What's your pleb filter movie, Cred Forums?

What's your pleb filter movie, Cred Forums?

Not Apocalypse Now. Lots of plebs like that film

Post yours then.

The Warriors


S. Darko


The Untouchables

anything by [popular director], he is a real hack. everyone who likes [popular movie franchise] is a massive pleeb. I am a true patrician because I like [foreign director from the 50s].

Anything Tarkovsky


I'm a pleb

The Mirror

on so many levels

there are even lots of people who like and admire this who manage to find ways to hit the pleb filter

the most patrician shit you can do is watch what you enjoy and not care otherwise

also the enigma of kaspar hauser, if you don't like that movie you're probably a girl

He's right, my pleb mother loves that film. Though so do I. It's a film plebs and patricians can enjoy. It sort of sounds like you may be a pleb also, but don't worry apocalypse now is down the right path. Try to watch foreign movies just as much as you do english ones.

Both of these are enjoyed by plebs and patricians.

There Will Be Blood

Definitive proof Jay is a dressed-up pleb.

This. AN is one of my favourite movies, but it is by no means a good pleb filter
The same applies here


tooth hurts

Tree Of Life

Surprisingly good acting from Eisenberg, Garfield and Timberlake. 10/10 Editing and score.


Blue Velvet

This 100%
This to an extent. Plebs rate it highly, but not as much as it deserves

>Cred Forums watches movies with actual substance because they've dived so far into film as a medium

>Plebs say they don't really enjoy those directors and they're just being contrarian when they're on an exclusive diet of capeshit and CGI reliant blockbusters.


is it really so plebeian to like this movie? i mean i dont love it. but i dont think its bad either.

surely it being heavily overrated by the lowest of the low tier human shit class has played a large part in how this movie is viewed in society.

13th Warrior.

Bad pleb filters
Good pleb filters

I find the very use of the word "pleb" is indication of a pleb.

surely you have to realize that in a way youre both right. appreciating kino without having to shit on plebs should be easy. but for some reason people have to let everyone else know how superior their taste is.

user, I have some news for you...

Found the pleb.

quit being a smart ass.

by pleb filter do you mean a bad movie that plebs like or a good movie that plebs will call boring/bad?

God dennis hopper is just fucking amazing in this movie.

Didn't read the thread, just need to say this.


in knowing that whoever likes that garbage is a pleb

Shitting on plebs keeps more of them off Cred Forums. This place needs to shit on plebs a lot more

Depends, user.

I don't shit on plebs, this pleb was shitting on me and i had to shit on him to prove my dominance. I try to discuss kino in peace with fellow patricians but plebs always come to buzz in my ear, like a pesky fly.

Your post is vague. Is the liking or dislike of the movie indicate the pleb? This thread was its own pleb filter, poorly contrived, all about quantity not quality (cough png). Also OP is a fag.

man i want to rewatch this

For sure Interstellar.

People who say "whoah man it's so deep and scientifically accurate" I avoid so the pleb doesn't rub off on me.

Time dilation is fucking taught in high school.

only good movie in this thread passing through.

A pleb filter is a good film that plebs dislike. You are both clearly newfags
So are you

I have a specific filter. The perfect patrician will prefer Kill Bill to Pulp Fiction but ultimately hate both of them.

Pic related is premium quality pleb bait

wait. ive got it.

The Dark Knight.

and pic related is an excellent patrician litmus test

really did so much for project managers around the world

It means both I guess.


Actually it's a movie for plebs who think they're patrician. Style over substance: the movie

>The Dark Knight Rises


Idiocracy is the film of plebs who think they're patricians. This a special kind of pleb. Redditors, basically.

my mistake. i thought it could also be something they mistaking think is the best movie ever.

that's what I meant with pleb bait, doofus

>A pleb filter is a good film that plebs dislike. You are both clearly newfags
This is such a pleb answer. Plebs like everything. Hating things is what makes you cool.

That's a really good reverse pleb filter.

Personally I consider it the most overrated movie of all time.

this was boring as shit desu

did he even cuck that minstrel with the slutwife in the end or what

David Lynch's Dune

You sound like a salty pleb

And there's the pleb.


you're a pleb

but no the only person cucked was the blacksmith

thats exactly what i meant by posting it. its decent capeshit that everybody who saw it acted like it was the greatest thing to ever be filmed. ask someone how they feel about this movie and youll get a great understanding of what they know about movies.

Hey, it works!




Southland Tales. Absolutely top notch film.

so true. i mean if you arent lying to yourself it doesnt really matter what anyone likes. and being better than other people takes an effort. when you watch an old fucking movie you have to make an effort to adjust yourself to what youre seeing and absorb it like it was meant to be seen. you dont have to adjust when you watch modern garbage. so patricians get pissed when plebs talk about flicks and they havent put any work in.

but that doesnt change the fact that hating shit is obviously what separates the men from the boys.

hes right tho


What's this?

this is objectively High Camp and approvable tier kino

sucks for you that you are stuck at the surface, while all the patricians are getting into the many layers of symbolism of this film (sort of like the sand worms, but not literally)

me, a plebn? stop giving me an existential crisis pls. should I know mope around in semi slow motioned black and white?

fuck you and fuck you

have you shits even watched any other bergman?

If you're not into this, you can never own a steed.

Nah, plebs love this. It's actually quite overrated

that movie sucked.

im not even trying to be funny. i didnt get it. it sucked. i have no fucking clue what people see in it. did you also love v for vendetta cuz that shit sucked too.

thats why he said "reverse".

Meant for

Under The Skin

of well then youre on the money. that movie was garbage.

getting defensive is the true mark of a pleb

Speed Racer

Speed Racer>/thread your own post
Stay new

scarlet diva
lair of the white worm
rolling thunder

stay fag



what film is this?

If your pleb filter is a post-1990 film you are a fucking pleb

From the small thumbnail it looked like the frog brothers from the lost boys XD

lol cause the 80's was such a gr8 time for cinema


If they can't enjoy the ridicule of it, they can fuck right off.

The Searchers

>filters out plebs who don't like old movies
>filters out plebs try-hards who think westerns need to be dark and gritty
>filters out plebs who complain "racism" while completely misses the point

>tfw can't tell if serious

But I've loved that movie since my older brother took me to see it in theatre user


100% serious, even bought the comic (helpful for understanding but honestly don't remember liking it that much)

>no batman vs superman

has Cred Forums finally ended this meme for good?

specifically the ending

I watched it the other day with 5 of my normie friends who had never seen it, and as soon as Llewellyn died they all immediately went "dude wtf!!"

And like clockwork when it cut to black after the sheriff's dream they all just stuck out their hands

In a purely personal basis, pic related.

So many people I know dislike this movie for the most idiotic reasons; it's usually clear that it's because they wanted standard capeshit plot or Transformers-tier crap. I think the lack of quips weirded them out too.

Literally art.

The Deer Hunter. There are still plebs who think the wedding scene is too long.

But user, it's feminist propaganda

... said my father

My Dinner with Andre



It's not a movie, but rather movieS of two directors:
Wong Kar Wai and Rob Zombie.

If the person doesn't like movies from these directors, he/she is a pleb. Especially if he/she doesn't like Wong Kar Wai movies, then it is a redflag for me.

My honest pleb filter film is also one of my favorite films all time.

I know it's not the most popular here though.

this is my pleb filter

why rob zombie? i don't think i've ever seen his films.

Another one of mine

I think you got it wrong, it's the contrary of that

Pretentious slog. "The End" is so fitting.
Maybe years ago. Everyone has jumped on this bandwagon.
As long as the person isn't a dudebro or a hip hopper, this is actually a good pleb filter.

Brian Depalma is a good pleb filter in general. Weeds out the dorks and the lit nerds from the people who actually understand films.

Maybe something simple like a Bergman or Godard film

>I think you got it wrong, it's the contrary of that

Barry Lyndon

absolutely. tried watching it with my roommates and they couldnt stand it

This one. Though it's not that funny in english.

>Style over substance
theres that meme again

Transformers 2007

does anyone dislike this movie?

you'd filter patricians with Leldecky, not plebs


I'm honestly surprised at its audience RT score, you might be right

ugh, not a bright one, huh?

They're fun exploitation horror movies.

fucking plebs man

Haha oh yeah Halloween was soooo fun!

never fails

I liked the kid Michael part of his 2007 Halloween.

Great movie that if it weren't done so perfectly would come off as pretentious


To the Wonder and/or Knight of Cups

>Style over substance: the movie

"Style over substance" is a phrase only used by intellectually lazy people. It's convenient because you don't actually have to produce arguments and "substance" is such a vague of a term it could mean anything so you don't have to explain yourself.

This post doesn't have any substance.

no ;_;

well memed

Freddy Got Fingered is ultrakino



this film

The subway scene especially

>tfw no qt Frenchfu wife who cucks you for a demon and who also has a kindhearted doppelganger with green eyes

Probably most correct answer ITT. My friend is a huge horror fan and even he pleb'd out

beep beep! coming on through

pleb filter for reddit maybe

I usually ask which is a better Bond parody: Austin Powers or OSS 117?

only if you have seen his other work

Austin Powers by a mile

People who like this movie cannot be trusted. Not just in their opinions on movies either. It's one thing to say you liked the visuals but if you actually enjoyed this movie there is something wrong with your brain.


So is the phrase "pleb filter", yet here we are



I don't think it's vague though. It's a film you would show to a person to determine whether their taste in films is good enough for you.

this is a pretty glood pleb filter I've found.

>literally nothing happened
>it was pretentious
>it made no sense

what's this?

I fucking love this movie

here's a good one.

Eyes Wide Shut
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
Lost Highway
Bridge of Spies

TDK were successful, because he was well-created to be loved by patricians, but also easy for plebs to understand.

good movie, I think it was fairly popular with the plebs though

i like your taste senpai

>ITT movies from IMDB top 250
>pleb filters

this is actually a pretty good filter
>plebs see it as the greatest movie ever
>"patricians" dismiss it as a shit movie because it's capeshit
>true patricians see it as a genuinely well-crafted action movie with great characters

>well crafted action
Either bait or retarded. Nobody is denying ledger didnt knock it out of the park but the film drags on too long and nolan shoots himself in the foot in the final act

Thanks a lot famalam

What's their favorite between Alien and Aliens


thanks for proving my point

lmao nah and you're not a true patrician

this post is embarrassing

Nah he's right. The action aspect of the film is mediocre at best. Nolans ineptitude in that regard was highlighted even more in TDKR

donnie darko

keep it among us it is pretty shit

>well-crafted action movie
watch it again user

Women and plebs will NEVER understand this movie.

This. People with ADD can't sit through it.


plens plz leave

>not Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem
s m h t b h f a m

I wanna suck on your toes.

your father is a faggot MGTOW that should find himself a shack in the woods and spend his days trying to fuck squirrels

>Nobody is denying ledger didnt knock it out of the park

>ebin licking muh lips jokah


You must have autism to think that stands out as much as you do and doesnt fit the actors performance

sure, it matches the character right, but it was literally teh epic performance and his only gimmick

Gay Niggers from Outer Space
Hotel Mario: The Film
Wand of Gamelon
Faces of Evil

Everyone on this board is a pleb so there's really no need for one.

Netflix: The Thread

this movie is incredible but also extremely overrated. bad filter.

This right here.

Because if you've reached the point where you can't enjoy pure disasterkino, you are an absolute pleb.


I have a pleb filter director instead.

This man gets it and the irony of noone noticing it proves the man's point.

that's not tarantula.

thats some really good shit

thinking a movie can act as a pleb filter is pleb think

>things actual plebs say

Good suggestion

plebs love this film but they dont really "get" it

This and Fury Road.

vampires kiss

Do they use the word pleb?
Do they post on Cred Forums?

seen it. shit sucked.

>im melancholy, oh look he is too: the movie

coppolas pleb filter is the bling ring, most dont get it. lost in translation sucked

I guess you kinda have to be a weeb to get anything from it

i readed all the books faggot... stay pleb with your director's tier shit vision that some dude told you at starkbucks. God i hate film hipsters

The Fountain

I like that no one knows what OP is asking

But if you don't like Signs, fuck you.

Bats vee Supes

Not true. I love Japanese culture. I disliked that movie a great amount. I still don't know why it's liked so much.



anyone who likes it is immediately lesser human being and pretentious plebeian

This movie is an absolute masterpiece.

2001 A Space Odyssey
The film has critical success so anybody watching it may have at least heard about it that being said the movie is long, dry, and difficult for plebes to focus through
There are three kinds of people there are three kinds of people who watch the movie The über- plebes who can't get even halfway through without turning it off or looking at their phone
then there are the regular plebes who might get more than halfway or finish it but by the end they pretend like they now whar it's all about and then there is a I guess the regulars guys who didn't necessarily understand it in their first viewing but want to see it again to analyze the picture more closely.
Then you have patricians, though I've never met one to gauge a response from.

Wait what people didn't like Fury Road? It was fucking perfection, I don't know how anyone could outright hate it.


Nah I doubt most plebs had the attention span for its pacing.

kys and i mean it this time

plebs says refn is the best. its only 90 min


Not movie but NGE.

Anyone who says it's bad or overrated are complete plebeians with a reddit account.

This movie wasn't spectacular but I loved it, I imagine most people would hate it though since it has almost no story.

Paris, Texas.

Also if you don't cry during or after you're a faggot.

surf ninjas

he was talking about Jesse James and no, plebs absolutely hated Only God Forgives

First Alien.

Second Alien is stuck-up no fun filter tho

Of you like the watchmen movie you're a pleb.

Underated post.


no they didnt this board is full of plebs who love it, if you love anything refn you are a pleb

>Actually it's a movie for plebs who think they're patrician. Style over substance: the movie

I don't think this is the poster for batman v Superman

no its only god forgives

if they get bored before they load the trucks, I do not respect their opinion on film

Complaints go something along the lines of

>It's too feminist
>It's just people driving around da hole movee

I thought it'd be perfect for people who just want nonstop action with little to no pause, but there we go.

more like i couldnt care less way to waste a good cinematographer with borderlands part deux blue and orange mad max fuck road

Not entirely sure what you've just said, but poor grammar is to expected from the lower classes

>more like i couldnt care less
>way to waste a good cinematographer
>on borderlands part deux
>blue and orange
>mad max fuck road

What the fuck is Borderlands? Isn't that some sort of Cred Forums thing? Is that where you're from?

Damn vidya kids

maybe if you could use your brain, mad max fury road is a stupid sequel that panders to reddit and yes borderlands to please that crowd with nonsense. No i dint play videogames but i know what borderlands is you fucktard. and so do most of the people that paid to go see that garbage

Chill out, m8, there's no reason to get triggered just because you have an unpopular opinion

the ol leddit switcharoo. kys

he's right

Monty Python and the holy grail

>he says on Cred Forums

Winter Light is my favorite Bergman, you shit.

Alright, user, "he's" right, don't get too worked up over it

The better way is to just ask someone why he likes that film, kinda like Heinz dilemma, the reasoning is what matters.

But it would probably be a slow film, without too much action or comedy, maybe something like Citizen Kane (never met a pleb who liked it).

Showed it to my class in 7th grade, everyone loved it (gifted class, but still, that kind of humor is very accessible)

Babe: Pig in the city

you're right, this movie is reddit trash

this desu