What are some tfwnogf movies? Preferably a sad ending that will make me want to an hero

What are some tfwnogf movies? Preferably a sad ending that will make me want to an hero.

She found another guy ;_;


you got one gf, you can get another

The Lopster

Seen it

I loved it but I feel like I could only watch it once.

The Last American Virgin

Moulin Rouge

Fallen Angels
Lost in Translation

watch Frantz, just came out
straight up kino

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.

I got dumped after a 10 year relationship 6 months ago and the first movie I watched was Turbo Kid

Almost enjoyed it back then, love it now

Miracle Mile, nerd gets gf but then his shit gets fucked up

dont read any spoilers or anything just watch it

>It's over Kidman, i have the high ground.

Don't watch anything with a happy couple ending, you WILL feel worse after, I wanted to kill myself after watching the ending of Fate/Stay UBW just after my breakup

Have you seen 5 cm. Per Second? You might like you w-weeb

>tfw you dump the girl
>tfw you feel free at last

op this is it

Swiss Army Man

It's the most Cred Forums movie I've ever seen

Blue Valentine

Forrest Gump, tfw he won't find another Jenny that'll give him a chance

Only good answer

>D-did he just call me a weeb?
>*teleports behind*

Now it's personnel, kid

Ex Machina?