BabyDick Masterson BTFO
Suck it, babydickheads

>Maddox still shilling on Cred Forums

Dick talked about this on Cred Forums

also not Cred Forums so sage

I really like how Maddox ended up having high school gossip fights on Youtube.

as someone who mains Cred Forums, any "internet celebrity" who hangs out on there or shills there or whatever is a piece of shit. Just look at The Right Stuff and those cringy faggots

>Ignoring the main points of Dick's arguments
>Dancing around the actual drama
Classic Maddox, no wonder nobody gives a shit about his podcast any more

Fuck you, Maddox has a wonderful podcast arguing with himself while Dick' has a badthink conservative podcast, you fucking Mongrel!

>literal who's internet drama

>if you pass out at a party it's your own fault if you get raped
Dick sounds like a dick________.

>women should expect to be raped if they pass out at a party

lol. This is what every beta "nice guy" grows into

This just makes me like the Dick guy. Am I an alt-right MRA Trumpkin goobergater manchild fucking white male now?

How many women have you driven off social media so far?


isnt that exactly what he is though?

>Mad "there is inherently nothing wrong with cuckolding" dox

Has he gone full Charlie Brooker?

Why is nobody uploading Dick Show bonus episodes

>Charlie Brooker

Maddox can't stop going on about how super tolerant and accepting he is. Not like you can be anything else if you want to be successful on YT.

yeah, well, may get banned sometime soon if your not

where is this rapelist maddox mentioned dick keeps? just curious...

Looked like fourplusfourchan.

Probably on the website that he showed in the video, genius.

wtf i hate dick now

4+Cred Forums

I cant believe people actually thought there was going to be a great exodus to there that would be an even better version of Cred Forums during #GG

That's new.

What am I, a copyright police?

If you are into maddox past highschool you have my utmost pity. His podcast is fucking awful

I wonder what did he mean by this. Not even memeing, Maddox should have played the full conversation not a tiny clip from it.

I think the context is pretty clear. Women who get raped have only themselves to blame.

holy shit how is this guy still relevant

haven't thought of him and his piss poor attempt at a website for ages now

>I wonder what did he mean by this

its pretty clear that dick believes if a woman gets raped, its entirely her fault, regardless of the circumstance, because she didnt take precautions and failed to prevent it