The bags not for what I'm carrying, but for what I find along the way

>the bags not for what I'm carrying, but for what I find along the way

jsus christ, just shoot me in the fucking head already

MacGyver wasn't smug
fucking ruined

Who is this elven beauty?

you dun goofed son
time for the younger generation.
go to bed grandpa richard

Exactly, MacGyver is supposed to be an earnest humanitarian who likes the outdoors. What the fuck is this shit?

>let's turn Mac into a self-satisfied faggot and give him a team

I liked how he worked by himself and sometimes had friends helping.

>that episode where he's hanggliding and protecting eagles from being shot by a man in a helicopter with a rifle
pure genius

mfw It Ain't Me started playing when they were in the helicopter

>watching something on CBS

what did you fags expect

>Knight Rider
>Bionic Woman
>Magnum PI coming

When will they stop remaking classic 70s-80s TV shows? They're always shit

A show that keeps getting more perfect.

CBS has always been trash with a few good shows sprinkled in ever now and then, but ever since Person of Interest ended its just a sea of trash. That network is worthless.

I watched the Lethal Weapon show and Ghostbusters 2016, but I'm not watching this

>Person of Interest ended

Chin up user, it had 5 great seasons and it ended well. Some shows never even get that much.

We are blessed

>Letal Weapon show
>7.5 on IMDB

Is it actually ok? I thought it would be considered pure shit

I don't get fooled by imdb anymore. I come here and ask Cred Forums's consensus about any kino that I feel like marathoning. Normies ruined imdb

>using the word 'kino'

yeah I'm not gonna trust you

>Knight Rider
I actually quite enjoyed that one, but it was also a sequel rather than a reboot. Shame it didn't get a season 2 cause rumor was that Hoff would join the cast.

Lethal Weapon 5 and 6 were better but the show is alright so far

Episode 3: Black Lives Matter

Had British football guy Vinnie, guy from CSI, lawyer lady from Mr.robot. they always refer to him as Mac never macguyver but he did make a ridiculous countdown escape. I watched 30% was on my phone the car rest give it 5/10

What, he'll find some mud along the way and cover his face with it to blend with a rioting crowd?


All I could think of when watching the commercial was

It's base humor, but it's probably true.

Meh. However you spin it, anyway, it's another fucking remake to cash in on name recognition that we all know is going to be shit.

>neo-MacGyver holds onto a planes landing gear as it takes off
>Yep I just did that. You're probably wondering how I got into this mess...

Thanks Cred Forums

>Star Trek will forever be stuck on CBS

>Smug hotshot
>Late 90's production values
MacGyver didn't deserve this trash.

And behind a paywall for America, no less (after the first episode).

I'm sure I'll find a way to watch it, but it would have been nice to have it simply on TV for convenient viewing (excluding the fact that there's commercials) without having to wait for someone to upload a crappy quality torrent.

The franchise really will never be popular or groundbreaking ever again, will it?

Beyond was a step in the right direction and it bombed. Paramount is a shit company and probably didn't have enough money to advertise it.

>he works for some more secret than the CIA organization
>hes basically James Bond infiltrating parties to steal biological weapons
>his girlfriend and mission support betrays them and sells the bio weapon, because money
>let me just walk out of this prison with this convicted hacker chick
>let me use this UI on the computer to instantly hack the entire internet and have every camera find me the badguy
>girlfriend/former tech support is even willing to let San Francisco get hit with the weapon for no reason
>random chinese millionaire wants the weapon to attack america, he drives the fucking truck with the bomb in the back himself
>woops, your traitor girlfriend exposed us, time to just change our organization name, oh you can pick the name too!

This shit was so contrived it was embarrassing. Even worse was the CGI explosions. Dead giveaway that they're not willing to spend the money on what they know will fail.

Why does his face not match his hair?

Man usually it's a sign of old people being self important but I'm glad RDA just told the new show to fuck right off

I've been watching Voyager on Netflix, pretty sure all the other series are on there too

I'm honestly impressed this is airing, it looks like it was poorly funded via kickstarter as a highschool project.

>original macguyver
>man just look at all the shit you can do with shit thats just lying around

>man look at all the shit no one can do

Membuh MacGyver?

Fuck you Bionic Woman was the shit. And I'm only saying that cause Michelle Ryan was my waifu

Did that last movie really bomb? I wasn't keeping track. I saw it and liked it (as much as you can like a film of that caliber). Wasn't quite as good as the first JJ Trek, but definitely not as shite as Into Darkness.

The franchise will never be groundbreaking or popular if it starts going all normie and mainstream with its values. In other words, if CBS forces them to adopt SJW shit (even if it's just here and there) or overly progressive bullshit, then we know Trek is never really going to be restored to its former glory (during the TNG/DS9 era(s)).

It starts with the captain. They can make the captain any ethnicity, gender, or species they want, but they character needs to be well written. There should be no focus whatsoever on the captain's - or any character's - gender/ethnicity/species in a way that obviously forces a progressive agenda.

I'm not opposed to a progressive agenda, as long as it's promoted in the right way. By including people of different genders and ethnicities because they fit the story/setting and because the actors/actresses that play them are actually good.

When are they going to remake Rockford Files? i want to be angry about that next

>Magnum PI coming
More like Magnumella.

>Did that last movie really bomb? I wasn't keeping track. I saw it and liked it (as much as you can like a film of that caliber). Wasn't quite as good as the first JJ Trek, but definitely not as shite as Into Darkness.
150m odd domestic, 175m international on a 185m budget. 330m total. Not good numbers. They might have scraped through on it having next to no marketing though.

They were working on one a few years back I think. With Dermot Mulroney as Rockford. The pilot never got picked up

>Wasn't quite as good as the first JJ Trek
Confirmed for not watching anything Star Trek apart from Kelvin timeline shit.

Don't forget Westworld

It wasn't a disaster or anything but it badly underperformed.

Cost the same to make as Into Darkness and made about 150mil less worldwide.

Westworld looks like it's going to be good though? And Ed Harris is inspired casting in the Gunslinger role.

More like...

>man look at all the shit you can do with a whole team and the government backing you up

Alice March

Nah, pretty much everything in macgyver is just impossible

I have all the series on DVD and I've watched almost every episode from every series. JJ Trek obviously pales in comparison to the old shows. I was speaking relatively, comparing one JJ Trek to another, not comparing JJ Trek to any of the TV series.

TNG is my favorite series. Voyager is my least favorite (despite, or maybe because of having watched it the most).

Yeah, I guess Beyond didn't really have much marketing for it, huh?

Then again, I live under a fucking rock.

Hm. Under-performance might have been due to the lack of marketing as this user suggests

that's pretty low for a tv score there

It was shit, none of the heart and soul of the original.

I'm torn, Cred Forums. I want to fuck Lucas Till until the bedframe breaks, but I detest his MacGyver and his lame-ass Phoenix team and his cheap nemesis girlfriend angle. I can't even deal with how confused I am that in order to gaze upon his delicious perfection, I have to endure the pig trough that is this shitshow.

Why even live?


why does that look like a mans face photoshopped onto a photo of a woman

my fucking sides

I think maybe he's got one of those abnormally long skulls, front to back. Shit looks weird with that hair.

He literally did that during the first episode. He cut the tarp/canvas covering of a truck off and uses some straps to make a chute to get out of the truck and away from a bomb.

MacGyver could be smug sometimes.


Heres my opinion and summary: Had British football guy Vinnie, guy from CSI, lawyer lady from Mr.robot. they always refer to him as Mac never macguyver but he did make a ridiculous countdown escape. I watched 30% was on my phone the car rest give it 5/10

They won't stop remaking old tv shows just like they won't stop remaking old movies. It's a way to make a quick buck riding on the coattails of something people already recognize, and it's way easier than coming up with new unique ideas.