Which one do you wish was your dad?

which one do you wish was your dad?

Second from the right with second from the left.

Sisko, because then I'd never see him.


he actually abandons his family in the series finale



Kirk would never have time to raise me right since he'd be fucking women all day.

Picard is a fucking pussy and after I lose my first fight at school, tell me diplomacy is the better way.

Sisko is just crazy. Cool, but crazy. More like best friend's dad material. Extra layer of protection

I'm 60% sure Janeway is a woman, so not dad material.

Archer is pretty cool, doesn't take shit from Vulcans, is fairly chill but also willing to teach.

If these were my only choices, I'd take Archer.

I think he'd make a pretty good dad, I just don't really think he's a good captain.

Kirk obviously. I'd get to listen to McCoy/Spock/Kirk bants all day and is there anything else a kid really needs besides that?

>momma mia!

Picard. Although then my name would be some terrible French bullshit and he'd expect me to live and dress like it's the 1800's for some damn reason.

Middle Three. Space dads.

>It's been 0 episodes since somebody reminded Picard he has no children.

Tbh a sitcom with Picard, Janeway and Sisko would be the best combo.

>Sisko hates Picard for killing his wife but is too professional to say it. Goes to every Cubs game, fans there start seeing him as their leader and demand guidance
>Janeway craves coffee all the time and once every few episodes ends up getting in a fight some punk for not giving her enough gas to get to their apartment
>Picard looks down on the other two for not being as evolved and diplomatic as him (he is French, after all). Has a fleshlight named Beverly.

I would watch a show where Janeway gets lost and fistfights bums to get home.

Anybody else find it incredibly stupid how that slut Cassidy was upset that he wanted to back out on the marriage after aliens who can literally see the future told me that horrible shit would happen if he did? I mean, that's the most reasonable reason to cancel a wedding that has ever existed or could even hypothetically exist.

Especially when you consider that to the wormhole aliens, when they talk about problems int he future they're talking about shit like planets blowing up and holocausts.

Also, I hated how in DS9 characters kept trying to disregard the wormhole aliens by saying shit like "it's just a religion, I don't believe in them". They literally have objective, scientific evidence that these aliens that can see the future exist. The fact that there's a religion that happens to worship them is completely irrelevant and beside the point that they can actually see the future

Kirk would never love you as much as he loves his spaceship.

The Federation definitely had some anti-clerical vibes every now and then.

But in general I think the main objections to the Prophets (may they defend us from the Kosst Amojan) were from Starfleet brass who only heard of them second-hand (and ST has a history of incompetent and/or evil admirals).

The station crew seemed mostly on board, although looking at them secularly, of course.

James T.

ill assume that the second from the right will have the role of father?

>Kirk would never have time to raise me right since he'd be fucking women all day.
Ah, so you're one of those "everything I know about TOS I learned from Robot Chicken and Reddit" types.

If Janeway was my dad, things would be a lot different around here.

Given that Picard was my father, I'd probably want Sisko because at least then I could talk to him.

The only real answer.

Kirk, because when the Klingons kill me, I know he'll swear a blood feud on them.

>Kirk: They're animals.
>Spock: Jim, there is an historic opportunity here...
>Kirk: Don't believe them. Don't trust them.
>Spock: They're dying!
>Kirk: Let them die!

>Kirk: abuse you physically for not being a true man

>Picard: molest you

>Sisko: leave

>Janeway: extremly overbearing and mentally abusive. would make you wear dresses

>Archer: a normal, average dad but the stable, boring upbringing will make you into a boring, average adult.

I think I'll pick Kirk. Altou Picard and Sisko are also cool. Jeneway and Archer can go fuck themselves. Worst, most crazy, arrogant and stupid captains in history of Star Trek.

Can I choose to have Janeway molest me instead?

I'll allow it, but she will be VERY forceful and dominating. Not gentle and caring like Picard.

Oh no, how tragic!

By 'your dad' do you mean
>you are in the show and the captain you choose is your father
>the character is your father IRL