the FBI and IRS after him for all of his scams and Wolf Cola so he's gotta leave the country
>Mac's implicated in Dennis' shit as an accomplice, cops found Dennis' tapes, Mac fears going to jail and getting raped, but he does like the idea of bringing God to prisoners, getting buff and ruling the prison so he has dream scenarios of either running the prison, getting raped or going gay
>Everyone but Dee decide to fake their deaths by burning the bar down with them "trapped" inside and plan to go to Mexico
>Frank's already made arrangements to get his money out of the country, all under the name of Mantis Toboggan
>After a funeral scene with all the old characters there and some eulogies, Sweet Dee inherits everyone's life insurance money (based on policies she put on the Gang years ago) and cops find evidence (that Frank and the others planted) that implicates Sweet Dee in their deaths cause they knew about the life insurance policies. "that's what you get you old bitch"
>Episode ends with Dennis, Mac, Charlie and Frank relaxing on a beach in Mexico, who spots them and looks over? Mac's dad, "son of a bitch"

Dee and Dennis should get married to be honest with you family.

I jerked off to the scene where they make out tbqh.

This is the best ending possible.


Not bad.

I'm just gonna pretend this is the real ending because that's fucking perfect.

30 min of the cast silently drinking at the bar, completely devoid of any more ideas or schemes or banter (an occasional cough or the start of a sentence here and sometimes there). Then they walk out and lock up.

The Gang should die or go to jail, with one of them left to tend to the bar, probably Charlie since he already does all the work

Her name is Nikki Potnick. They revealed it in the Reunion episode where Frank steals her nametag and the Waitress says they didn't make a sticker for her. But, yeah awesome ending.

That myth has been busted. Besides it makes no sense, the Gang knows who Nikki Potnik is and none of them know the Waitress' name

The cast has denounced that. Makes no sense anyway since they remember who Nikki was, and her car, etc, but have no idea what the Waitress' name is.

They've literally said on twitter that she's not Nikki Potnick

This. Plus a silent playout of the credits...

Show is cancelled because Danny is exposed as the child molester that touched the Coreys

Charlie accidentally kills them all with a gas leak or something blowing up Paddy's pub.

That's brilliant

I should also add that this would take place like early on in the episode and the rest of the episode would play out from the perspective of a cop investigating the whole thing and interviewing other minor characters about the gang



>How would you end it ?
Regular episode. A regular funny ass episode. No flashbacks, no visits from past guests. Just a silly episode. In general, series finales suck especially when the writers try to be cute. Let it end the way it started, with a bunch of idiots and their bird trying to run a bar and fumble their way through life.

Or a musical.

Have you people not seen the show? At all?
Nikki Potnick is talked about multiple times. He's an offscreen highschooler that most of the gang knew. I think they crashed his car at one point, it's mentioned in SEASON ONE.

Nikki Potnick is not the Waitress, Jesus Christ, some of you are stupid.

Fucking samefag cancer.

*she, Nikki Potnick IS actually a girl, but it's not the Waitress.


Just like Peep Show, the only way to end it is to give a glimmer of hope and change and immediately snatch it away. The final season should be an 8-episode plot arc where they successfully pull of a heist, become rich, move to a new city, change for the better, then somehow everything goes wrong and they just buy a new shitty bar and return right back to where they started.

7 seasons ago.

>look I can edit the html in 5 seconds and provide indisputable proof!

>oh look I can shitpost and still think it's samefagging

>I used to read Word Up! magazine


Isn't macs dad dead

Frank dies and the Gang starts acting like the Season 1 gang again after its revealed Frank was the catalyst for their various attitude shifts throughout the seasons.

this is the best one so far

Seeing as the show is basically a take on the play The Iceman Cometh and that's how the play ends, this makes sense

That would be great

you mean dee and charlie, right?

and the show should end with frank dying and them throwing him in a dumpster

he was inexplicably in jail again after being paroled and leaving for tahiti or wherever and then mac outed him as a snitch. none of the later eps mention that he died tho so i dunno


no special ending, just ends like any other episode alluding to the fact that they'll be involved in crazy schemes and plans for the rest of their life