What is some Arnold kino?

What is some Arnold kino?

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>explicit promotion of damaging addictive drug abuse
pick one

t. fatty.

>addictive or damaging

I guess you missed this doc

What Isn't arnold kino?

Also I highly recommend The Running Man.

You posted his best film.

He's old enough to play him now.

>What Isn't arnold kino?
Terminator 5

Not that guy but mark bell and his brother are semi retarded. A book that Arnold wrote about his life states how people would walk into the gym with steroids and everyone would just take bunches.

Also. Mark bell actually made another documentary with his brother in which they proceeded to trash prescription painkillers and said all everyone needed was ibuprofen. Holy shit. I bet they both take loads of shit

That IS arnold kino though. He's what saves that movie.

Are the Terminator movies after 2 actually watchable or at the very least somewhat fun?

3 is sort of fun, also has a surprisingly "good" ending.
4 is meh.

steroids are still neither addictive nor exceptionally dangerous. they took bunches of steroids back in the day because they were all retards and also still experimenting with them. steroids today are both safer than the oral steroids of the past and athletes now have it down to a science.

I also just watched the prescription drug documentary and it wasn't at all what you described. It wasn't even anti-painkiller. They just pointed out the fact that painkillers are taken recreationally on a massive scale and also pointed out the obvious that drug companies care more about profit than your health.

Why are we all ignoring the fact that Arnold was (and might still be) addicted to marijuana?

90% of his filmography are just action-focused fillums, whereas Conan is pure Arnold kino where action is an afterthought.
Most of the combat is choreographed to laughable theatre-bad levels, but the saga's scope, score and sets are tippity-top-tier.

Too bad Arnold's only input is being a shirtless mannequin who can't read lines and isn't an actor, but sure, Conan the Barbarian excuses his total inability to be anything more than a male model


Lol. Also weed kills your balls.

If it's not addictive then why don't you quit right now to prove it?

If you want to see Arnie really act, check out Commando. It's the film equivalent of Hamlet.

I don't take weed. I was put on dex as a child and to this day I have access to prescription amphetamines. They're like the drug from Limitless, including the part where you become retarded if you stop taking them. Still, the dex got me through school and into uni.

Anyway, weed sucks. it's probably just a high that's similar to being drunk. Amphetamines make you a machine. You'll fuck for hours.

>Also weed kills your balls.
No its an aphrodisiac and theres cat scans to prove it.


3 is okay, 4 is trash, 5 is a biohazard.

Wee is linked to decreased testosterone and increased ball cancer rates.

You know what's what. If you also took a cocktail of noots you could actually be the guy from Limitless. But still, you're on the right track. All successful people use amphs.


Cameron, Reitman, and Verhoeven films are abdolutely essential.

anything Titanic and after are non-essential

I mean Arnie related films. He is an action hero through and through. Their rivalry with Stallone is pretty forced since Stallone is pretty much a writer first, actor second, and director last.

I hope you aren't implying Pumping Iron was kino because all the best stuff is literally a lie.

staged city

All the commentary tracks by arnold for his movies. Very insightful.


3 is bad because it shits on the t2 ending and john is lame in it. It has a great fucking ending though 4-5 are so shit they dont exist