We post fuck you i like it films

>We post fuck you i like it films

That movie where the guy fuck a baby, no wait thats you

>mfw you fuck babies


Step it up son

I liked it too user. Groovy Peter is best Peter.


The only cape movie to date to actually flesh out its protagonists and give them real motivations and fears.

Jingle All The Way is Christmas kino. Salty critics can't into sacrifice.

It was great, fuck off Cred Forums

Coppla's Bram Stoker's Dracula

I know we dont actually hate it and that its actually our favourite film, but still.


Only in the cinema though, you forgot that little detail.

>he fell for the cinema meme

300 Rise Of An Empire
Clash Of The Titans (2010)
Knock Knock
X-Men Origins Wolverine
Django Unchained (I have literally no idea why Cred Forums hates this so much)


X-Men Origins was good if you only had a vague idea of what the marvel universe was. Then it's just a nice superhero movie with badass action scenes.

Once you start to look up the comics background of each character, that's when things start to dissolve and go down the shitter. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

Star Wars ep3

Cold Souls


the hobbit movies
dark knight rises

>that lesbian kiss
>killer kangaroos
>Malcolm McDowell chewing scenery like there's no tomorrow
>that drug trip scene

it's not gonna win any awards but it seems pretty hard to hate