Now that the dust has settled...

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that the prequels were actually pretty good until it became cool to hate on them?

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no its shit


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I used to be one of those fags that hated them for no reason, but TFA was so shitty that it made me like them again.

No, they were always bad.

they're objectively emotionless trite

No I'm not even memeing. They're objectively bad movies. You know absolutely nothing about film if you think they're good.



Well damn, now I have even more reasons to hate Alex Jones

>Became cool to hate on them.
It's ALWAYS been cool to hate on them, from the moment they came out.
And no, they're bad.

This "objectively" mean needs to stop. Just because you add that word to your shitty opinion doesn't make it right. Especially when you provide no evidence to back it up.

If you don't know how a movie can be objectivly bad you need to gtfo and come back when you've learned more about movies.

One is the chosen one prophesied to bring balance to the force, the other isn't.

Like why does Qui Gon even exist? His character should have been merged into Obi Wan. Jinn spends alot of time bonding with Anakin in Phantom Menace when it should have been Kenobi. For some reason Lucas thought it was a smart idea to have Kenobi be apathetic towards Anakin the entire movie. I feel like he just rewrote the script at the last second when he got Liam Neeson onboard.

Are there more of these?

You re just remembering it that way because it's because the plinkett reviews destroyed their respect. You were probably too young. Everyone liked the prequels prior to 2010

It's not a meme user. They are objectively terrible movies. If you want an in-depth look at how bad they are just watch the Plinkett reviews.

C'mon PM doesn't even have a central protagonist.

b8 fuck off

>Like why does Qui Gon even exist?
Because he's an intersting character?

>Jedi master with an independent streak
This characteristic is literally the only reason why he makes the decision to try hiding on a hutt controlled world.
If he wasn't there, they wouldn't have stopped on Tattooine and they would have never found Anakin.

It never stops blowing my mind how hard it is for people to get these simple movies.

No, but I would rather watch any of the prequels than episode 7 again.

>C'mon PM doesn't even have a central protagonist.
Plinkett LITERALLY says that that is not a requirement for a film.

You can't think for yourself and it's sad.

I doubt this was Lucas's intention, but Qui Gon is a great representative for the follies and eventual downfall of the Jedi Order.

Holy shit, this man is a genius for seeing Lucas' genius. He explains to idiots why the prequels are masterfully crafted, something the sequels will never accomplish.

>this mad that his memes aren't reality

Sasuga Disneyfriend

Keep telling yourself that. I have been here (overage) for years I witnessed the transformation of opinion unfold both on Cred Forums and among normies. Pic related is the original bibblepost.

taste judgementes can't be objective.
A- the book is on the table
B- Jar Jar is unnecessary and makes me cringe

Those are two statements of different natures. You can prove the first. the second can only be argued.

There is nothing interesting about Qui Gon. Give me a good reason why that independent characteristic was needed for a separate character and not Obi Wan? There is nothing to "get" about these movies. Jinn has no reason to exist because he fills no narrative role and takes away from a character who actually needs it.

I disagree with Plinkett on that. Phantom Menace needed a central protagonist. The prequel trilogy was supposed to be about the tragedy of Darth Vader so why is Anakin not the central protagonist? If not him why not Obi Wan? The movie isn't even about Qui Gon. It's definitely not an ensemble film like the Avengers because again the movie isn't about any of these characters. It's not about the Star Wars universe as a whole. Its about nothing.

If you like these films, if you actually think AoTC was an objectively good movie, you need to shut the fuck up about film.

The quality of a film can be objective. If a film ignores fundamental elements of filmmaking and storytelling then it's an objectively bad film.

Plinkett pls.
I just proved why he needed to be there.
A character trait that he does not share with Obi-Wan is the impetus of the plot.

>fundamental elements of filmmaking and storytelling
No such thing

It didn't become "cool to hate" the prequels, they were disappointing shitfests from the get-go. TFA being mediocre in an entirely different way doesn't change that.

Oh fuck me, this is great

Oh my fuck user he doesnt need to be there. The movie should have been about Obi Wan bonding with Anakin. If Qui Gon's character was the impetus of the plot then the movie should have been a character piece about him and Obi Wan but it isn't. You're basically telling me Qui Gon's entire existence hinges on the fact he says "go to Tatooine" and they meet Anakin? Something Obi Wan couldn't have done even though this was well within is character in the OT? You're telling me precious time was taken from Anakin and Obi Wan and given to Qui Gon because of this?

Lucas your writing is shit.
A story must have a beginning and an end.
A film must have proper editing

You're telling me these are not fundamental elements?


Prequels were shit

TFA was shit

Cred Forumsbeard autists will never be able to redeem their garbage

>hated them for no reason
>no reason
yeah that is pretty retarded user

I don't think people are failing to understand Qui-Gon's role in the movie as it exists. What people are suggesting is that he's unnecessary for the greater story and that the plot should have been written differently to emphasize Obi-Wan's relationship with Anakin instead.

The whole "Chosen One" plot was stupid, too.

Exactly. Qui Gon is the equivalent of someone making a Batman movie but this time Bruce Wayne has a brother named Michael Wayne. They witness their parents death and both become Batmen. Elements Bruce Wayne's character are taken away from him and incorporated into Michael. For some reason the movie isn't about the relationship between the brothers. Michael is only there to tell Bruce he needs to invent this gadget to save Gotham and then dies.

Why did Michael exist in the grand scheme of things?

From 1999 until TFA was announced, the fanbase hated the prequels while the rest of society was tolerant of them.

When SW became normie and every casual felt like a fan this feeling became mainstream

people in their early 20's love the prequels.

I'll say this about the sequels: I sat through them. The new one I couldn't even watch long enough to get to Han Solo. fuck


not that user, everyone knew the prequels were shit from the moment they came out, I remember my father's face when Qui Gon explained the midiclorians and at the end of the movie him saying "well that wasn't thaaat bad I mean there was some cool stuff... yea"

Your father is an idiot.

The prequels are great.

go away kevin smith

is that horrible CGI a sarcasm reply? I cant even tell anymore but anyway the prequels were shit and my old man was crushingly dissapointed

>CGI is bad

Qui-Gon and Padme are the primary protagonists.

Obi-Wan and Jar Jar are secondary protagonists.

Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, and Sidious are the primary antagonists.

Maul is a secondary antagonist.

Anakin, Panaka, and everyone else are just side characters.