Why isn't there a thread on this?

I am genuinely surprised there's nothing on this. Am I just late to the party?

Other urls found in this thread:


very late, and theres plenty of threads about this all the time. where have you been hiding?

people hated the pedogeneral

Great thread, you sure are talking about it aren't you OP?

Everyone watched the whole show in a day or 2 so the discussion died down within a week.

Why would there be? There's nothing new to discuss, everyone watched it months ago.

>Am I just late to the party?
Very much so. Frogposting is the closest you'll find to ST discussion these days.

That's a big cell phone


Why is Dustin so knowledgeable?



Why is every picture of her these days looking like a deer in headlights? How much coke is she on?


this much

4 u

lucky lucky doggo

I dont come here often

You shouldn't have come here at all *BLAM*

>why did winona cuck her dog husbando?

Could it be just another Froggo thread thinly disguised?

Do you think in the new It adaptation they'll include the gangbang scene?

confirmed arc for S2

may as well ask; is there any sort of explanation for what the hell the other dimension is and what those things are? or why they're invulnerable to bullets, except when pretty girls shoot them?
or is it just left to you?
I didn't notice anything implied in the show, but that's pretty much why I came here

I don't think they will, considering that the actors are really 12 years olds, not 18 years olds playing young tweens, and the scene is rather graphic. It's a shame, because it's a vital scene, how else are they going to show Loser's love towards Bevvie (which is the thing that solidifies their circle and makes it possible for them to find their way back)?

She has big eyes.

and apparently no eyelids

> is there any sort of explanation for what the hell the other dimension is and what those things are?

There is a theory that the Upside Down and Dermogorgon were created by Eleven, and they personify her fears and negative emotions.

>or why they're invulnerable to bullets, except when pretty girls shoot them?

You mean why only Eleven could destroy the monster? It's because she's supernatural, and if we follow the theory saying that Dermogorgon is something within her, something she created, it makes sense that she's the only one who can really destroy it.

Eleven is cute!

>There is a theory
but then what did she encounter in that clauraudience sensory deprivation tank while spying on that russian?

>You mean why only Eleven could destroy the monster?
No; when Nancy shoots it, it is clearly disable for a bit, yet all those SMGs in the middle school had zero effect

Also, what did the egg imply? Did we ever see two of them?

This is what I hate about Netflix shows- they release the entire thing at once.
I actually set a timer for 9 pm every Friday to watch this show and treat it like that week's premier. I do this with other Netflix shows to at least give myself a week to reflect on what I've watched and to give myself something to look forward to the next week.

you are a zen monk with iron discipline

Stop. These buzzfeed vids are contagious. They draw in with a non-cringe topic then turn into a decent video then autoplay is on and you spent 2 hourse watching bullshit vids literally desigend by their makers to be clickbait. I mean the title is so misleading for the video you linked; they didn't even review the toys, they just were guessing what it was. Is pop-rocks, furbies good investments? I don't know.

All of it.

*draw you in

She encountered Dermogorgon; if we assume he personified her fears, it's easy to assume that he was following her around. However there is another theory saying that Dermogorgon is Russian's answer for the invigilation,

Nancy probably had better timing, I don't remember her significantly disabling Dermogorgon though

And as for the egg, the only idea I have is that there are other monsters in the Upside Down.

definitely wasn't written and produced to be watched once a week over the course of two months, but if it makes you feel special, knock yourself out

The theory I find most interesting is the one that says the monster is Will in the future, which makes it some sort of self fulfilling prophecy thingy. It doesn't hold up since it goes against canon and has lots and lots of holes but at least it's interesting.

Just watched season 1.

It's pretty good.

I started this a few days back and it kinda began to suck after episode 2. I was no longer creeped out by the monster because they showed it to me and it was less scary than what I had pictured in my head, and in general the plot became less interesting as it moved forward.

First episode was pretty good, after that the only good part was the sheriff and the mom

Allow me to elaborate the "Demogorgon was made by Eleven" theory.

Everything about the way the Demogorgon acts and looks is based on Eleven's fears displayed throughout the show, as well as a specific person: Brenner. The Demogorgon is basically a chunk of Eleven's mind that has gained sentience.

The first time the Demogorgon is encountered is when Eleven hears it growling while spying on the Russian. This isn't an alien as Brenner suspects: it's Eleven's mind panicking because she can't leave the deprivation tank and is trapped inside her own head, and her imagination is reacting with amplified terror (this is comparable to the real effects of sleep paralysis, where your mind wakes up before your body does, and in the panic of losing control of your body it starts hallucinating monsters or generically scary shit). Brenner tries comforting her with flowers and sends her back in, asking her to specifically find the creature. The Demogorgon didn't have a shape before, but Eleven now forces it to, and it resemebles a tall, slender humanoid (Brenner) with the face of a flower. It's eating an egg because this is how Eleven's subconscious interprets her relationship with Brenner, a parent who is "eating away" at their own child (eg. when Eleven displays concern over the nosebleed after crushing the Coke can, but Brenner looks on smiling). Her mind enters panic overdrive when it screams at her, and she ejects it from her mind, but it falls between the cracks and into the Upside Down, which is the subconscious equivalent of reality itself. The huge amount of energy she's exerting, as Mr. Clarke suggests, creates a permanent tear between dimensions, and the Demogorgon escapes into ours.

To be continued...

The stature and face of the Demogorgon have been explained, but this theory also explains several other aspects of it: it explains how it was capable of opening the latch to chase Will in the first episode, which is the only time we ever see it use telekinesis, because it shares some or all of Eleven's powers; it explains why it's blind, because it represents Eleven's fear of dark places and so it lives in total darkness; it explains its immediate attraction to the scent of blood, because Eleven smelling her own blood through nosebleeds was what triggered a mistrust in Brenner; it explains how it's immune to physical harm or heal itself and can create its own portals to "walk around the rope," because it's literally a figment of Eleven's imagination turned real and doesn't have to follow the rules of the rope as we do; and it explains why it didn't kill Brenner, who is apparently alive based on Will's news clipping, because it either recognized as a part of itself, or saw Brenner through Eleven's eyes and knew that she would never hurt her own father.

To be continued again...

Ok I was a bit onboard with the "the demogorgon is a manifestation of Eleven" stuff, but some of that gets a bit contrived.

>the demogorgan didn't have a shape before
it was just hunched over

The theory may also explain how Eleven recognized Will in Mike's photo or knew anything about the Upside Down, because if there was some mental link between her and the Demogorgon, which may have been there from the beginning, and despite the Demogorgon being blind, it could have allowed her to sense and see everything it was doing. The only way to stop the Demogorgon, which Eleven realized by the end, was to physically tear herself and it apart with her mind to infuse it back into her psyche. This apparently ejects her into the Upside Down, the same way the Demogorgon originally was when she created it. There's the obvious D&D connection where the Demogorgon has two heads which are constantly trying to kill each other but can never accomplish it because they're still one in the same, which doesn't explain why the Demogorgon never tries to kill Eleven, unless it already knows that doing so would destroy itself.

That's about it. There's an expanded Upside Down explanation theory if you'd like to hear it.

Which parts seemed contrived?

That wouldn't have made it invisible to her. It's still pretty big and obvious when it's hunched over.

>Which parts seemed contrived?

Stuff like the egg and all that, it feels a bit too much even though the general idea is sound.

The theory suggest both the Demogorgon and egg are shaped by Eleven's mind, the Demogorgon being largely based on Brenner and the egg symbolizing Eleven, the child being destroyed by their own parent. It's at least an explanation for why we never see any other monsters in the Upside Down besides the Demogorgon and a random egg. It still raises the question of what was actually in the egg, either a baby Demogorgon who hatched and was running around or maybe even some kind of monstrous clone of Eleven herself.