Anyone who likes The Force Awakens is turning their brain off, prove me wrong

Anyone who likes The Force Awakens is turning their brain off, prove me wrong.

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Ok then


>he hasn't earned his Ph.D in women's studies by writing a dissertation on the patriarchal elements of the Star Wars universe and how it relates to our modern society

Not even about the plot, the filmmaking, the acting directing and editing etc

How anyone could enjoy it is beyond me because I'm picking apart how poorly done everything

Anyone who likes the prequels has no brain to turn off, prove me wrong.

Okay thanks for your input

Anyone who dislikes The Force Awakens has a small dick, OP proved me right.

OP is not wrong. daisyfags btfo

As opposed to those deep complex high brow originals or prequels. Clearly intellectual material.

I like TFA, it's worth watching, I actually regret watching episode 1, 2 and 6.

>not watching the webm


>How anyone could enjoy it is beyond me because I'm picking apart how poorly done everything

Get your fucking ass in gear, Stoklasa

The prequels were comically bad and cheesy enough to be enjoyed ironically.

The original series, while not incredibly original or amazing, were decent films with a good story.

TFA is neither bad enough to laugh at nor good enough to actually enjoy.

By focusing on Rey you just revealed to everyone your thread and dislike of the movie is motivated by, wholly rooted in, focused on, etc by the now stereotypical insecurity so many on Cred Forums have where you're just a beta male and bothered she turned out to be the hero. A female, how horrible, how can your insecure beta personality handle it!! You'll deny its not insecurity but with each post will prove it over and over and over, like your fellow betas have been doing non-stop in all these threads where your dislike becomes obsessive compulsive

Your move

>Anyone who likes The Force Awakens is jerking their dicks off, prove me wrong.


>what is ENTERTAINMENT alex

>anyone who enjoys cinema as entertainment is wrong
it's star wars, not battleship potemkin


>being entertained when the OP pointed out the main character acts the exact same in the entire movie

What's not to understand?

It was entertaining but I cant stand the actress playing Rey. Clearly straight out of the casting couch

This is the most batshit thing I've read in awhile

it didn't feel like a Star Wars film. Each SW, quality aside had a grandness to them.

Maybe SW just doesn't translate well into today's massive blockbuster setting, or what constitutes one, but it felt very cheap and generic.

I felt NOTHING at Han Solo's death. In fact, No one gives a fuck that he's dead at all. He is sent off with nothing but a hugh between two characters who do not know each other - leia and Rey and Chewbacca doesn't even seem to care.

Perhaps space operas just don't work any more.

Xenomorph, seximexi, and Cred Forums's worst nightmare were pretty decent, but Carrie Fischer and the alien nigger were fucking terrible.

Fuck outta here with that. I understand Obi-Wan had some one-liners in the prequels, but the not-Yoda chick pissed me the fuck off along with Leai.

>n-no I'll hug this chick I just met and tell Chewie to fuck off event though he just lost his best friend

I didn't until clone wars cartoon fixed it.
That was one hell of a fix.

I can't argue with the truth. The prequels just had so much more depth and praise up until they were ruined by the plinkett reviews.

anyone who likes and is attracted to this xeno is a retarded low testosterone faggot

I'm high test and i love her


She was great as Exeter in This Island Earth.
Anti-Daisy is code for anti-Meta Luna

does anyone have any context or an inkling of what the fuck is going on in that post?

garbage movie. garbage lead actress.

kys for your low standards she couldnt be more unattractive

>to be enjoyed ironically
kill yourself.

That is easily medically refuted, OP. If you turned your brain off you'd be dead.

Louder, and with your mouth wider open.

People still like space operas, they're just riskier the alternative.

You need a lot to make it work, the story, the pacing, the characters and the environment all have to be amazing. A fast paced action like TFA is much easier to get right, but it will never have the same potential. It speaks volumes about the state of Hollywood today why one is more popular than the other.