What are some movies where at least two actor/actresses look similar to the point it's confusing to watch?

What are some movies where at least two actor/actresses look similar to the point it's confusing to watch?

Any Asian film.

that second guy is handsome as fuark

The Phantom Menace


I hate you white devils

That Obscure Object of Desire


Saving Private Ryan

Kurosawa's filmography.

Triggered whitey

>could've said Kagemusha
>no I'll just make an unoriginal joke showing how illiterate I am

When watching Heat I really thought that Robert Deniro and Al Pacino were the same guy for the first 30 minutes.

Don't be mean to him, he was born this way!

>Dat thinning

lord of the rings
only saw it once but
>all the wizards looked the same
>the hobbits looked the same
>the elves all look the same

kino how?

It's true though.


After watching The Departed, I was told to check out Infernal Affairs, the original Chinese film in which it was based on.

Good thing I saw The Departed otherwise I would not have understood the twist. All those chinks look alike so the reveal was totally lost on me.

being faceblind is tough.



Memes aside, the only reason I could tell the characters in Ran apart is that they wore different coloured outfits.

fuck black people

you have contributed nothing and your memes are transient at best

kill all black people soon

absolutely buttblasted.

The first time you watch sopranos its hella hard to distinguish the tertiary characters.

triggered, cuck?

I guess people don't have a problem telling you apart considering you look like this

Any film with a lot of characters

Any film with more than 2 black people of the same gender

Any film with more than 2 Asian people of the same gender

Awww, Ching Chong's mad, guys. Leave him alone!

He looks like Tyrone from Corrie.

we arr rook same

Thankfully they're such divergent personalities.

The Prestige

okay black jesus

there will be blood that movie is fucking bullshit

La French aka The Connection

Darlene and Shayla in Mr.Robot looked really similar for a while.

At first I thought Darlene was played by a skinny Kat Dennings

The Departed, of course

what the hell are you talking about