Rec me something as flawless as pic related

Rec me something as flawless as pic related.
>the soundtrack
>the speechless beauty
>the intensity

Other urls found in this thread:

Valhalla Rising

Pic related, the only 10/10 kinography you'll ever need to watch again.


downloading these
fuck you

Trapped In The Closet is unironically better than every Refn movie that isn't Drive you underage pleb

Get the Pusher trilogy while you're at it

Master & Commander

Add Bronson to the other Refn movies mentioned.

You might also like Place Beyond The Pines. I thought it was cold shit, but a lot of people compare it to drive, probably just because of Goose but its worth a shot.


honestly turned this movie off before the halfway mark.

most Mann movies.

these. so good.

fuuuuuck, dont remind me.

Heat (1995.)

are you saying heat is bad?

You have bad taste


Trips confirm.


It has everything the OP asked for and it's a great film

OP listern up:

Beyond the Black Rainbow
Repo Men
Tron Legacy
Too Late
Enter the Void

All have certain elements that you will appreciate if you love Drive

Oh and I forgot the one two Cronenberg punch,

A History of Violence (which is almost the same exact film as Drive)
Eastern Promises (which is the better of the two movies and a bit more subtle)

my nigga

never stop shilling this

Why would I ever stop? It's one of the 21st century's greatest works of art thus far.

Actually a decent movie, it's pretty artsy but it works okay.

you're right, more people need to know