Who would you cast as Spider Jerusalem?

who would you cast as Spider Jerusalem?
I think JK Simmons would be based, but maybe he's too old

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John Malkovich or Patrick Stewart.

James McAvoy could probably do it. And he's the right age.

Jackie Earl Haley

which capeshit is this bozo from?

I think Ellis wanted Tim Roth to play him. But Jackie Earl Haley would be better. Or Jason Flemyng, he's a bit younger and has the physique.

Tobey Macguire

It's understandable why he would pick Tim Roth because he can do the crazy faces. JK Simmons, Patrick Stewart, and John Malkovich can't do the crazy as well as Tim Roth.

It's so funny how appropriate Transmet is right now. It was a standoff between JFK and Reagan figures in the comic. And it's the exact same extremes right now.


not all comic books are about dumb ass men in tights with super powers and le super epic marvel vs dc xDDD, pleb

Transmetropolitan is a real work of art, easily the best comic along with Love and Rockets, and its main character is amazing

>easily the best comic
I love Transmet but you are fucking delusion, it's not even the best thing out of Vertigo.

>And it's the exact same extremes right now.
Not really. Extreme right wing corporatist vs. extreme right wing egomaniac is not the same thing.

>Boring Lesbian book by hipster company

Cred Forums is a mistake.

I didn't enjoy this meme comic


Christian Slater

I was just thinking this. His character in Filth was about as unhinged.

> hasn't read Transmetropolitan

> thinks it's about sociopaths wearing their underpants on the outside

I hate Reagan with a fiery passion and revile his presidency, but how dare you insult him by comparing him to Trump


>being a Neo-Nazi
Those trips are the best thing that's happened to you in your wheel life

>every frog poster is a nazi
>implying reagan wasn't a half senile actor


What are some of your favorites?

He's got the free time now and knows all about wacky sunglasses.

We've already had this discussion and we reached the consensus of picrelated

Who is a younger Malcolm McDowell? Always kinda heard his voice as Spider. Though of course American somehow.

>sociopaths wearing their underpants on the outside
Yeah. Some just don't wear any.

Oh fuck, I didn't even think of him as an option.

>him coming out of the shower 100% hairless and cussing up a storm
100% perfect, he's hired.

>my comic book is REAL ART

Casual reminder that Ellis massively fucked up and the entire ending contains a plothole so big the whole conclusion is completely destroyed.

never heard of Moebius?

I always heard his voice as Jason Statham, but I doubt he would be a good fit for the role.


The camera thing?

Comics you say


Other than Transmet?
Swamp Thing

I always thought he looked PRECISELY like this guy.

Mary sends Spider a picture of Shackt hiring Vita's assassin taking with the camera he gave her, but he didn't give her that camera until well after Vita was killed.

That's not a plot hole.

Are you fucking stupid?

Supergod was a better series although it didn't feel like he got to fully flesh it out. I also didn't like how it suffered from the need for some gay fuck DC-looking dude in gold armor to get into a battle with someone else in gold armor.

I would have liked it to be a lot more expanded upon like something similar to Outcasts.

Thanks, I am compiling a "must read" list of comics. I have read Watchmen, Transmet, and Maus. I am currently reading Saga. Sandman is next on my to do list as I have heard excellent things.

Ah. In that case I need to specify Alan Moore's run on Swamp Thing, not Swamp Thing as a whole.

Hope you enjoy Sandman, it's honestly one of my favorite things of any medium.

still capeshit

I appreciate it.

very few americans have, because they're almost as ethnocentric as the editors of The Face (who seriously believed that nothing worth writing about ever happened outside of London).

Who will play her?

Anna Kendricks.

this comic is just a Scottish wank not understanding Hunter S. Thompson
it's an American thing

Leonardo Di Caprio

>It was a standoff between JFK and Reagan figures in the comic

you're historically retarded

>but he didn't give her that camera until well after Vita was killed.

that was a flashback issue, dumbo

Sam Rockwell.

It can only be him, right age, right talent.

>Supergods was a better series

>Fucking Supergods

Holy fucking Christ.

Do not listen to this post, it is pure cancer.

It's like praising Fight Club as the best Fincher movie or Jack as the best film from Francis Ford Coppola.

Idris Elba

He was fully senile at the end

>he buys into the graphic novel meme

shameless manchild.

>graphic novel

Pick one.

Dude, i love Supergod but this must be some shitty bait.

I've started it recently since it's reccomended basically everywhere, but it's full of the "wake up sheeple" rethoric and edgyness that was so popular in comics of that time. The world building is excellent tho'.

illustration =/= art

If this is a troll, then you get a fucking 10/10 because I am mad as a motherfucker.

Yeah. The comic is '90s as fuck. But that is something you need to embrace when reading it.
It is edgy and stupid, and it's fun because it's edgy and stupid.

This can be masterpiece or absolute garbage. Nothing in between.

Hopefully nobody.

Please don't butcher this like they did with Preacher.

God knows how much SJW feely feely bullshit they'll cram into it considering the original source.

Would it be easier to cast King Mob instead? Like as in Johnny Depp?

>it's already happening


>Transmetropolitan: the 90s comic that's bang up-to-date on Donald Trump

Just fucking kill me.

How can this be anti-trump?
Trump is basically The Beast.He's cruel,dumb and doesn't give a shit about people.
But Hillary is much worse,she's the smiler,she promises things she can't deliver and just wants to be in charge to shit on everybody's plate.

Michael B Jordan or Jamie Fox

I'd say they're the opposite. Clinton seems much more pragmatic to me, and far closer to the fuck you got mine of the Beast than Trump is.

Trump's the one promising to return America to the 50's despite radical shifts in public consciousness and the global economy.

Writer doesn't acknowledge that at all, just labels Farage as The Smiler which makes zero fucking sense.