What went full retard ?

What went full retard ?

>not having Lily Rabe as the reenactment girl, rather than interview girl

Every second of screentime without Lily in it is a second wasted.

Throwing everything and the kitchen sink at the wall and finding out little sticks resulting in a clusterfuck of a narrative?


Jesus this show sucks. Maybe it would be good if it could just try and follow a single narrative. Nope, the same episode you have aliens you also get demons, nazis, anne Frank and zombie creatures.

The WORST part is that it's not even fun. It's just stupid.

Anyone looking for a good horror show with multiple stories AND a cohesive plot, watch Penny Dreadful.

that sarah paulson bitch annoys the shit outta every time shes on screen

I hate listening to Sarah Paulson speak, so it's a toss up

She was fuggo in season 1 but got hotter and hotter. Now she looks beautiful. Hollywood is amazing like that.

I hate this format. I hate Paulson's stupid contact lenses. What the fuck is this theme even supposed to be? Like... The Conjuring or some shit?

The worst part is that the concept doesn't work. Shows that have the format of interview and re-enactment, don't have re-enactments that look like this, have this level of production design, have score and special effects. It's so inauthentic.

>wanting to have beautiful Rabe act out the frigid bitch segments

I don't know, man. Watching Eva Green sperg out every episode kind of started getting on my nerves.

There you go

Ive only seen season 1.

The concept of a nurse looking like an old hag to females and like a hot slut to men is an awesome concept. I was even into the story for a little while. I dont remember at which point the story just got retarded, but i just remember that it was never scary in the least bit, and that finale was just embarrassing.

Never bothered with the other seasons.

I don't want to sound Cred Forums but you have to admit, the interracial stuff is pretty forced. It's just that it's ALWAYS a white woman and a black man, which makes it so transparent.
>Gang of white guys playing knockout game
>Attack a black man
Literally the opposite of reality.

I'd do anything for a high-quality, well-produced horror anthology series instead of this retarded AHS and Scream Queen reddit shit.

I like to think that the show's writers are playing this out as a cautionary tale of the potential horrors of interracial marriage.

>Shitting on Scream Queens

What the hell is the point of this format anyway? It's like they wanted a slice of the Office/Modern Family pie where they could just do away with any ambiguity and have the characters just straight up tell the audience what they're thinking and doing. It certainly hasn't been used to great impact, it just shows who survives to the end.

I think the theme is just "out of ideas"

Well so far it's done nothing but demonize whites.
>Evil whitey knocking out black man
>Evil whitey rapist gets apprehended by black police
>Evil whitey hillbillies stink-eye black man, who literally refers to them as "white trash"

>'AHS Season 6: The Spook Gets Spooked'

AHS Asylum is the worst piece of television I've ever watched. Bar absolutely none. Why any of you would subject yourselves to this shit I've no idea.


Actually no. Kit (Evan's) character from season 2 was a white male with a darker skinned female. Could have been black. But you are right, although you gotta understand this is by the same makers of glee, and that show had fat shaming, gay intolerance, trans, bi, retard shaming, hell I'm pretty sure one time they had midget shaming as well.

It's literal reddit / fag / tumblr 16 year old girl tier.

Why watch it when that's the target audience?

I enjoyed the first two or three episodes, but it went downhill after that and I couldn't watch the rest because it was so shit.
It was amazing how they turned something exciting into shit so fast.

ikr i cant stand her

I liked last season up until the half way point where it lost all its direction. Other than that, Season 2 is the only other time I was entertained.
This season is so bad. Way too much pandering to SJW.

Only saw the first episode of the new season and didn't find the plot interesting at all. Last season had vampires, ghosts, serial killers, serial killer ghosts, and a abomination babby. Hopefully this season is more than a platform for muh poor black man being victimized with his white wife by rednecks.

you're fucking dumb if you think they're not doing something with the format. Murphy already said there's a big twist coming in ep 6

Yeah but why should anyone care? We know they survive anything happening because they're telling the story to us.

The twist is that they are ghosts

I stopped watching this show after season 2. Tried picking up again with the clown season and it physically pained me. How is this shit still on tv?

That's incredibly underwhelming, but exactly what's to be expected when Murphy stops giving a shit about his shows

I was very disappointed. I was hoping she would get blacked.