Did they really need that twist ending?

Did they really need that twist ending?

It was just a nice comfy sports show

is the twist that she has a penis?

nah, her dad features throughout the episode but it turns out he's dead and she constantly sees him as a ghost

>dead parent
>black woman pitching
Jesus Christ, who fuck made this shit show

The worst part is that its revealed the father was killed wrongly by a police officer

Sounds pretty accurate

This isn't true

eh, he died when she was an adult

The shills are hard at work pushing this show

There was a thread on Cred Forums saying "this show was actually pretty good"

Fuck outta here. Nothing from FOX is good

You know who


Is the twist that this is a Quantum Leap reboot and she's actually Dr. Sam Beckett?

It was actually pretty good

Guess you just don't like sport or sports shows

>Nothing from FOX is good

>white bomber taken with police escort
>black man complying to police officers at traffic stop is tazed and shot in cold blood with little to no medical attention on the scene
>not in any way morally wrong

>white bomber taken with police escort

Arabs are not white, you stupid nigger.

>forgetting to mention the Arab bomber was shot multiple times

>struck out in the ratings

I work for that guy (Michael Beach)'s agent, his ego is the size of how much of a literally who he is. I hate him.

His acting was shitty as hell I would be a jerk to people if I had no talent too.

Her ghost dad lives inside her body and super charges the speed and accuracy of her pitches.

She made it into the minor leagues by her own skill but didn't become major league level until he died in a car wreck and started haunting her. In the show this supercharges her pitches so that she can throw a high 80s fastball and has wicked movement on her screwball.

But nah it's never really explained how she can break the laws of physics.

>white bomber
Is this nigger serious?